/ / Shell-and-tube heat exchangers - efficiency and cost-effectiveness of heat engineering solutions.

Shell-and-tube heat exchangers - efficiency and efficiency of heat engineering solutions

Rationality and efficiencythermal energy in a market economy can be attributed to the main factors that have a direct impact on the definition of a strategy for technological re-equipment and technical re-equipment of any enterprise. Reliability, efficiency, availability of warranty and service today are the basic elements on which economic success and prosperity of all participants in economic relations are based.

Shell and tube heat exchangers

When purchasing new types of equipment, anythe organization is guided primarily by the above criteria. High-quality shell-and-tube heat exchangers are just such efficient and economical equipment. Today, the relevance of these devices for enterprises of any profile and focus is not even subject to doubt. At the present time, shell-and-tube heat exchangers are most widely used in the petrochemical, chemical and food industries, in the housing and utilities sector and in the energy sector.

Shell and tube heat exchanger

Visibility, brightness of such newtechnical and economic decisions that have a lot of advantages in comparison with obsolete types of equipment have recently attracted more and more enterprises in various sectors of the national economy. After all, shell-and-tube heat exchangers can significantly reduce the consumption of heat resources, which has a positive effect on the cost of production and, consequently, on its final price. And this is extremely important in modern economic realities with their conditions of fierce competition.

Shell and tube heat exchangers aredevices, where the process of heat exchange between different working environments (regardless of their technological specifications and energy purpose). As a rule, such devices perform the functions of heaters, evaporators, condensers, pasteurizers, deaerators, economizers, etc.

Shell and tube heat exchangers

Кожухотрубные теплообменники могут иметь extremely diverse technological purpose and used in the production of various profiles. The range of their use today is unusually wide. Shell-and-tube heat exchanger, the main structural elements of which are bundles of pipes with gratings, housing, pipes and caps, can be used as a unit in which the transfer of thermal energy is the main technological process, or as a reactor in which heat exchange is exclusively auxiliary.

The principle of operation of shell and tube heat exchangersIt is based on the process of heat transfer from a medium moving at high speed inside small diameter pipes to a medium circulating in the casing. In order to increase the intensification of the heat exchange process, such units are often equipped with special partitions in the pipe and annular spaces.

Кожухотрубные теплообменники могут иметь vertical, horizontal or inclined spatial orientation (depending on the requirements of the process and in accordance with the ease of installation). Such units are a full-fledged alternative to plate heat exchangers, in comparison with which, although they have lower efficiency of energy transfer, they have a relatively simple design and low cost, which can be a decisive argument when choosing such equipment.