/ / Ball guide: types and installation

Ball guide: types and installation

We do not represent our life without furniture.And this is not surprising. Without it, it is impossible to rest, cook food, eat. Office furniture is designed to simplify the life of office workers as much as possible.

An integral part of any furniture aresliding elements which cannot be presented without guides. Today, manufacturers use several types of guides, the most common of which are roller and ball.

ball guide


Guides seem at first sight enoughsimple mechanism. They have a very interesting story. Progenitors of the guides can be called wooden and plastic bars, which used to be used in furniture as a fastener. After the bars began to use skid guides. The latter also did not exist for a long time, because they made an unpleasant creak during operation. In the case of seizure, it was necessary to put a lot of effort to move the structure from its place. All these problems were solved when the guide ball and roller appeared in the furniture. What is their feature?

Roller guides

Back in the 90s, roller guides appeared.At that time, furniture with such a mechanism testified to the viability of the owners. And it is not surprising, because their value was very high. At that time, technology developed rapidly, it contributed to the mass production of roller guides. The cost of furniture with this mechanism has decreased, it began to be used everywhere. At the moment, this type of guide is used in almost every type of furniture.

Installation of roller guides is quite simple.The advantage is a cost advantage. The disadvantage is the possibility of overturning the drawer when extending to its full length. After all, the roller mechanism is not equipped with counterweight or brake system.

Ball guides

The main competitor of roller guidesis a ball guide. They have a more complex structure and principle of operation. To move the box in this mechanism used balls, not wheels. They are located in several rows. Ball guides, like roller, move silently and smoothly. But their design is more complicated, which ensures good stability of the box and evenly distributes the entire load on its surface.

full slide ball guides

The design of the ball mechanism includes a brake system and counterweight. This allows the consumer to not worry about the length of the drawer extension and the load that is created on it.

The presence of several rows of balls allowssave some time on the repair of furniture. After all, if suddenly one ball breaks, then everyone else will be able to evenly distribute the weight over the remaining amount. Due to this, the ball guides of full extension have a long service life. You can buy wholesale and retail ball guides here moscow-furnitura.ru.

Features of ball guides

The above advantages justifyhigh construction cost. In addition, its installation also has many features. And you should periodically lubricate the balls and adjust the sliding elements. Ball guides for furniture are:

  • double row;
  • four rows.

They have significant differences.Four-row ball guides of full nomination are distinguished by a long service life compared to double-row ones. Indeed, thanks to its features, this design is able to withstand heavy loads.

ball drawer guides

More common is a two-row guide ball. Their cost is much less than the price of four rows. They are able to withstand loads of up to 35 kg.

В конструкцию шариковых направляющих входят metal balls arranged in two rows. They move evenly with respect to each other. Guides can be both partial and full extension.

Full drawer opening contributes to its opening.to the full depth. This is very convenient, because you can easily access all content. Ball guides with the closer are of great strength, which depends on the grade of steel thickness.

Advantages of ball guides

The advantages of this design are many.

  1. They are reliable. This means that for a long time you will not have to think about repairs.
  2. Drawer extends smoothly, silently.
  3. They are able to withstand a large load.
  4. You can install various modifications. The minimum length is 1.5 cm.

The disadvantages of ball guides

ball guides with closer

Of course, there is no perfect mechanism. Therefore, even the ball guides have some drawbacks:

  1. High cost (some types are three times longer than roller ones).
  2. Many modifications are not equipped with a self-closing mechanism.
  3. If these boxes do not provide for full extension, they cannot be completely removed from the cabinet without dismantling the guides.
  4. Special requirements for compliance with the parallelism of the side walls during installation.
  5. Small color range.


Ballpoint guide is often used infurniture for special purposes. This is ideal for bathrooms that use small cabinets of small length. Furniture with such guides is often purchased for hospitals and bedrooms, recording studios, etc.

Installation of ball guides is a rather complicated process that requires accuracy and accuracy. Therefore, it is better to use the services of professionals.

installation of ball guides

These guides are used in furniture in whichboxes are often pulled out. This is ideal for lockers with archival data in offices or for shelves with tools. The load on the boxes is directly dependent on the width of the rails.

Such furniture is very comfortable in small kitchens. You can install a microwave or a TV on small rails and close them in the closet.

Ball drawer guides are presented inseveral colors: black, colors of pure and yellow zinc, cold rolled steel, etc. Balls are made from nylon or steel. Plastic dividers are able to absorb sound.