/ / How to calculate the length of pregnancy by weeks

How to calculate the length of pregnancy by weeks

Every pregnant girl, a woman from the beginning of conception is interested in the date of birth of her future baby. It is necessary to be able to calculate the duration of pregnancy by weeks for many reasons.

calculate the length of pregnancy by week
After all, it will depend on the date of release ina decree, the onset of labor, the delivery of tests, and also the possibility of planning the purchases necessary for the appearance of the child. Women are interested in the process of changes occurring in their organisms during pregnancy, and the development of the baby for weeks. Calculate the duration of pregnancy for weeks you can yourself or with the help of specialists and consultants in the clinic, where the future mother will be observed. First of all, to calculate the duration of pregnancy, you need to know the date of the onset of the last menstrual cycle. To this day, add two weeks (this is the approximate day of conception), and then add to the received date forty weeks (in some cases, the date varies from thirty-eight to forty-two weeks).

pregnancy and
Experts advise to have your ownthe calendar of pregnancy for weeks, where exact dates for carrying out ultrasound, doctor's examination, development of the baby, the beginning of the perturbation and other changes in the woman's body will be kept. Doctors also have their own magazine to monitor the patient (most often he is in the pregnant exchange card), which takes into account changes in the volumes, weight of both herself and the baby's future. Calculate the duration of pregnancy for weeks can also be using a special calculator that works by the formula of Negele, where from the first days of the supposed menstrual cycle is deducted three months, and then add seven days. The date will be the day of the onset of labor.
pregnancy date of birth

Experienced doctors determine the exact date whengynecological examination or ultrasound examination, and in the second trimester - by the date of the first stirring and the length of the uterus, which begins to change in size already in the twelfth week (with each week increases by approximately one centimeter).

An accurate weekly calculation will help the doctor in advanceto determine undesirable deviations from the norm of passing of pregnancy and at the same time it will allow to carry out the studies designed by the doctor on time. Pregnancy and childbirth are always psychological, physical and emotional changes in a woman's life. Now she should know how to eat properly, what to do, watch yourself, do respiratory gymnastics. It's much easier to trace this in a week's time.

In most cases, whenpregnancy, the date of birth, established by specialists, can fluctuate in the area of ​​one to two weeks. Therefore, the results of calculations should be applied in a complex. Calculate the length of pregnancy for weeks and do all of the above actions will help you only high-level specialists. You should not save money on this, because the health of your children depends on it.

Proper management of pregnancy and a clear definition of the date of birth will help you avoid most of the various uncomfortable situations that may occur during the development of the fetus.