Hortense has been pleasing man for several centuries.its beauty. In the eighteenth century, this flower attracted the attention of lovers and connoisseurs of the exotic. Homeland hydrangeas are America and Southeast Asia. The flower was named after the name of the princess, the sister of Carl Heinrich, who ruled the Roman Empire in 1768. In Europe, the plant was brought from Japan in the early 19th century.
Hortensia has 35 species and isa deciduous or evergreen shrub, tree or vine, depending on the species. This is a flower of amazing beauty, for which gardeners appreciate and grow it on their plots. To create compositions often use large-leaved hydrangea. Its terry inflorescences differ in size and variety of shades and colors.
Description of the species
Shrub hydrangea shrub representsis a deciduous plant up to two meters. Its shoots are upright, and the leaves are egg-shaped have a bright green color. From mid-summer to late autumn, large-leaved hydrangea blooms. Care for the winter is the same as for other plants of this species.
Растение образует шаровидные соцветия, которыми Topped with stems ends. The flowers attract the attention with bright coloring of different tones: pink, lilac, white, red and blue. Interest is the possibility to change the color of the flower. It is enough to change the composition of the soil. Blue flowers will grow on sour, pink on alkaline, and beige on neutral.
Large-leaved hydrangea is a thermophilic plant.She is susceptible to low temperatures. Shelter for the winter of large-leaved hydrangea is a prerequisite for growing. Planted plant in the ground in the spring and autumn. The soil before planting must be fertilized. And what - it depends on its composition. If the soil is alkaline, it is necessary to make sour peat. Hortensia prefers clay, red-earth soils. Before planting a hydrangea in the ground, whether it is autumn or spring, you need to shorten the roots, and in the spring planting time - also young shoots. Only a few pairs of buds are left.
Высаживают гортензию на расстоянии одного метра one bush from another. The holes are not deep, thirty centimeters is enough, since the root system of the plant is branched, but not deep. In every seat poured one-third of a bucket of humus. After planting, hydrangea should be watered abundantly, and the soil should be mulched with rotted manure.
Watering and top dressing
Hydrophilic plant is a hydrangea.large leaf Preparing for winter provides for the cessation of all watering, starting in late autumn. But during the growing season you need to water it, and better than rainwater, it is softer. One and a half to two buckets of water per plant is sufficient. If there is no rain for a long time, watering once a week is enough; in case of precipitation - once a month. Shoot strength increases if a weak solution of potassium permanganate is added to the water for irrigation. To prevent the soil from crusting, after watering, it is loosened for better air access to the roots.
You need to feed the flower during the beginning of growthand the formation of buds, in a period of rapid flowering. In late spring - early summer, the first after winter feeding is done with liquid manure and mineral fertilizer. After two weeks, do re-feeding. To increase the acidity, sawdust and rotten needles are added to the soil. In the autumn, hydrangea bushes spud 20-30 cm in height.
Preparation for winter
Сложно переносит зимовку в открытом грунте large hydrangea. Preparing for winter begins in autumn when the lower leaves are cut off and the plant is stopped to be watered. This allows young shoots to quickly become stiff. Before the onset of the first frost, all leaves except the uppermost ones are removed. They will protect the flower buds.
The large-leaved hydrangea needs feeding.Wintering will be more favorable if, before the onset of frost, fertilizers with a high content of potassium and phosphorus are applied to the soil. Nitrogen mixtures should not be used, they can contribute to the growth of this year's shoots.
Shelter for the winter of large-leaved hydrangeanecessarily, otherwise the plant will freeze and not bloom in spring. Young shoots may die or freeze slightly if frost occurs or the plant is not covered well enough. Spring need to cut frostbite part of the stem. This will not harm the plant, since the buds from which new shoots will grow are located deep in the center of the bush.
Ways to cover for the winter
Shelter for the winter of large-leaved hydrangea is carried out in several ways.
- The branches of the plant should be tied with a rope andbend them to the ground, on which the boards are put in advance with nails hammered through a short distance. A plant is tied to them and covered with fallen leaves, and then covered with lutrasil with holes for air access. Young hydrangeas are laid on fir branches, pressed on top with stones, covered with leaves and covered.
- The large-leaved hydrangea needs shelter.Preparing for winter is as follows. On the fir branches, laid around the bush, dry leaves are poured in a thick layer. Then the shoots of the plant are arranged in a circle. All this is covered with available materials in layers: spruce branches, lutrasil, sawdust and again spruce branches. Top stretched film or roofing material.
- The shelter of large-leaved hydrangea can be done like this.Around the hydrangea wound with sackcloth, a frame is made of a net. The distance between it and the plant is filled with dry leaves, and from above the structure is covered with a material that does not allow water to pass through. It may be roofing material.
- Demanding plant care is consideredlarge hydrangea. Preparing for winter begins long before its occurrence. In summer, all the leaves are cut down at the bottom of the plant. With the onset of autumn shoots bend down to the ground and pressed down on top of plywood. Before the first frosts, branches are tied, pinned and sprinkled with earth and fallen leaves. Plywood is placed on top. To the wind did not destroy the entire structure, plywood is piled up with stones.
Thus, the question of when to cover a large-leaved hydrangea, decide on its own, if you follow these recommendations.
Formation of large-leaved hydrangea bush
Hydrangeas like many gardeners.But in order to grow attractively shaped bushes, they need to be shaped. This is done in the spring, before the movement of the juice has begun, and the damaged buds and shoots are clearly visible. But, if you want to root the cuttings, it is better to prune during sap flow, so they will take root better.
On the shoots of last year large-leaved blossomshydrangea. Pruning is carried out taking into account this particular plant. When forming a bush, healthy shoots are not cut. You can shorten slightly frozen.
Needs pruning of faded shoots in autumnlarge hydrangea. Care for the winter will provide an opportunity to grow young shoots that bloom next year. Over-sheltered hydrangea is not cut, only old inflorescences are removed.
Spring is held:
- Sanitary pruning, in which the tips of shoots damaged by frost are slightly trimmed, and also dry and broken branches of the plant are removed.
- Anti-aging pruning involves the removal of old branches at the base of the plant.
Large-leaved hydrangea, the wintering of which will take place safely, after the preventive pruning looks in a new way. The shrub acquires a different shape and pleases with rapid flowering.
For hydrangea leaves and stems, great dangerrepresents the defeat of downy powdery mildew. The signs of this disease are oily yellow spots. Over time, they increase in size and darken. Young stems and lower leaves are covered with yellowish bloom. The disease develops with high humidity in the hot season. To combat this disease, the leaves and stems are washed with a copper-containing soap solution, which is absolutely harmless to the plant.
The hydrangea is amazed soa disease like chlorosis. Its sign is a change in the color of the leaves to lighter. The development of this disease contributes to a surplus of humus in the soil. To combat this disease, you need to water the plant with iron sulfate and potassium nitrate.
Often the lower part of the leaves is affected by the webtick. This can be immediately noticed. The leaves turn yellow and become marble. Then they dry up and fall off. Mite is a dangerous pest for hydrangea. During the year he repeatedly gives birth to offspring. High temperature and low air humidity are favorable environment for its reproduction. To combat the pest, the plant is sprayed with thiophos.