/ / Types of glass used in our life

Types of glass used in our lives

Glass is present in our life for a long time.Imagine that once was different, now it is very difficult. All types of glass can be distributed according to applicability. Windows, doors, cabinets, dressers - all this applies to objects around us. But if you go into the kitchen, the plates, cups, glasses will remind you that they are also made of glass. Kettles, microwaves, coffee makers have glass surfaces, although glass is used here a little different, with special properties.

types of glass
Different types have been used in constructionglass Modern manufacturing methods allow to obtain sheets of large sizes, but their thickness is only 3 mm. For glass units, 4 mm glass is used with indicators not lower than M1.

Float glass is delivered to the manufacturer of glass packets. Here it is cut to the required size. The glass obtained by this technology has a smooth polished surface.

glass for doors
Another variation is patterned glass.The technology of its manufacture may be different. Glass for doors are usually made from this type. A huge selection of drawings allows you to choose a very beautiful pattern that is most suitable for your apartment. Patterned glass can be transparent or with a pattern, have a matte basis or color in the mass. The sandblasted glass is matte. Very nice stained glass windows in the door leaves. The technology of sintering multi-colored pieces of glass using high temperatures allows you to combine different colored blotches.

Рассматривая виды стекла, необходимо обратить close attention to reinforced designs. They are used in places where security measures are necessary. Metal wire in the form of cells inside the glass can withstand not only a blow, but also a fire. Such glass remains in the opening, even if it is broken.

glass 4 mm
An interesting option is the use of multiple glasses.Triplex is used not only in glass packs. In the automotive industry often used laminated glass. They are interconnected by a film that does not allow the fragments to scatter. Shop windows often consist of such glass.

If the glass 4 mm process a certain wayThis can be a tempered or thermal fabric. Processing can be performed using temperature or chemical composition. It is often necessary to install a sun glass. This is very important if the windows in your apartment are on the sunny side. To protect your furniture, it is enough to install glass with a film in the glass unit, which will pass the required percentage of light, but reflect the sun's rays. For improvement of temperature indicators use energy saving glass. A special coating that is applied on the inner side allows you to keep the heat in the apartment.

glass 4 mm
You can pick up multifunctional glass.It is diverse and simultaneously performs several functions. For example, it protects from the sun and retains heat. Considering the types of glass, we should mention modern methods and technologies.

Interesting self-cleaning glass:special coating allows for a long time not to wash the windows, while they remain clean. You can also select anti-glare glass. Even the name suggests that its use reduces the amount of glare. If we apply a coating on the surface that reflects up to 80% of all the rays, then we get a mirror.

All this diversity allows you to find your option, convenient for you and suitable for your requirements.