/ English Cocker Spaniel: description of the breed. Character of the dog, content, training

English Cocker Spaniel: a description of the breed. Character of the dog, content, training

English Spaniel - to the impossibility of playfulanimal. A small tail, hanging ears and huge eyes create a special atmosphere of absolute happiness and joy around this little dog. A soft, flowing under the fingers, full of shine, the coat and so asks to be stroked.

In the Middle Ages, when this breed only appearedto the light, cocker spaniels were used in hunting as hounds water dogs. The breed English spaniel (photo below) originated, as you already guessed, in England. To date, these pets are not just dog hunters, they have become true friends for people because of their light and cheerful disposition.

english spaniel pictures

English Cocker Spaniel. Breed description

They do not have high growth, on average 39-41 cm, knotsa bit less. For exhibition individuals, there are quite serious requirements for appearance. The pet should be of small height and weight. According to the rules of the standard, its weight should vary in the region of 12-15 kilograms. True, the main focus of the test is on the correctness of the physique, not weight. The dog should be moderately well-fed, with a beautiful andshiny hair. Without signs of rickets and other abnormalities in health. Eyes bright and shiny, wet nose, well-groomed ears. Here is the first thing you should pay attention to when buying an animal for yourself. For breeding or participation in exhibitions the requirements are much broader.

So: There are certain rules of the standard for the dog English Cocker Spaniel. The description of the breed, presented below, will allow you to understand how to properly look a thoroughbred dog.

Rules of the standard

  • The head has a clearly defined, regular shape of the skull, with a pronounced transition from the nose to the frontal lobe.
  • The ears are located on one level with the eyes, thin, drop-shaped. Since they are quite long and at the same time are low-set, they easily reach the nose of the dog.
  • Eyes large enough, but not convex and always dark in color. Bright and shiny pupils. But for animals chocolate color is allowed a light brown shade of the eyes.
  • The nose is straight, with a large tip and developed nostrils. Color - black, except for the breeds of chocolate shades, they are allowed a brown color of the nose pads.
  • Bite: cheekbones are even, not protruding. The incisors should be strictly vertical, and the bite should have a scissors-like shape.
  • The body is well developed with a regular top line and a slight inclination from the waist to the beginning of the tail.
  • The chest is deep, beautifully folded, of medium size.
  • The back is rather short, straight, with strong muscles.
  • Forelegs straight, short and with full pads.
  • The hind legs are different from the forelegs with more developed musculature. They have impressive thighs, giving the power and speed of running. The shins are straight, parallel to each other.
  • The tail is below the line of the back. Trimmed in half or two-thirds of the length.

Summarizing, we can say that the requirements forthese dogs are presented quite harsh. And when selling a puppy of the breed, the English Cocker Spaniel price is set with the calculation not only of the personal qualities of the animal, but also the status of its parents.

A haircut

Since this breed of dogs was bred inGreat Britain, the haircut must be done according to the rules of this country. It is performed in a very natural style, and when looking at a four-legged friend, it seems that his hair was a creation of nature, and not the result of painstaking work of the master.

Стрижка английского кокер-спаниеля таит свои secrets, the main of which is the use of scissors for filing. The haircut can be divided into two parts - first treat the head and body, not forgetting to thin the undercoat of the animal, and then begin to cut the hair on the ears and paws. English spaniel (photo below) is trimmed according to all the rules of the standards for this breed.

haircut english cocker spaniel


Differs extremely good-natured disposition andextreme vigor. The dog will be an excellent friend for children and a great helper in the hunt. With the right upbringing with this funny beast, you can participate in Agility exhibition contests.

Spaniels are very affectionate, becoming lifelong.for their masters faithful comrades and companions. Due to the very light character, they get along well with the other animals in the house. But do not indulge their whims while they are still puppies, otherwise a very wayward and harmful dog will grow up in the future. These dogs do their best to play a dominant role in the family.

Rules of training

They are excellently trainable.These are great athletes, in whose blood real hunting excitement lives. Knowing the characteristics of the behavior of the dog, you should make the classes as rich as possible and establish equal relations. Under no circumstances can you beat a pet, he will never forgive you for this. But the descent is also not worth giving, otherwise your four-legged partner will grow into an extremely selfish beast.

English Cocker Spaniel breed description

Care and maintenance

This is a very beautiful dog, with a brilliant,flowing hair and bright bottomless eyes. But, as much as she is beautiful, she needs attention to herself. The greatest advantage of this breed is wool. True, it is also the biggest drawback that brings a lot of trouble and problems for those who keep such a dog as the English Cocker Spaniel at home. The description of the breed presented below covers very important aspects of caring for this dog.

