/ / The development of speech in the second younger group. Exercises

Development of speech in the second younger group. Exercises

Speech development in the second junior group is a complex systematicactivities aimed at enriching the child’s vocabulary, the ability to express their thoughts coherently. Classes should be held regularly, at least two or three times a week. The second youngest group is the age of children between four and five years old. It is this period in modern psychological science that is considered the most favorable for replenishing the passive and active vocabulary. In this article we will look at several cognitive exercises that will bring tangible benefits to your child.

Story by picture

Воспитатель раскладывает перед детьми картинки и gives the task to make a story, based on the illustration. During the response, the child is allowed to look at the picture, which creates a sense of self-confidence. After all, even if the kid forgets something, then, looking at the picture, he will be able to remember and continue his story. Drawing up a story based on a specific illustration perfectly develops memory, trains the imagination, and contributes to the development of speech.

language development in the second youngest group

Just think:Before you begin to tell, the child needs to mentally prepare for the answer. He will definitely begin to look for suitable words in order to look intelligent, knowing a boy or girl in the eyes of the tutor and classmates. The development of speech in the second younger group of the kindergarten begins with a conscious desire to perform well and the desire to do it as best as possible. It is often proposed to compile a coherent story on pedagogical commissions and various open classes, when it is possible to evaluate a child from adults.

"The fourth is superfluous"

Это замечательная игра, в которую можно играть at home with a child. It is also used in the classroom in kindergarten. The development of speech in the second younger group is not complete without comparison, analysis and synthesis. The essence of the exercise is as follows: before the child are laid out images of animals, birds, objects or people, three pictures of which can be logically attributed to one group, and the fourth remains superfluous. Illustrations of three pets and one wild, pieces of furniture and clothes are perfect as options.

Synonyms and antonyms

Хотя маленькие дети в возрасте четырех-пяти лет these terms are not yet known; they can be dealt with in such a way that they can be introduced to these concepts with a good example. The development of speech for younger groups is based primarily on the proper organization and approach to classes. Since children are still small enough to learn Russian, naturally, they are only introduced to those components that arouse their interest and are easily remembered. For example, an educator may call the word “white” and instruct him to choose the opposite meaning (“black”). When children understand the essence, it is advisable to invite them to come up with their words with the opposite meaning. The kids will really like this activity!

language development second junior group

Formation of the ability to select synonyms and antonymsTo words is an important component in working with preschoolers. The development of speech in the 2 youngest group contributes to the overall mental well-being of the child, the formation of the ability to think analytically, resort to comparison, the synthesis of objects.

Amazing handicraft

This exercise can be performed only whenprovided that the children are given the task in advance to make something with their own hands. It can be handicrafts made of cardboard, colored paper, cloth or plasticine. At home, it is necessary together with parents to make a coherent story: why this thing is needed, what is its use, where it is used, etc. It is desirable to discuss the topic in advance, but it is possible to leave the children the right to choose. Then the story will turn out more alive and natural.

speech development in the second younger group of kindergarten

As a rule, children with great pleasureThey talk about their favorite toys when they bring them to kindergarten. You don’t even have to ask them about it! Use this method. If you see that the baby does not let go of the teddy hare or the typewriter, go to him, ask him to tell about it. You will see how readily he begins to share his impressions with you.


Наверняка у ваших воспитанников дома имеется any animal. Give the weekend a task to watch a four-legged friend: how and what he eats when he goes to bed, what attention he needs. Maybe a child, inspired by this idea, will immediately make up a whole story for you, in which he will definitely mention the habits of his pet and unusual abilities.

language development for younger groups

Speech development in the second junior group occurs on the enthusiasm, the shown interest to world around. Even without conducting special classes, you can find a reason to talk with children about this or that subject.

What are the professions?

Kids often love to imagine themselves bravesailors embarking on dangerous and thrilling adventures. The topic of professional training is more than interesting for them, because it belongs to the world of adults. Everyone knows how popular are the games of doctor, hairdresser, driver. An attentive educator will always be able to find an individual approach to each child: learns about his hobbies, interests, dreams, and aspirations. You can ask the kid who he is going to be in the future. This is what the development of speech is. The second youngest group is a great opportunity to learn something new, both for the children themselves and for those who take part in their upbringing. Be closer to the guys, share their joys and failures, then they will trust you.

language development in the 2 youngest group

Thus, the development of speech in the second younger group is a complex and highly organized process of interaction between an adult and a child.