/ / What is the normal temperature in infants

What is the normal temperature of infants

Появление в семье новорожденного кардинально changes the lives of others. Mom and Dad understand all the responsibility that now lies with them, and try to do everything for their child to make him comfortable. Increasing the body temperature in a baby often leads young parents to a state close to panic. To avoid unnecessary experiences and stress, it is necessary to know what the normal temperature of a child should be. By and large, it doesn’t matter much, a small cub or already a schoolboy, the temperature rises, at a minimum, it is alarming, because this is a clear sign that there are some changes in the body and most often are not the best. The immune system of newborns is far from ideal, so their temperature rises become more dangerous than others.

While still in the maternity ward, the young mothercan learn a lot about your child. For example, the fact that the rate of temperature in infants is slightly different from the norm for an adult. The normal temperature in infants in the first few days of his life ranges from 37.0 to 37.4 ° C. Such indicators can be obtained by measuring the temperature in the armpit. Placing a thermometer in the oral cavity or in the rectum, you should be prepared for the fact that it will show other, increased by about half a degree, results. Finally, the normal temperature in infants is established closer to the first birthday.

In order to determine which is normalthe temperature of infants, it is necessary every day at the same time with a healthy and calm state of the child to measure it the same method for several days. Thus, it is possible to obtain a specific figure, the deviation from which will be a signal of an increase in temperature.

Measuring the temperature in the armpitThe most accurate results can be obtained using the most common mercury thermometer. In order for it not to fall and not crashed, you should hold the baby's pen. The measurement time is from five to ten minutes. Most often, pediatricians strongly recommend to acquire electronic thermometers during pregnancy. Their performance is also quite accurate and will be needed from the first days of a baby’s life. Such thermometers are excellent for determining the temperature in the rectum, because here the mercury device in no case can not be used, as in the measurement in the oral cavity. For this purpose, special thermometers-soothers were invented.

If the normal temperature in infantschanged, then it can talk not only about the onset of the disease. The most common causes, of course, are viral or bacterial infections, but the increase can also be due to overheating and dehydration of the body, as well as the beginning of a period of teething. Among other things, quite common culprits are stresses or reactions to the vaccine.

If, however, young parents noticed an increasethe temperature of your child, newborn or older, you should know that it is not always necessary to reduce it, especially in the medication way. The temperature below 38 degrees does not need any actions, and sometimes even 39. Pediatricians explain this by the fact that when a disease occurs, the body begins to fight with it and to produce antibodies, which is accompanied by an elevated temperature. If it is reduced, the antibodies will no longer be produced and complications of the disease may occur. Do something necessary when the thermometer shows more than 39 degrees. In this case, first of all, you should call the doctors who will help, otherwise there is a high probability not to improve, but on the contrary, worsen the situation.