/ / What date is Halloween celebrated in Russia?

What date is Halloween celebrated in Russia?

On the eve of All Saints Day, one mystical is celebratedand a very mysterious holiday - Halloween. Its history began very, very long time in northern Ireland, France and the UK. Halloween is celebrated not only in English-speaking countries, but also in Europe and the CIS. And every year it becomes more and more popular. In this article, we will find out how many days Halloween is celebrated in Russia and what is the history of this mystical holiday.

Last day of the year

A group of ancient peoples who lived inIn Western Europe, only two seasons were distinguished: summer and winter. The last month of the summer was considered October, and after it, on November 1, the new year began. The Celts, so called these ancient peoples, believed that on the last day of the outgoing year (Samhain) the fine line between the world of the living and the dead was obliterated. And then all the spirits and ghosts went up and made magnificent celebrations. In order not to become their victim, the Celts disguised themselves in animal skins, sacrificed animals and made sacred fire. All this was done in order to hide from evil forces. This happened around 800-700 years BC. e. In addition, on this day, the Celts predicted the future and made stocks for the winter. The holiday Samhain was also called the “Day of the Dead”.

What number halloween

Feast of All Saints

With the advent of our era in this areabegan to attack the Romans. Having conquered the land, they brought their traditions and customs to it. So, the last day of the outgoing year at the Celts coincided with the Christian holiday All Saints' Day - All Hallows "Eve. It was from this name that Halloween turned Halloween. Whichever date this holiday is, it is not considered an official holiday. It is also interesting that everything its attributes are pagan. No matter how much the Catholic Church tried to eradicate the traditions of the ancient Celts, nothing happened. In general terms, we can say that All Saints Day and Halloween united in one celebration, which is still celebrated by many countries. kov never supported such festivities. However, November 2 Catholic world celebrates the day of the dead.

Halloween Costumes

What number halloween

Based on the foregoing, you can dothe conclusion that celebrate it on the night of October 31 to November 1. It was at this time on the streets of many cities you can meet disguised and very scary kids and teenagers. They go home and beg for sweets. In English-speaking countries, it is customary to knock on the door and say: “trick-or-treating”. What is translated into Russian means "purse or life." What else do in Halloween? No matter how many people celebrate it, themed parties are organized in many cafes and bars on this day. Entry there is allowed only in masquerade costumes. The halls themselves are decorated with holiday attributes.

Halloween at the bar

Modern vision

And now some holiday traditionssurvived, but in addition, there are many new ones. First of all, it is worth noting that the meaning of the holiday begins to be forgotten. What number of Halloween - almost everyone knows, but almost nobody remembers that this day falls on the eve of All Saints Day. In addition, before the onset of Halloween horrified, because they believed that spirits and ghosts would rise to the ground. But at the present time it is customary to have fun and have fun on this day. So, we have already figured out how many are celebrating Halloween, and now we will learn about some of its attributes and rituals.

Jack's lamp

Of course, the pumpkin is the main attribute of Halloween.It is believed that this fruit helps souls get into purgatory. Of course, the number of days that celebrate Halloween, and the story of the Lamp Jack are practically unrelated. But despite this, this amazing legend has its own hidden meaning. In one Irish city, there lived a very cunning drunk smith Jack. Once he met the devil himself in a tavern and offered him a drink with him. When it was time to pay for the drink, Jack suggested that Satan turn into a coin. He did so, and the blacksmith quickly put the money in his pocket, where he lay a cross. Satan was trapped. Jack released him from there, provided that the devil would not touch him for a whole year and claim his soul. So, the blacksmith-drunkard arranged many different traps for Satan. When he died, his soul did not want to take for itself neither the power of light, nor the darkness. Jack cut several holes in the pumpkin, put a glowing ember there and set off to search for a path to purgatory on his own.

Jack's lamp

This legend is so much likedthe British and the Irish, that they began to make such lamps and put at the entrance to the house. They sincerely believed that a pumpkin with a candle would protect their home from evil forces. In addition, the pumpkin tried to cut a very, very scary face. The worse it was, the greater the likelihood that Jack's Lamp would protect them.

Trick or treat

In English-speaking countries asking for sweets -Mandatory attribute of the holiday of Halloween. What date is it celebrated? October 31, and a few days before this date, Americans are buying up all the sweets on the shelves. They lay them in large glass vases and look forward to knocking on the door. The owners themselves often dress up as angels and demons. For little kids, they also make funny animal costumes.

On the night of October 31 to November 1, dressed inthe terrible costumes of the kids (from 7 to 14 years old) knock on each door and threaten: “Sweetness or death!” The owners pretend that they are very scared and give them a vase of refreshments. Each child takes a full handful of sweets, and then a cheerful company goes to the next house. And does it happen that children do not give sweets? In fact, Americans argue that such cases do not happen, but if you refuse to treat, then children should take revenge for it. They can coat the door handle with glue or paint.

Trick or treat

Not everyone is having fun on this day.

Although for many people this is a reasonhave fun and have fun, real sorcerers and magicians know what to do on Halloween. What day and month this holiday is celebrated is not a secret for them. Moreover, practicing magicians are sure that this is one of the most powerful and powerful days of the year.

boundary between worlds

At this time, the fine line between the worlds of the dead andliving erased. Ancestors visit their relatives to share with them strength, knowledge and wisdom. On this day, magicians and sorcerers honor the memory of their deceased relatives and carry out various rituals. In Halloween, there are strong energy whirlwinds all over the planet, thanks to which you can get all the answers. Of course, if you decide to join such rituals, you should think about your safety, because not only the spirits of relatives come to our world on this day.

Celebrations in Russia

With English-speaking countries, everything is more or less clearand as for other states? We have already figured out how many celebrate Halloween in Russia, and now we will find out exactly how it is celebrated. Of course, the preparation for this day in the United States and other English-speaking countries is significantly different from ours. So, in some American cities, at the end of August, festive paraphernalia begins to appear in stores. In many cafes during September and October they serve delicious and very “scary” dishes. We can say that the feeling of celebration arises much earlier than himself.

Halloween Girls Costumes

In Russia, as such, there is no preparation for this day.Halloween is not so popular with us yet. Most of all this holiday is common among teenagers and schoolchildren. In order to celebrate Halloween, in Russia, young people first choose the place of celebration. It can be as a bar or cafe, which is specially decorated for October 31 with ghosts, Jack's lamps, cobwebs and spiders, and someone's apartment. Of course, in the latter case, the participants of the celebration themselves will be responsible for the interior design. Then the youth chooses costumes for themselves. Here the choice is especially great. These are skeletons, and koshey, and the dead, and persons of the scaly family, in general, the worse, the better. It is customary to have fun at Halloween, so the guys, as a rule, hold various contests, skits, play funny games. Everything that happens on a holiday should be terribly funny and scary.