Порой, домашние любимцы приносят не только positive emotions, but also presented unpleasant surprises. No owner is immune from the natural waste products of the cat in an unacceptable place, if he made mistakes in education. How to wean a cat to shit anywhere - an important question, the answer to which depends on many circumstances.
Causes of the problem
The cat is a very clean animal and it neverWill not go to the toilet, where he eats or sleeps. In addition, the purity of the tray is of great importance. Before deciding how to wean the cat to shit, you need to find out the reasons for what is happening:
- Maybe the tray does not empty in time, so the animal is looking for another place. It is recommended to regularly wash the toilet of the animal.
- Pet can not arrange the filler. Perhaps his replacement will help.
- Often, the owners use cleaning products for cat pots that have a pungent odor. In this case, the pet may refuse to go there.
- The problem may be in the diseases of the genitourinary system, when the animal can not fully control the process of urination.
- The process of schooling is too aggressive, the pet is just scared.
Often cats encounter a similar problem, in which subsequently worms are detected. Persistent itching and discomfort make you defecate anywhere.
You should also carefully look at nutrition.favorite. It often happens when unbalanced food causes severe constipation, and then the cat suffers from diarrhea. A similar problem can occur if you feed a four-legged fish exclusively or low-quality dry food.
Corners - a favorite place
The question is how to wean the cat to shit in the wrongthe place may not stand at all if the owners took a pet who is accustomed to the tray. However, getting into a new house, the animal can forget the acquired skill and begins to go to the toilet in a secret corner.
The problem may be due to the fact that the newthe toilet did not suit the animal. But the need makes him look for new, comfortable places. So that the problem does not grow into a global one, measures must be taken immediately.
First you need to select the tray, enoughwide, but without high sides and unnecessary decorations. Veterinarians describe cases where long-haired cats refuse to go to the pot, equipped with ornate decorations on the edges, because the wool is constantly confused there. Next, you should change the filler to a completely different look. Perhaps a mixture of sawdust fit more than the granules.
Without fail, all the corners where unpleasant surprises were noticed are treated with a solution of vinegar. Resistant odor means absolutely not endure animals.
The bed is not for animals
If the owner gives access to a four-legged friend onyour bed, then trouble can happen at any time. In this case, the actions of the breeder must be immediate and strict. Otherwise, the problem may lead to a dead end. The bed represents a cozy and comfortable place for a pet. If he ever tried to solve his need with impunity, the habit is developed instantly.
It is important to clearly understand how to wean the cat to shit on the bed. This will help recommendations and advice of experienced breeders:
- Do not allow the animal into the room where the bed is. The doors to the bedroom should always be closed.
- If it is impossible to completely eliminate the pet's admission to the bedroom, then the headboard and other parts of the bed should be treated with lavender oil. For a man, the scent is pleasant, and for a cat - unbearable.
- There are cases when the animal crap in bed fromjealousy of his master to his spouse. It is recommended to pay attention to your four-legged friend more often, take him in your arms, play with him and stroke him. Do not allow other family members to offend an animal.
- Sleeping on a bed with a cat is unacceptable if she has a tendency to going to the toilet in the wrong place.
Similar recommendations are applicable if there is a question how to wean the cat to crap on the sofa. Upholstered furniture absorbs odors well, so only immediate measures will help save the upholstery.
Sometimes in solving a problem, how to wean a catshit on the bed, helps castration or sterilization. An animal does not need to mark its territory. And the owner's bed can be considered an animal as its legal territory.
Problem in colors
Street animals at the level of instincts accustomedbury the excrement into the soil. Therefore, some kittens follow the call of nature and in the conditions of the house they are looking for a similar place. The most suitable is a wide and low pot with a potted plant. Experienced animal lovers tell you how to stop a cat from shitting in a flower pot:
- All plants are temporarily removed to an inaccessible place.
- If the first item is difficult to perform, then the soil can be treated with mineral fertilizer. For flowers - good, and for cats - an unpleasant scent that scares.
- You can use folk remedies and put lemon slices or garlic cloves in pots.
- On the window sills or cabinets, where there are plants, lay any rustling material. You can use foil or double-sided tape. Loud sounds at the same time scare the cat.
If the animal has a tendency to go to the toilet on the ground, then you can try to replace the synthetic filler with sand. Gradually, it can be replaced with dry sawdust.
And if the cat walks on the beds
At times, pets live in privatehomes, I have access to the street. Rows with plantings for them may be a convenient place to meet natural needs. It is necessary to clearly demarcate the territory and protect it from the attempt of animals.
It is useful to learn how to wean the cat to shit in the wrong place, even if it happens on the street:
- Along the perimeter of the beds sprinkle red pepper.
- Far from planting grow valerian thickets.
- Scatter potato pelts and other natural fertilizers.
