In today's world there are a huge numbervarious cleaning products. Some allow you to effectively deal with rust, other means effectively remove fat. This article will not cover a huge list of cleaning chemicals most popular manufacturers. After reading it, readers will learn about one of them. Gel "Sanita" - exactly the tool, which will be discussed. And now about everything in order.
What pollution is used gel "Sanita"
Manufacturers of this product took care ofto produce products that will effectively deal with almost any kind of pollution. That is why the manufacturer offers the buyer two options of the gel:
- "Sanita" - anti-rust gel. This tool is used to clean the surface of even the thickest rust plaque.
- "Sanita" - anti-fat gel. This tool helps to fight the fat on the stove and on the dishes.
These detergents are absolutely suitable for alltypes of coverage. They do not damage the surface, do not leave any scratches or other damage. Looking ahead, I must say that this is one of those positive aspects that have cleaning products manufactured by this manufacturer of household chemicals.
The price of gels "Sanita"
Coming to the store, you can see a hugeamount of detergent. What is most interesting, despite the fact that the composition of most of them is absolutely identical, their price tag often differs not by several kopecks, but by several hundred rubles.
Gel "Sanita" is a means of acquiringwhich does not hit hard on the wallet. In addition, compared with their closest competitors, these gels are much cheaper, but their quality is no worse than even the most popular brands.
Итак, сколько же стоят данные гели в магазинах Russia? Sanita, gel for dishes, it's anti-fat, costs from fifty one rubles. The maximum price for this product is seventy rubles. But the gel "Sanita", which fights rust, will cost the buyer seventy-six rubles.
Многие читатели согласятся, что эта цена вполне is acceptable. Of course, there are people for whom even it will be high. But you need to think, and what is now cheap? In addition, there are funds that are even more expensive.
Where can I get gel?
This gel is sold in absolutely anysupermarket. Even in small hardware stores you can find this tool. In addition, online shopping is another place to buy this product. As for the price, there is not much difference.
Единственное, из-за чего придётся доплатить, - This is shipping. Therefore, it is best to try to find this tool in your store, but for help, you can turn to the Internet at the very least.
Application of "Sanita" against rust
Rust is something to fight with sometimesit becomes unbearable. There are plenty of places in the house where there is a lot of rust. These are cranes, same tile and more. So how to deal with the gel "Sanita" with this scourge? In fact, the instructions described everything in detail.
First you need to decide what you need to clean from rust. For different bathroom items - different cleaning techniques. So what does the manufacturer advise the buyer?
Toilets, faucets and shower manufacturer advisesbrush as follows. It is necessary to apply a small amount of gel to the surface. Then wait five or ten minutes. Next, the surface must be cleaned with a brush and rinsed with water. If necessary, you can repeat the procedure.
The following bathroom items are tiles orfaience sinks. To clean, you must have a brush. A small amount of money must be applied with the help of it on the surface and wait no more than one minute. Further means it is necessary to wash off well water.
Sanita Fat Application
Fat is another problem that facesabsolutely any hostess. The Sanita manufacturers also took care of them. The gel for the plates is great and the dishes washes with a bang. At least, so says the manufacturer. But the true effectiveness will be discussed later. In the meantime, you need to see how to apply this tool in practice.
Actually, that's all. This method of application is suitable for any surface.
Sanita gel consumption
In stores, this gel is sold in a package offive hundred milliliters. And this applies to both the anti-fat agent and the anti-rust agent. The consumption of such a substance is quite small. Thanks to this, it turns out to save money on the purchase of Sanit gel.
The composition of the gel
Like any other remedy, "Sanita" (gel),the composition of which will be named below is a chemical agent. If you look at the label behind the package, you can read the composition of this substance. Below will be considered the composition of each gel "Sanita" separately.
The composition of the gel "Sanita" against rust
So, what does anti-rust gel consist of?Its composition is as follows: oxalic acid and other acids (which one, the manufacturer does not indicate), nonionic surfactants, thickener and dye. It is thanks to these substances, the gel effectively fights with various types of rust.
The composition of the gel "Sanita" against fat
The composition of the gel against fat is almost identical to its fellow. Dyes, as well as flavors, active substances and additives, alkali - all this is part of this tool.
Необходимо упомянуть о безопасности при их application. Gel "Sanita" is a chemical agent, and its use without the use of gloves is strictly prohibited. It is important to remember that in the worst case, you can get quite serious burns.
"Sanita" (gel): reviews
Manufacturers love to praise their products:colorful advertising, which shows the wonderful work of their offspring. But often, in fact, the effect is not what they promised. And what about the gel "Sanita"? How he shows himself in real "combat" conditions. In order to find out everything, you need to refer to the reviews of customers who have tried this tool and formed their opinion.
"Sanita" against fat: positive and negative reviews
Sanita (anti-fat gel), reviews of which will be discussed further, has a huge number of positive recommendations.
There is not a single negative feedback.This is even more surprising. If other detergents have at least some flaws, for example, too liquid composition or poor cleansing, then this is just not there. This is the rare case when the wait is confirmed by the result.
From the above, another advantage follows - the price.It is quite small, but the result is simply phenomenal. Most popular brands have a higher price, but efficiency is lower. And here the ratio of price - quality is confirmed by one hundred percent.
"Sanita" -antirzhavchina: positive and negative reviews
And what about the gel against rust? Is it as perfect as his brother?
This tool, in the opinion of absolutely everyonebuyers, copes with even the thickest layer of rust. Again, there are simply no complaints about the quality of the work of this miracle gel. The coating is cleaned absolutely from all kinds of surfaces. Cranes, showers and more after applying this gel just shine clean. Again, the price is what has become another positive feature of this product.
No matter how I wanted to find at least one negative review about this gel, nothing happened. Buyers are satisfied with the result and advise their relatives and friends to purchase this gel.
Another plus that applies to all gels."Sanita" is a small expense. One bottle is enough for a whole year, or even a half. This helps quite a lot to save customers on the acquisition of household chemicals. For what you need to say many thanks to manufacturers. After all, in fact, it is more profitable for the manufacturer when their products are often purchased. But this case is not one of those.
Another plus, he was mentioned just above, isthe absence of any damage on the surface, after cleaning from rust or grease. The surface remains perfectly smooth and without any scratches or cracks, which is a fairly important indicator of any cleaning agent.
The result
The result can be summarized as follows.Gels "Sanita" - really unique cleaning products. Moreover, not only in words, but also in deeds. In confirmation of this - the absolute majority of positive reviews and the complete absence of negative ones.
Производитель добросовестно выполняет свою работу not only the unbearable price to heaven, but also selling to consumers exactly the means that really helps. A small price, a small expense and a wonderful effect - what else do you need to call a tool really perfect? According to many buyers, nothing.