  • The dog's molt is not periodic, but permanentcharacter. It must be brushed every day to remove dead hair. For the same purpose, you need to periodically trim. Everyday combing will get rid of tangles that easily form on a curly thin fur coat.
  • Do not often wash the animal, from this hedandruff may appear, and the wool itself will dull and become completely ugly. But you need to clean every day, especially as the dog just loves when it is scratched. To do this, use a special brush with teeth of different lengths. Brushing with a brush is a very useful procedure, because during it a massage is performed, which improves blood circulation and, accordingly, the metabolism of the animal.
  • The claws are trimmed as they grow, with the help of a clipper. Do not forget about the wool, which grows in the intervals between the pads on the legs, it must be cut.
  • In winter, coming from the street, always wash off the salt from the paws of your pet, it can provoke severe inflammation.
  • Уши тоже нуждаются в пристальном внимании.Somewhere once or twice a week, they are cleaned with a special solution, and periodically, using a cotton swab, they remove various secretions. During feeding, the ears need to tie up, or buy a bowl for Cocker Spaniels. The excess hair in the ears is trimmed.
  • About three times a week you should wipe your eyes with tea brewing or a certain solution, which is sold in a veterinary pharmacy.
  • Teeth also need regular brushing with animal toothpaste and a brush. Do not rely on food that cleans your teeth.

Remember, you need to teach your four-leggedfriend to hygiene since childhood. And then the procedures, the implementation of which has already been brought to automatism, will not take much time. And your dog will be healthy and beautiful.

english cocker spaniel reviews

Do not buy English Cocker Spaniel if ...

The animal has a very beautiful coat, whichrequires constant attention. If you are not ready to devote a considerable part of the time to your dog from your personal life, then you should not start it, thus, you will only ruin the life for yourself and your pet.

Who should definitely buy an English Cocker Spaniel

If you have never had a dog, but you are readyengage your dog, giving him all the affection and care; or you have children, and your whole family decided to buy a four-legged friend in the house, - then this is exactly the dog that you need. Incredible mobility and friendly character will not leave anyone indifferent. To the hunters and those who just love to travel in nature, this dog will be a great partner.

English Cocker Spaniel puppies


Спаниель живет около 15 лет и имеет, в общем и Overall, good health. True, some representatives of the breed with age overcome such eye diseases as glaucoma and cataracts. Keep in mind that dogs with a uniform color are usually prone to aggression and require more rigorous education. A prerequisite for maintaining the health of the animal is a large number of walks in the fresh air and active physical exertion.

Mating features

If you decide to breed puppies for sale, youNote that this is a rather complicated process. Think carefully, clearly assess your capabilities, and only then proceed to find a partner for your dog. After all, in order for puppies of the English Cocker Spaniel to be born in the near future, you should invest a lot of energy and finances in caring for your pregnant pet.

Before the mating is necessary to spend allnecessary tests to make the bitch completely healthy. Also need to do a genetic test. The current should be repeated 2 times a year - this is an indicator of the norm. It is after passing through all the procedures before estrus that the binding of the English Cocker Spaniel will become the most fruitful.

The process of mating itself must be tough.to control. First, animals are given time to meet and adapt to new conditions. Further, so that the bitch does not break loose, she is held on behind her head and under the stomach, until the moment of the so-called castle. The duration of the castle is usually ten minutes. After a couple of days, knitting is recommended to repeat.

Pregnancy and childbirth

Common pregnancy, without anyproblems, runs for 56-63 days. To accurately determine the date of commencement of labor, measure rectal temperature. When it falls and stays around 37 ° C, you can begin to prepare for the process of puppy birth.

Primary delivery is best done in the presence ofveterinarian, as it may be necessary caesarean section. Puppies appear in fetal membranes, do not interfere, the bitch herself will gnaw them and release the babies. Childbirth is a rather long process, usually the second puppy appears only three hours after the first. Then it goes a little faster.

english cocker spaniel colors

English Cocker Spaniel Puppies Requirevery attentive attitude. If the bitch does not have milk, or it is too little, then you will have to feed the babies yourself. Every two hours, including at night, they will need to be watered from a bottle with warm milk.

Somewhere in 2.5 months puppies are vaccinated.And only then, plus a week of the incubation period, you can go out for a walk with the babies. When selling puppies of the English Cocker Spaniel breed, the price for promising young animals is much higher and can differ greatly from the usual market value.


black english cocker spaniel

Black English Cocker Spaniel is not reallyalways completely solid. This color has many options, for example: black and tan, black with gray, black and piebald. Pure, without impurities, a black shade is a rather rare phenomenon.

In the breed English Cocker Spaniel colors are veryvaried, and in different countries have their own wishes for colors. For example, in Eastern Europe, people like the golden-red color, and the rare, pure white color is considered undesirable, as it can go hand in hand with congenital deafness.

Summing up, let's say:If you have children and you want to have a dog, then take a closer look at a puppy like the English Cocker Spaniel. The description of the breed provided in this article makes it clear that a stunning four-legged friend will grow out of it, which will delight you with its cheerful disposition day after day.

English Cocker Spaniel reviews always getsvery benevolent. Many owners say that this is a wonderful dog, a little shy, but very kind. Everyone likes her cute face and beautiful wool. And always the owners celebrate her playful character.