/ / Calibrated timber: features of use and scope

Calibrated bar: features of use and application

Calibrated timber today is quite commonwhen building houses. This is due not only to the exact dimensions, but also to the fact that at the heart of the walls of such a dwelling there will be natural wood, which is completely ecological. If we consider the features of a calibrated timber, then we can say that it is lumber, which is formed by the method of initial selection of logs and their further sawing to a given size and shape. When comparing the described species of timber with the usual, it can be noted that in the first case the geometry will strictly correspond to the declared dimensions. This result is achieved through the use in the process of processing four-sided professional machine.

Features of the use of a calibrated beam

calibrated timber

Before you buy a calibrated timber,It is necessary to take into account some characteristics that affect the particular use of the material. The described timber is not as durable as compared to a wild log house. This quality is due to the fact that in the process of cutting the fibers the billets are damaged, eventually the material becomes exposed to external influences. During use, a calibrated bar often forms cracks on its side on its surface. However, working with him is much more convenient, as it is easy to machine. And in the process of operation, it is sufficient to simply paint it, which lies on the surface prepared in the factory, ideally. The same applies to the application of putty.

Scope of use

profiled bar

Calibrated timber quite often usedin private housing construction also because the walls are very warm from it because of the excellent ability of the material to heat saving. Due to the fact that wood copes with heat conservation several times better than brick, a much smaller amount of insulation will be used in the construction process, which saves not only money but also power.

Calibrated timber is used quite often.and in the agricultural industry during construction, because its surface copes well with external influences, which allows the material to be used for a long time. Its surface is extremely resistant to precipitation and undergoes temperature fluctuations. If you do not have the skills to carry out work on the construction of the house, then this will not prevent you from building your own home in a few days, because with the use of this material a uniform installation is possible. In addition, the factory products give the exact shape and parameters that simplify the construction. After completion of the house turns out very attractive.

Features of the construction

wooden beam

Houses from a calibrated timber are built quitesimple, but the work can be called technical. In this case, it is extremely important to correctly mark the cut and cut. Despite the fact that wood acts as a relatively inexpensive building material, houses from a calibrated timber are not the cheapest. This is especially true of buildings that are built for permanent residence.

If there is a need to warm such a house, then you will need to use a ventilated facade, under which you will certainly have to place not only the insulating layer, but also a vapor barrier.

Fastening elements of the walls of a calibrated log house

bar dimensions

The timber of the calibrated type shouldfasten on a special technology that does not involve the use of nails or screws. This is due to the fact that the hardware promotes the corrosive processes of lumber at the time of shrinkage and shrinkage. Thus, if you use steel fasteners, it can cause a violation of the integrity of the walls and the elements in their base. The fastener must be made using dowels. These elements are represented by wooden pins, which in the manufacturing process are attached to a circular cross section.

In order to attach one wooden beam toanother, you must first prepare the holes, which are located not only in the lower but also in the upper bar. The length of the fasteners created should be divided into two in order to transfer the result to the lumber. However, in the process of carrying out work, be sure to ensure the stock. So, if you have to work with a nog, whose length is equal to six centimeters, then you need to make holes such that the length of each of them is equal to three and a half centimeters.

Hole preparation

houses from a calibrated bar

When making a hole, it is necessary to choose such a drill, the diameter of which should be equivalent to this parameter, characteristic of the fastening element.

Устанавливать крепеж необходимо в ряд, чтобы dug out of each other. If the house has a wall whose length is equal to six meters, then it is necessary to mount four fasteners. Two of them should be installed in the corners, while the other two - on the plane of the wall. If there are openings on the wall, fasteners should be installed around them. In order to eliminate the curvature of the openings, during construction it is important to install draft boxes, each of which becomes part of the window and door openings.

Features of the formation of the corner joint

timber price

When using a calibrated beam is necessaryto make an angular connection, for this purpose, in one crown it is necessary to cut a groove with a width of 50 mm, while its depth should be equal to 45 mm. But in another bar you need to form a spike with parameters equal to 50x50 mm. After the two elements are connected, the design can be prokonopat.

All rows of a calibrated bar must belaid jute. Due to the fact that the fiber has a significant coefficient of elasticity, the material is able to reliably protect the house from heat loss. This will save money on heating and make the room dry and comfortable.

Construction using a calibrated profiled beam

cube timber

If the work is supposed to useprofiled timber, it is necessary to apply the same technology as described above, however, the main feature is that a calibrated timber should be laid on the foundation as a starting rim, only after you can start building walls using profiled sawn timber. Corner joints must be formed by the same method as described above. But to work on the caulking iron is not necessary, since such walls do not need insulation because of the durable fit. We are talking about caulking iron, which is made after shrinkage and shrinkage at home. However, in addition to the lock joint, you need to use pins. At the stage of construction, as a rule, insulation is laid in the form of braids of flax and hemp. The seal is mounted in the grooves, which has a profiled beam.


The size of the timber can be different, it affectsmaterial price. Thus, if you prefer a timber, the cross section of which is equal to 150x150, then for one product, the length of which is equivalent to 6 m, you will have to pay a thousand rubles. But for a cube of timber - 7400 rubles. For a material with a cross section equal to 200x150 mm, the consumer will pay 1364 rubles, while for 1 m3 material - 7500 rubles.

The sizes of a bar of the calibrated type can benegotiated with the manufacturer, it will allow you to purchase products made to individual order. Such solutions help to realize the construction with less impressive labor costs and without the use of special equipment for sawing.

The timber, the price of which was indicated above, will allow to calculate the costs of construction.