/ / Nasal wash solution for children and adults

Nasal Moisture Solution - a remedy for children and adults

Every normal woman tries to thoroughlyprepare for the appearance of a baby in the family. And during pregnancy, in addition to purchasing the smallest size of clothes, diapers, strollers, cribs and other vital attributes for the baby, it is necessary to prepare a first aid kit for handling the baby and caring for him.

What does it include?Here is the list: sterile bandages, cotton nappies, zelenka, iodine, saline solution, pipette, syringing, hydrogen peroxide for processing the navel, zinc ointment or any cream for diaper rash, candles for fever, rehydron in case of vomiting or diarrhea, , boiled vegetable oil to lubricate the skin folds after bathing. As you can see, the list is uncomplicated, all the most necessary and useful.

A special place in the home medicine chest, the one thatIt is designed for the baby, it takes saline to wash the nose. It perfectly cleanses the mucous membrane of this organ, washing away particles of dust and dried mucus, which prevents the child from breathing freely. Also, the remedy is very helpful in combating viral infections, which are accompanied by abundant accumulation and separation of mucus from the nasal cavity, speeds up the recovery process.

A solution for washing the nose of a baby can bebuy in any pharmacy, and you can cook it yourself, because it's quite simple and the ingredients are simple. Take one glass of water boiled and incomplete teaspoon of sea salt or ordinary table salt. A small rubber syringe-aspirator or a ten-dice syringe (without needles) will help to more efficiently rinse and clean a small spout.

For the prevention of various viral diseases, it is not unhealthy to regularly dig in the saline solution, to wash the nose that usually serves, just a couple of drops each day.

And how to wash a spout for a small child? The principle of using the "saline solution for washing the nose" is as follows:

Put your baby on the barrel, gently, todo not damage the mucous membrane of the spout, insert shallowly into the nostril, which was on top of an aspirator or a ten-syringe syringe (without a needle, naturally), and inject the solution until the water is poured back.

Do the same thing with the sameanother nostril. Do not wash your nose while holding the baby lying on your back! This threatens to get a solution into the lungs, as a result of which there may be a disease such as bronchitis, pneumonia, etc. If you do not put the baby on the barrel and do not let the water flow through the spout, it can drift far into the middle ear, resulting in a high risk of otitis media. Best of all, if during all the manipulations with the newborn you will be assisted by someone from the home, holding the baby on its side and securely supporting its head to avoid its sudden movements, as a result of which it can injure the mucous spout about the syringe or syringe.

So you learned how to apply saline torinsing the nose. By the way, it is regularly recommended to do this not only to children, but also to adults, because we are also exposed to an aggressive environment. Flushing adults is a little different - you do not need to go to bed, you just need to clean your nose well, quickly pour the solution with a pear or syringe into one nostril, tilt your head and allow the fluid to completely drain out. Do the same for the other nostril.

Regular rinsing of the nasal cavityFor preventive purposes, everyone should become a habit, as well as brushing their teeth or washing in the morning. And with viral infections, rhinitis, or allergic rhinitis, these actions will significantly speed up the healing process!