/ / Can I get pregnant with menstruation?

Can I get pregnant with menstruation?

Family Planning and Children for Womenwill always be in the first place. Many women choose the calendar method of protection from pregnancy. Its essence consists in abstaining from sexual intercourse on conventionally dangerous days, when the egg has matured and is still in the body of a woman. At other times, the risk of getting pregnant is much lower, but does not disappear completely. Thus, the question: can I get pregnant with menstruation? The answer is unequivocal: Of course!

Unlike barrier methods or applicationoral contraceptives, the calendar method does not give 100% guarantee in this matter. So many children just came into being when conception, according to their mothers, was simply impossible. It depends on many factors, which include the regularity of the menstrual cycle of a woman, taking medications, changing the climate or the time zone. The female organism is very interestingly arranged and that the pregnancy is possible with menstruation, a woman sometimes finds out even when the test shows 2 strips.

The natural method should not be used in thatthe case when the cycle is not regular. So ovulation can occur later or, conversely, before the due date. The egg will be in the body of the woman at a time when she can have menstruation. Thinking about whether you can get pregnant with men with such a device of the body, you should additionally be protected in other ways. Fertilization of the oocyte these days is just as real in this case as it is on any other day.

There is one more important point in the matter:Can I get pregnant with menstruation while in a country with a different climate or time zone? Of course! Changing the temperature or hourly mode entails a malfunction of the menstrual cycle. Then the entire calendar calculation of safe and dangerous days loses all meaning, since the date of ovulation changes. Thus, all the calculations can be considered erroneous, since the maturation of the egg will occur on other days. Also, the ability to conceive is affected by the intake of antibiotics and other medications, so in such periods it is worth paying special attention to contraceptive issues.

Another important factor that solves the question of what can be whether to become pregnant at monthly, became term of a lifespermatozoa. Getting into the body of a woman, according to some scientists, they can live there for several days, without losing their ability to fertilize. Thus, even if the sexual act has passed on a relatively safe day, the woman is still at risk of an unplanned pregnancy, since the fusion of the sex cells can come in a few days. Hence we can conclude that in fact, days when the probability of conception is close to zero, practically does not exist.

It is interesting that the beginning of menstruation is notsays that the body is not in the stage of pregnancy. So some women have a discharge, according to their calendar, but her ovum is already fertilized. So the question is: do they go through the period of pregnancy? The answer will not always be negative. Such a reaction of the body is called in the people washing of the fetus and can last for 2-3 months, when the woman does not suspect her interesting situation. This is due to the detachment of the fetal egg as a result of a shortage of certain hormones. If the fetus is firmly attached to the walls of the uterus, then the pregnancy is likely to remain and will continue to develop. Otherwise, a miscarriage occurs.

The calendar method does not give a great guarantee fromof pregnancy, therefore, it is necessary to choose more effective methods that will preserve the female organism without harm to health. The risk of conception exists on any day of the cycle.