/ / When to Plant Cabbage on a Seedling

When to Plant Cabbage On a Seedling

In the greenhouse, before planting the main crops, you cangrow quality seedlings of different varieties of cabbage. These are early varieties, medium and medium varieties of white cabbage, as well as cauliflower and others. Therefore it is important to know when to plant cabbage on seedlings. Seeds in white cabbage are already beginning to germinate at 3 degrees. And at 20 degrees of soil temperature this process accelerates and achieves optimal germination (3-4 days from seeding). Put in the greenhouse is best of the broken and already adopted seedlings, which were previously grown at home.

For white cabbage, standard seedlingsshould have no more than five real leaves. Its age should be from the moment of emergence about two months. Accordingly, you need to calculate when to plant cabbage on seedlings. If you are going to plant seedlings in late May, then sowing should be done somewhere on March 25. All frosts can withstand and at the same time give a high yield only high-quality, strong and seasoned seedlings. Therefore, you must strictly follow the order of how to plant cabbage seedlings.

The pledge of good and strong seedlings is correctpresowing seed treatment. First of all, you need to make seed selection manually by size, the best are seeds having a diameter of about 2 mm. For the purpose of processing, before planting cabbage for seedlings, the seeds are placed for 20 minutes in water with a temperature of almost 50 degrees, then cooled in cold water for 3 minutes and dried until flowability.

Against kyla and bacteriosis, another 20 minutes are possiblewarm seeds, the temperature should be 50 degrees. And after such a temperature treatment for 1.5-2 hours, they should be placed in a solution with a concentration of 0.5 g / liter of ammonium molybdate and boric acid. To increase seed germination, they are treated in a 0.5% urea solution.

Some truck farmers recommend sowing seedscabbage already on January, 15th. Terms of sowing seeds when planting cabbage on seedlings are determined by the fact that from sowing seeds and till the appearance of amicable shoots passes from 8 to 12 days, and even 45-50 days pass from seedling to full seedling. Precisely also determine the time when planting cabbage seedlings in color.

В посевных ящиках сеянцы должны расти до the appearance of the first real leaf, then they are raspykirovyvayut. During picking, all late and weak, as well as affected by the "black leg" and lack of apical buds, should be culled. When picking, the seedlings (especially if they are stretched) are buried almost to the cotyledons, so that the seedlings are strengthened by the formation of additional rootlets. A special seedlings for growing cabbage seedlings are not required, it should be the same as for seedlings of other vegetables.

Если рассада выращивается в теплице под пленкой, then the light conditions for it are quite favorable, so plants will not need additional light quenching. It should be borne in mind that cabbage seedlings do not tolerate blackout from the moment of appearance of the first shoots and to its readiness for planting. In the greenhouse the seedlings are best placed in boxes, and polyethylene film is placed under the boxes under the boxes. The bottom of the boxes is also covered with a film, but holes are made in it to drain excess moisture from the feed solutions and watering. Such growing of seedlings in boxes makes it more convenient to move it through the greenhouse if necessary and makes it easier to discard substandard shoots.

Sprinkle the sprouts should be abundant, but not too muchoften. The water temperature for irrigation should be slightly higher than the temperature of the soil in which it is grown. To properly care for seedlings, you should also observe the temperature regime, this will ensure its air hardening. Before planting seedlings in the open ground, it is necessary to equalize the temperature regime in the greenhouse with the temperature of the outside air for several days.