/ Fecal pumps for dirty water. Price, reviews, specifications, instruction

Fecal pumps for dirty water. Price, reviews, technical specifications, instruction

Fecal pumps for dirty water are presentedtwo modifications: the first is designed for cold drains, the temperature of which does not exceed 40 degrees, while the second is for hot, while the temperature level should not rise above 95 degrees.

Customer Reviews

fecal pumps for dirty water

As the main advantage of the describedthe system is the fact that they are not afraid of solid debris, pebbles that can disable the drainage high-quality pump. At the site often have to pump not only sewage. On the territory of a country house, it may be necessary to maintain storm sewers, as well as eliminate spring floods in the basements. Fecal pumps for dirty water are used and, if necessary, drainage for the winter of the pool, as well as watering the vegetable garden, modern customers like this multifunctionality very much.

Universal solution

fecal pump Price

In order not to buy to solve eachtasks separate device, it is recommended to purchase a fecal pump. With it, you can pump out not only clean but also dirty water, as well as the one that was littered with silt, household waste and sand. Of course, for pumping out drinking water from a well and a well, such a device should not be used for hygienic reasons, but all household needs that may be associated with the supply or pumping of household water can easily be solved by the owner of such a device.

If you are considering in the store fecalpumps for dirty water, then, according to users, it is best to prefer models that are equipped with shredders. This indicates that semi-submersible systems should not be considered, because they very rarely install a cutting mechanism.

Technical characteristics of surface and submersible pumps

fecal wastewater surface pumps

Глубинные фекальные насосы для грязной воды they are most often supplied with shredders, since they are inside the drains and, when sucked near the inlet, are able to cut any debris. As for the surface models, only one hose will be located inside the effluent; the equipment itself will be installed near the sump. It is clear that the garbage is initially transported through the hose, only after the output will be crushed.

The first option is considered more practical, soAs you will not face such a problem as clogged hose. If a comparison between these units is made according to the criterion of design complexity, the surface wastewater pumps for dirty water are much easier to connect; this also applies to dismantling the equipment after pumping out the sewage;

Submersible Pump Instruction Manual

selection of fecal pump for dirty water

С погружным насосом дело обстоит несколько иначе and harder. The device must be lowered with a cable, fixed on the steel reinforcement, and after dismantling, which implies a complete cleaning of the unit, all this can not be called a pleasant procedure. However, during operation, this device will not emit noise, and the outdoor pump is capable of attracting attention through its actions.

If you are going to choose fecalpump for dirty water, it is worth considering that when buying a submersible option you will need to stock up enough strong cables and think carefully about the technique of lifting the device to the surface that you may need for maintenance.

Waterproofing characteristics

fecal pumps for dirty water

The fecal pump which price makes inan average of 4,000 rubles, can be purchased by you in the store of the relevant goods. If the pump is designed to work on the surface, then it is not supplied with waterproofing in factory conditions. This suggests that fog, rain and snow are strictly contraindicated. When pumping drains in the winter, there is a possibility of water freezing inside if the temperature drops below zero. This may cause damage to the device.

That is why for the house where the owners liveconstantly, the outdoor version can not be called too convenient. However, in the country, where they live only in warm weather, this model will become an indispensable tool. Before the onset of cold weather, the owners, as a rule, pump out the septic tanks, and then lay down the system for storage in the house until the beginning of the next season.

Submersible Pump Protection

drainage pumps for dirty water

If you are faced with the choice of a fecal pump fordirty water, then you may prefer the submersible option. By the degree of waterproofing, as well as resistance to aggressive environments such devices are out of competition. The manufacturer indicates that the device is designed for a ten-year lifetime of uninterrupted operation, while the use will occur in the conditions of sewage without dismantling. Thus, such a unit you can buy only for sewage, install it in the cesspool and completely forget about it. Automation will work after the level of sewage will be above the critical level. As soon as everything is deflated, the system will shut down.

Такие фекальные насосы для грязной воды, отзывы о which, as a rule, are the most positive, imply the necessity of arranging the system of septic tanks, into which the equipment will inject sewage. If you drop the hose off-site into a ditch, into a forest or onto a road, the neighbors will inform the appropriate authorities.

When not to choose a submersible pump, or the weaknesses of submersible models

Deep fecal pump, the price of whichmentioned above, has a negative feature, which is expressed in the complexity that arises when disassembly is necessary. If from time to time there are questions about pumping water from a pond, watering a vegetable garden, or draining septic tanks, you will have to wash the casing every time, and then dry it. Such systems are made using very durable cast iron, plastic or stainless steel, but you need to take care of such a device, like any other household appliances.

Instructions for choosing a device depending on the power

If you are interested in drainage faecalpumps for dirty water, then you should definitely pay attention to such factors as the power of the device, it will depend on this the life of the device. If you use the equipment throughout the year, and also carry out pumping every month, then the surface type system will not work for this. Submersible options can have completely different capacities, with 40 kilowatts being the maximum value. This force is sufficient to raise the contaminated liquid to a height of 20 meters.

Thus, they are suitable for deepcesspools If you are considering superficial fecal pumps for dirty water, then it is important to calculate the capacity for certain needs. It should take into account the depth of the sump, as well as the distance to the place where the impurities will be received. For example, if a septic tank has a depth equivalent to 8 meters, the hose is needed by 30 meters, then the following calculations must be made: the depth must be added to the length of the hose, and then divided by 10. The final value is 11 meters.