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Curative tampons Beautiful Life

Microplasmosis is one of the acute infections,sexually transmitted infections. Its smallest protozoa are called microplasm, which occupy an intermediate state between bacteria, viruses and fungi. Microplasms can live only in the medium of the carrier - without food they die, and they quite rightly can be called parasites.

Treatment of a variety of infectious diseases,caused by bacteria, usually passes in several stages - first drug, most often antibiotics, and then local to restore microflora. Curative tampons beautiful life able to clean the genitals without takingantibiotics, and also to restore the microflora of the vagina and uterine walls. They consist of natural ingredients based on Chinese herbs that have long been used for medicinal purposes.

Modern medicine distinguishes 6 types of microplasmas,parasites on the genitals and in the urinary canal of a person, and about a dozen more in the mouth and throat. The microplasma has a long serpentine shape and when it enters the body it sucks in between the cells, causing disturbances in their work. As a result of stress, changes in diet, climate change, the microplasmosis from the latent state can flow into an acute form, and cause a lot of clinical symptoms that are characteristic not only of microplasmosis. Microplasms often attach to other microorganisms, such as gonococci, gardnerelles, trichomonads, chlamydia and form inflammatory infections of a mixed type.

The most common disease that causesmicroplasma, is vaginitis. Very often, microplasmas can be activated during pregnancy, so diagnose microplasmosis and begin treatment better before planning joyful events. First of all, this is due to the fact that according to statistics, one third of women are able to infect the fetus with these bacteria through the placenta. This can lead to severe fetal disorders, such as congenital deafness, epilepsy, delayed psychomotor development, and many others. Drug treatment is not always appropriate.

If there are signs of inflammation of the genitourinary system, secretions accompanied by an unpleasant odor, prescribed manipulation for miscarriage, or complications of the current pregnancy. Curative tampons beautiful life can help in the case of asymptomatic microplasmosis, if used as a preventive agent.