/ / Fastening of timber to timber and to other surfaces

Fastening the beam to the beam and to other surfaces

Finishing works of any structure are performed withthe use of modern facing means. There are materials that have become very popular at the moment. This is a timber. Only it has several types and different ways of installation.

fastening of timber to timber

Varieties of timber for home decoration

If earlier such material as timber was of only one type, now it can be:

  • natural;
  • in the form of imitation.

Both materials have almost the same technical and quality characteristics.

What are their differences?

So, the first version of the material isfull-fledged logs, which are fixed on the basis of a specific frame, both inside and outside the building. The second type is considered more practical and not so expensive. On the one hand, it has a flat surface, and on the other, it is convex.

The advantages of timber in the finish

First, the material has an attractive exterior.view. Secondly, the fixing of the beam to the wall is quite simple and fast. It all depends on the type of construction, which is the basis for these works.

mount imitation timber

The main properties of any type of timber include:

  • ecological compatibility;
  • practicality;
  • durability;
  • reliability;
  • strength.

The sizes of materials are various.

Disadvantages of the material

To say that cant has anysignificant drawbacks, it is impossible. They are characteristic of any wooden material. The structure often infest insects that destroy it. Also there is no resistance to fire and moisture. Although all this can be corrected by special means applied to the surface of the material.

On what surface can be mounted real timber?

Fastening of a wooden bar is possible on such surfaces:

  • wooden;
  • brick;
  • stone;
  • monolithic.

It is designs of such materials capableto withstand heavy loads. In principle, the technology of installation of the finishing tools are similar. But if you are fastening the beam to the timber, then there are some recommendations for the implementation of the work.

What can be mounted imitation timber?

In such works there are no restrictions.This is due to the fact that the material does not have a large mass. And one of its sides is even. It is for this reason that the fixation of imitation timber can be performed even on plasterboard walls. To do this, there are certain technology performance.

How to mount a finishing bar to a wooden wall?

The most difficult is the fastening of the beam to the timber. The work process consists of several stages. There are also different technologies. So, you can mount the material:

  • on the frame;
  • with special bolts.

Consider each of them.

fixing timber to the wall

Installation of timber on the frame

This option is considered the most time consuming andin this qualitative way, with the help of which the beam is fastened to the beam. Previously, the wall surface does not need to be leveled, since the crate will hide all defects.

To perform the installation will need:

  • wooden bars and planks, slats;
  • wood screws;
  • dowel;
  • screwdriver;
  • perforator;
  • building level;
  • jigsaw or saw.

In the process of finishing you can conduct insulation and insulation of the house.

To carry out such work, you need:

  • sheet insulation materials;
  • stationery knife;
  • polyurethane foam.

As the first tool used foam or polyurethane foam. And the mounting foam is easily replaced with a sealant or similar substance.

So, on the surface of the wall is constructed crate of wooden planks. The width of its cells should not exceed 50 cm. Subsequently, this will make it possible to reliably fix the material on its surface.

If you carry out the insulation of the structure, then in these cellsinsert the cut sheets of insulating material according to the parameters of the pits. The gaps that are formed in the process of work between the frame and insulation, are treated with sealant or foam. With the last tool you need to work carefully, as it tends to swell after application on the surface.

Since the timber "breathes", you need to provide himair cushion. To do this, over the batten, in the cells of which sheets of insulating material are mounted, attach the second batten of the same size. Only then can you fix the timber to the timber using screws and long-legged bolts.

fastening of a wooden bar

Mounting material without frame

This method is simple.But at the same time, it is worth considering that it is impossible to perform the insulation of the structure during the work. So, pre-surface, especially wood, treated with special tools and primers. Then the process of screwing strips of timber with the help of dowels and screws is performed.

This method of mounting material is effectively used with imitation timber.

If the material is fastened outside the house, then inside it is necessary to carry out insulation work. Similarly with a different installation method.