/ / When children start to smile - they become a person.

When children start to smile, they become a person

Все родители, решив завести маленькое чадо, try to learn about many things, as well as about when children begin to smile. Indeed, for loving moms and dads, such moments as the first word, first smile, first steps and first knowledge in the life of a baby are extremely important. But it comes in due time. Therefore, we will try to understand the generally accepted pediatric norms and compare them with some features that are peculiar to one or another child.

when kids start smiling

It so happened that the first emotional“Actions” that are common to all children are crying and discontent. Therefore, everyone knows that it is just such screamers that are born, but what time a child starts to smile is a mystery, but only in the first stages. Some crumbs are taken away from the maternity hospital with a smile on their face, while others are sucking and curl up to the age of one month. Based on this, we can conclude that everything depends on the individual characteristics of the child, his genetic data, the nature and conditions for life.

what time does the child start to smile

As you know, even on the face of an adultsmile need to call any external factor. This is directly related to the work of our nervous system and temperament, therefore, when children begin to smile, they begin to develop, to understand this world, its joys and colors. Some things that caused delight, could be laid at the genetic level, others - obtained during pregnancy, and third - acquired for the few days that he lived.

Важным моментом также стоит считать и тот, что The child “copies” from its parents a different manifestation of emotions. This means that when children begin to smile, they have learned to observe and analyze the actions and reactions of their elders to certain phenomena. That is why the joy (as well as sadness) that the crumb exhibits is a sign of normal development and mental balance.

when the child begins to smile consciously

The standard term for the expression of such emotions assmile - one month. Based on the fact that some children are smiling from birth, while others are serious for 6 weeks, the doctors made such a conclusion. However, it is worth noting that at the age of several days and even weeks, such an emotion is most likely unconscious. Thus, children react only to the fact that they are well, warmly and comfortably, they are not hungry and do not want to sleep. Most often, such smiles are very scattered and can easily be replaced by tears, if there are any tangible reasons.

When a child begins to smile consciously, hebecomes a person. He begins to assess the situation, compare the actions and events occurring around him. At the age of two months, the baby can be intentionally mocked, thus calming down the crying. However, to keep this joy on the face of his child at this time will not work.

In all cases when children begin to smile -This happiness in family. This time trying to capture the photo, the date is recorded in a notebook. Carefully study the character of your little heir, follow his habits and tastes, and it will become easier for you to laugh such a miracle.