The long 9 months in anticipation of a miracle have already passed, andNow you can enjoy the success of your child every day. The main parameters of development in the first months of life are height and weight. Starting from the 5th month, the magnitude of these indicators will begin to stabilize, but the general skills of studying yourself and the world in a child will increase every day.
Data on the weight and height of the child in 5 months in Russia
The height and weight of children at 5 months, according to Russian experts, is slightly different from international standards. This country has developed its own table of child development norms.
First of all, it is worth considering that boys and girls will weigh differently. Consider the height and weight of children at 5 months for both sexes.
The indicators for weight from boys are considered to be from 6.1 to 8.3 kg. Height can also be from 61 to 67 cm.
Parents are often interested in what should be the weight of the child in 5 months. A girl can weigh from 5.9 to 7.7 kg, height - from 60.7 to 66 cm.
In addition to height and weight, the size of the head and chest are also important. For these four indicators, the pediatrician can draw conclusions about how harmoniously the baby is developing.
International standards for the norms of the physiological development of children
The weight of the child (the norm) of 5 months is from 5.4 to 9.3 kg. For boys - from 6 to 9.3 kg with growth from 61.5 to 70.1 cm. The girl's weight ranges from 5.4 to 8.7 kg with growth from 59.6 to 68.6 cm.
As you can see, the range of indicators is a bitwider than the Russian specialists. This is due to the fact that foreign pediatricians are considering the option of individual development of each individual child, as well as looking at the overall performance of the nation or the personal parameters of parents. It happens that a person is tall, but thin - this is the norm for this particular individual.
Therefore, it is necessary to draw the attention of parents to the fact that you should not evaluate your children only according to the indications in the tables, you need to look at the overall picture of development.
Mom knowingly begins to worry if she noticesinconsistencies that a child has 5 months. Weight, height can be very different from all indicators in the table, as in the smaller and in a big way. In this case, you need to understand the reasons. It can be both a disease and an individual feature of the baby.
Factors affecting deviations from the weight and height of the urebenka
As practice shows, a very small percentagechildren develops within perfect graphics. The weight of children at 5 months will depend on what kind of food they receive, appetite and other individual characteristics.
If you feed only breastmilk, the weight gain will be slightly less than on an artificial mixture. This is due to the fact that mother's milk is quickly absorbed by the child. But we must take into account the factor of frequency and number of feedings. Sometimes the baby "hangs on the chest" all day, and gains weight even faster than the artificials.
Many parents prefer at this time to introduce additional feed to the child, which is also an important factor in weight gain for the baby.
Pay attention to the activity of your child.One baby may be restless all day, and, accordingly, loses more energy, so the weight is gained worse than that of a less active baby. Excess kilograms at this age are still considered the worst option, so try to encourage the activity of the crumbs with some exciting toys, educational games and music.
Если рассмотреть картину в целом, то вес детей в 5 months should be twice as long as at birth. Accordingly, if the baby was born about 3 kg and weighs 6 kg in 5-6 months, then this is considered a normal indicator of development.
General development of the child in 5 months
It is during this period that the baby begins an active manifestation of interest in his environment. He already knows how to own a good body and parents should leave it unattended less.
The baby develops a new mode of the day.He is more awake and less sleep, the number of meals is also reduced to five times a day from a bottle. For breastfeeding, the hourly intervals are increased, instead of one feeding you can be given complementary foods.
Emotional development of the child
At 5 months, the baby already understands and feels the mood of the people around him. He knows how to experience and show his joy, fear or displeasure.
New acquaintances make the baby feeldiscomfort and take time to adapt. If an unknown person takes him in his arms right now, he can cry and be upset. Mom and Dad are the closest relatives to him at the moment.
If you are unhappy with something, he canfeel it by your intonation. So try not to swear when the baby, and talk calmly and gently. But if his actions threaten his security, then it is better to show in his tone that it is impossible to do so. This will be a good start for the future conscious education and will remain in his head for a long time.
What can a baby in 5 months?
When a child reaches 5 months, development, weight and height are the main indicators by which you can determine how your baby develops and whether their skills correspond to age.
Indicators of weight and height were indicated above, andstarting from the fifth month, the monthly increase begins to decrease. But in the case of acquired skills and knowledge at this particular age, you will begin to notice how much your baby can do:
- raises independently the head, lying on his back;
- using a prop or your hands trying to get up;
- if you can get up, it can be upright for several seconds;
- actively creeps, while every day its speed increases;
- can sit with or independently;
- may hang like a little "monkey" on your hands and pull up (it is better to do this over the bed or sofa, so as not to harm the baby);
- independently chooses favorite toys, carefully examines them;
- turns from one side to another;
- knows how to take coarser food by mouth, sucking moves to the background;
- imitates sounds, can already even answer "in its own way" to simple questions from adults.
Do not be fanatical about this list,as mentioned earlier, there are no ideal children, every kid is an individual. There is nothing terrible, if until something goes wrong for him, everything will come with time. The most important thing is to love your child and give him enough attention.