- Along the beds you can expand the fir branches or dogrose.
Often, cats find a secluded corner in the yard, but the beds should still be protected from unwanted "attacks."
Punishment methods
Многих заводчиков интересует, как отучить кошку shit anywhere, and acceptable methods of punishment for this act. Poking a snout, screaming and hitting an animal is ineffective and sometimes leads to the opposite result. The pet may get angry and start to mark all angles in a row, make pools in shoes or leave "surprises", in the form of excrement, in the bed.
However, the animal should be punished. This will require a sequence of actions:
- You can not postpone the punishment. As soon as the cat was caught at the time of the crime, it is necessary to shout at it sternly, take it by the collar and carry it to the tray.
- If the puddle was discovered late, the cat would not understand the punishment anyway.
- In no case can not make exceptions. If you can walk in one flower pot, there is no difference for a cat. She will do it everywhere.
- If the cat is caught off guard, then perhaps herslap. However, you can't beat your hands. It is recommended to use a rolled up newspaper. Paper does not hurt, but loud sound and slaps have their effect.
Do not in any way intimidate the animal, shout loudly and beat it. This will lead to anger or disturbance in the nervous system.
Effective means
If the animal caught the crime, you canpurchase at the pet store a special tool. Weaning the cat to shit help special fluids and sprays. The best effect according to users provides spray "Antigadin." It has almost no smell, felt by man and does not leave marks on the upholstered furniture. Therefore, the tool can handle all the favorite places of the cat:
- corners;
- headboard;
- upholstered furniture;
- footwear;
- clothes;
- window sill and flower pots.
In the pet store, you can choose any suitablemeans. To wean the cat to spoil in the wrong place will help and homemade solutions. When choosing them, they are guided by a persistent smell, which is not dangerous for humans, but scares the cat. Corners and baseboards can be treated with vinegar, ammonia. If you plan to wean the cat from flower pots, then you can treat the stand with potassium permanganate or iodine.
Cause of feeling sick
Shit anywhere can a cat that has various health problems. In the first place are urinary infections. In addition, the problem can be caused by:
- worms;
- advanced age of the animal;
- diarrhea;
- injuries;
- deterioration of smell;
- problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
Как отучить кошку гадить в данных случаях, decided together with the veterinarian. Healing comes to the fore. A separate line is the psychological state of the cat. Sometimes, having gone only once in the wrong place, the animal does it again and again. Correction of behavior with the help of psychotropic drugs, which can only appoint a specialist.
Attention to food
При нерациональном питании питомец может страдать from constipation or diarrhea. In this case, there is a constant and uncontrollable need to go to the toilet, and the place is not so important. Constant urges require a more peaceful place. The cat searches and finds hidden corners.
If problems with stool or urination are suspected, nutrition should be reviewed.
Tray is important
In order not to suffer from the question of how to wean the cat to shit, it is necessary to take more seriously the selection of the tray and keeping it clean. It is recommended to use the following veterinary advice:
- Clean and empty the tray regularly. When leaving, you can use the tool without a strong smell. Bleach-based is not suitable because they cause disgust in animals.
- Sometimes you need to use two trays. Especially it concerns exclusively clean individuals and fans to walk on small and big need in different places.
- Cat's pot should be in a secluded place where there are no extraneous noises and people walking. Can help in solving the problem of a special house where the tray is safely hidden under the roof.
- If it becomes necessary to transfer the pot to another place, then it should be done gradually, gently showing the cat a new place of the toilet.
- Sometimes animals do not like the smell and texture of synthetic fillers. You can try to change them to natural.
- Do not allow other cats to use the cat tray. Each pet must have its own toilet.
- Maybe the cat is just cramped or uncomfortable. A more spacious pot can help in the process of schooling.
It is important to clearly understand that with a sharp change inthe behavior of the animal can be caused by a physical or psychological illness. If the doctor did not find any pathologies with health, then perhaps the cat protects its territory in this way.
This can not be done
In the case of teaching to the tray, not all means are good. First you need to be patient. Cruelty in this case is inappropriate. The following actions are prohibited and dangerous:
- screams and beatings;
- watering;
- rude and forced sitting on the tray.
В этом случае беспокойство и озлобленность the animal will only intensify. Therefore, illegal actions will be repeated several times. Moreover, it has been noted that poking the muzzle sometimes makes it clear to the cat that this procedure should be done exactly here and always.
Folk methods
Significantly help wean the cat to shit folk remedies. You can use a cloth moistened with a kitten's urine. They put it in a tray, making it clear where the toilet is.
If the animal has chosen itself a favorite corner, thenYou can use the following advice. The floor and walls are glued with double-sided tape. As soon as the pet wants to sit there, its wool will stick, which will create a lasting feeling of disgust from this place.