/ / How to decorate the room on an extract from the hospital with their own hands?

How to decorate the room on an extract from the hospital with their own hands?

A young couple lives nine months waiting for a miracle.Spouses together can experience the very long-awaited moment when the baby will utter the first cry when their first acquaintance takes place. And only one task they do not share among themselves - how to decorate a room on an extract from the maternity hospital in order to meet the mother with the child. How to make the meeting of dear people unforgettable? This problem has to be solved by dad alone.

how to decorate the room on the discharge from the hospital

What does the father do after the first minutes of acquaintance with the baby?

While mom and baby are getting better after giving birth, dadhome busy a bunch of things. First, he has to move away from the emotional overload associated with good news. He's a dad! So, he now has a lot more responsibilities and responsibility. And the first thing that awaits him is to adequately prepare for the meeting of two beloved people from the hospital.

First purchases

Because of prejudice and superstition, oftenyoung dad lays down the obligation to make the first purchase. Often, mothers are afraid to do them before the baby is born. They stock up only the most necessary for going to the hospital. This applies to clothing, and hygiene items, and children's furniture.

The rest rely on dad.It is good if during pregnancy a mother will make a complete list of necessary things or experienced parents will be nearby, who will help in the first troubles related to paternity. Providing everything you need is no less important than answering the question of how to decorate a room for discharge from the hospital.

how to decorate the room on an extract from the maternity hospital photo

And this is not a complete set of necessary things that should appear in the house before the arrival of the mother and baby from the hospital:

  • several sets of clothes according to the season;
  • hygiene items, diapers, diapers, wet wipes;
  • blanket, baby bedding;
  • cot;
  • stroller;
  • a children's room, ideally or a designated corner in the room where young parents live;
  • stock of products for themselves and nursing mothers, which sometimes may differ;
  • baby food in the case when breastfeeding is not possible;
  • a wardrobe or chest of drawers for storing children's clothes and accessories;
  • night light with subdued lighting;
  • safe detergents, sterilizers for children's dishes and more.

Clean - the guarantee of health! Comfort first!

To return home was enjoyable andtouching for a young mother, dad needs to be well prepared. And not just to fill up the room with the necessary things, but to provide comfort and comfort to the new resident and his mother. After all, her emotional state is transmitted to the baby and affects lactation. Everything you need to be on hand at the right time.

how to decorate a room on an extract from the maternity hospital

Before arrival from the hospital the baby needs to worryabout cleanliness in the nursery. Make a general cleaning, wash and iron children's clothes, put everything in its place and think about how to decorate the room on the discharge from the hospital.

Airy mood

The meeting should be beautiful, bright and vibrant.Maternity makes a woman more sensitive and sentimental, so preparation should be filled with increased attention to detail. The day of discharge from the maternity hospital should be remembered by the young mother forever.

Balloons are able to make the settingmore solemn. It will be a bunch of ordinary balloons or helium balloons that will soar into the sky after leaving the hospital - this is not important. In any case, they will help create a unique atmosphere and give bright emotions. If the question arises, how to decorate the room on the discharge from the hospital for the boy or girls should think about balls. They are able to lift any mood and defuse the situation.

how to decorate the room on the discharge from the hospital for a boy

When the room is decorated with balloons,garlands and serpentines, I want to quickly cross the threshold of a new fairy tale, settling in it the main character - the baby. For a newborn boy, a composition of delicate white and blue marbles is suitable, for a girl - of red and pink.

The carriage is filed!

Молодой маме важно, кто и как ее встречает.It's nice to feel like a queen with a little prince or a princess in her arms. And near the porch waiting for a fabulous carriage - a car with thematic inscriptions: “Thank you for the son” or “Thank you for the daughter”, “I love you, my dear”, “We are waiting for home!”, “I am going from the maternity hospital!”, “And we boy (girl)! "," Hurray! I am a father!". The car can also be decorated with balls or ribbons.

Here at home!

For a woman who has survived childbirth and is tired offirst sleepless nights, it is important, crossing the threshold of his home, to see how to decorate the room on the discharge from the hospital tried her husband. The first minutes of being in the family nest should make her feel like a holiday and raise her spirits. While decorating the house, the husband shows his wife his love and desire to give them happiness with the baby.

how to decorate the room on the discharge from the hospital without balls

The easiest way to create a solemn atmosphere withusing the garlands, arranging them with thematic compositions, figures of babies, bottles, strollers, foil hearts, soothers, toys, or simply helium flying balls of the corresponding color - pink or peach, blue or purple.

Alternative to balls

Wondering how to decorate the room on an extract from the maternity hospital without balls, my husband will have to do needlework.

You can prepare posters or garlands withwith inscriptions: “We are glad for your return!”, “Welcome, go home!”, “I love you, dear ones!”, “Thank you for your son (daughter)!”, “With a newborn!”. You can decorate the room with homemade flowers or pom-poms of different sizes.

Матери будет приятно увидеть новые фотографии в beautiful frames. These can be pictures from the cycle “Soon we will become parents,” “Waiting for a miracle,” and the first pictures of the baby from the hospital. And every woman is pleased to find notes with words of love and gratitude for the child.

how to decorate the room on the discharge from the hospital girls

How to decorate a room on discharge from the hospitalgirls will help solve the bed with air pink, peach or pale white canopy. She will turn her mistress into a little princess. The blue color will create an involuntary festive atmosphere, giving beauty, comfort and protection for the boy.

If the family already has children, they can be added todecorating a room for a newborn. From this all will benefit. Children will feel in demand and loved. Making garlands, drawing pictures, they learn to love their new relative even before they meet him.


Все женщины любят цветы.And this is a great gift for all occasions. But not at this time. A baby’s weak body may be allergic to live plants. Therefore, with the choice of such decorations for the nursery should be careful.

With a bouquet you can meet the wife from the hospital. But if there is no possibility to put it in a separate room, then it is better to give flowers to the medical staff or refuse it altogether.

Photographing on an extract

Photography has become an integral part of life,leaving bright traces in our memory of pleasant events. Having ordered the services of a professional photographer, you can capture the meeting of the wife from the maternity hospital and the way home.

how to decorate the room on an extract from the maternity hospital girls with their own hands

For an emotional woman, every moment counts.life: how and how to decorate a room on an extract from a maternity hospital, a husband or someone from a family will make a photo with his own hands, or it will be a solemn meeting ordered by professionals with the presentation of certificates to young parents. She will still see bright flashes of the memory of the event in the family album.

Главное, не забыть запечатлеть первые минуты и the days of their long-awaited baby. After all, this is impossible to repeat. Is that another experience when re-visiting the hospital for the second, third and next child. But these will be completely different emotions. And her husband again will have to decide how to decorate the room on the discharge from the hospital. Photos with new characters will tell completely different stories.


It has become a tradition to give a gift to his wife as a signthanks for a son or daughter. It can be a decoration or a necessary thing in the household. The choice of a gift depends on the financial situation of the family. Agree, it is foolish to buy an expensive ring on credit, if there is no blender, without which mom and child simply cannot do. A soul card with words of gratitude for the baby will be more precious for a wife than a diamond.

how to decorate the room on the discharge from the hospital

On discharge from the hospital, care for a young mother withbaby does not end there. Relatives should take care that their stay at home is as comfortable as possible, like a holiday. And the main decoration and addition of a festive atmosphere will be daily love and care, smiles and warm words.

No matter how to decorate the room on discharge fromMaternity Hospital girls with their own hands garlands and how much to inflate balls for the son. The main thing is to be comfortable at home mother with child. After all, it is care that makes a husband a real man.