/ / Silk pillows: description, reviews

Pillows silk: description, reviews

Sleep takes about a third of a person’s life.The better and more comfortable the process will be, the more health, strength and energy will accumulate in the body. Therefore, it is important to choose a good and comfortable bedding. Silk blankets and natural pillows will give you a sweet dream.

History of silk production

silk pillows
In ancient times, wearing silk couldafford only the upper classes. This is due to the fact that the raw materials for the production of the yarn were extracted quite difficult. In addition, the properties of the fiber have a beneficial effect on the human body that wears silk clothes. The price of the material reached such a level that only rich people could buy it.

Silkworm grown in captivity for preyRaw materials for over 5000 years. The first mentions are related to ancient China. Legend has it that the wife of one of the emperors, sitting under a tree, found a mulberry cocoon. Having twirled it a little, she discovered that thin threads could be pulled out of it. Since then, China began the production of silk fabrics.

For many centuries the secret has been kept in this country, and thosewho tried to take the larvae or adults to other countries, were executed on the spot. It was during this period that only the emperors of China dressed in silk.

Raw materials for production

Silkworm larvae after 40 daysAfter birth, they begin to twist the cocoon. At the same time, they need attentive and careful care at all times. Any violation of the necessary climatic conditions, the appearance of a draft or poor-quality mulberry leaves can lead to the death of a whole brood.

pillows and blankets
Getting the source material for pillowsdifferent from the production of silk thread. Used mainly Mulberry mulberry. This is a specially bred look that provides the necessary softness and structure of the fiber. For more coarse products, the Toussa variety is used. It is significantly different in quality.

This is due to the fact that Mulbury eats onlythe leaves of the mulberry tree, Toussa is a wild variety and feeds on the leaves of birch, oak and other trees. Making a material for the production of pillows and silk blankets is different from the production of thread.

Silk pillows and blankets

silk pillows
Good sleep is the main component of health andgreat mood for the whole day. Quality bedding will make it not only sweet, but also safe. Silk pillow 50x70 from the Mulberry variety costs about $ 50 and more, the cheaper option is filled with the Toussa variety. You should not save on such a product, as a result you can buy a fake. Acquire products are recommended only in trusted stores to get really high-quality goods.

One of the qualities that pillows have andquilts of silk, is their hypoallergenic. They also impede the development of harmful microbes on the outside and inside. Silk bedding does not accumulate dust, and does not create conditions for the development of fungus or the appearance of bedbugs, so this material is optimal for sleep.

Laundry and care

Подушки шелковые требуют специального ухода, ordinary washing can completely ruin a thing or disrupt the structure of the filler, which will lead to the same result. First of all, in order for the bedding not to deteriorate for a long time, it is necessary to protect them with removable linen, which must be washed regularly. Dust mites do not appear in pillows filled with silk. During sleep, due to this material, sweating is reduced.

silk pillow 50x70
With proper care and use, the question is howwash silk pillow will not occur. Periodically, bedding must be hung out for several hours for airing. If, nevertheless, there is a need to clean the pillow or blanket from 100% silk, then they must be handed over to a professional dry cleaner in a proven cleaning organization.

Cheaper silk pillows and blankets thatcontain up to 30% of natural high-quality filler, can be washed at home in a delicate mode machine with soft powder and at a temperature not higher than 30 degrees.

Benefit and harm

In the world of plastic and synthetics, people have increasingly becomepay attention to natural materials. Silk pillows, like blankets, have a lot of advantages over plastic and silicone filling material. First of all, natural silk does not accumulate dust, which is especially important for people suffering from allergies.

In such a natural material there is no favorableenvironment for the development of fungus, germs or bed mites. Blankets, like silk pillows, are suitable for the whole family. The high price is justified by excellent quality and long shelf life, which can reach 20 years.

Interesting Facts

how to wash a silk pillow
Silk pillows are mainly made in China,in the homeland of mulberry. To get high-quality raw material Mulberry, cocoons are immersed in boiling water. They bloom, they turn around and remove the larva. In order for the material to have the correct form, the silk thread is washed and tensioned on a special device. All processes are carried out manually and do not use any means, softeners and additives.

Silk pillows, like blankets, are madewithout the use of technology. To obtain the required width, workers layer upon the prepared raw material. In this case, the pillows will not be fluffy and fluffy. Many manufacturers, in order to add volume to the product, add synthetics as a filler.

In order to determine the quality of the goods, inFirst of all, you need to pay attention to the label to find out the composition and grade of silk. Also in each product there are special openings to inspect the filler. Mulberry mulberry has a light pearl color and will last several times longer than the wild growing Tussa, whose shade is close to yellowish.

Decorative items

decorative silk pillow
Since the time of ancient China, silk was producedA large amount of material: from thin and transparent to heavy brocade. Pictures and clothes of nobility were embroidered with threads. In the same period, a decorative silk pillow came into fashion. Many traditions and methods of manufacturing have survived to this day, without losing their value.


Silk blankets and pillows despite theirhigh cost, are in great demand. This is due to the high quality of the product and positive reviews about it. Many buyers note comfort, softness and lightness during sleep. None of the filler can not be compared with silk. The pillow is great for adults and children suffering from allergies.