/ / How to meet my wife from the hospital. Handbook for young dads and husbands

How to meet a wife from the hospital. A handbook for young popes and husbands

The birth of a child is an important event in life.any family. Many moms, fearing that after the maternity hospital will fall into the bachelor lair, ask to look after their husbands or send them to their relatives. But there is a separate category of fathers and husbands who rush into battle with the household on their own. And the first thing that worries them is how to meet the wife from the maternity hospital after the birth of the baby.

how to meet his wife from the hospital

Четкой инструкции вообще-то не существует.But there are general rules that apply to any family. First, you need to sleep. Yes Yes. A husband with a rumpled face, red eyes and bruises under his eyes suggests his wife to the idea that he spent the days of "freedom" a little un-family. Secondly, prepare a suit in advance. A man should be fresh, clean and smell good, regardless of the situation. At the same time, it is advisable not to get carried away with toilet water, and suddenly the baby will become allergic to odor. Thirdly, collect things for the wife and the baby’s kit. If the first wife tells you, then the second may be difficult. Many moms do not buy in advance things for the baby (they say, bad luck). A man can ask for help from the older ladies in the family (grandmothers always know everything), and maybe even collect everything himself. What you need to discharge from the hospital:

  1. Diaper (calico and flannel).
  2. Vest
  3. A cap.
  4. Pampers (number 1, the smallest).
  5. Nipple.
  6. The blanket is light.
  7. The blanket is warm (if it's cold outside).
  8. The tape on the statement (which bag with the baby will be tied up).
  9. Flowers mom and nurse, who will hand the child.

what do you need for discharge from the hospital
Currently available in storesall kinds of discharge sets (envelopes, in some cases). Usually they include a complete set of what is needed at discharge. This greatly simplifies the task. By the way, do not forget to collect the first first aid kit baby. They are sold as sets in special cases, and separately. Composition prompt in the pharmacy. Most often it is a cream under the diaper, powder, scissors, cotton, bandage, brilliant green, potassium permanganate.

Чтобы знать, как встречать жену из роддома, можно read special literature. And you can rely on your flair. Houses should immediately prepare a place for the baby. If the bed is not assembled - to collect. If diapers are not purchased - buy. In addition, you may need and bottles, nipples, and possibly a mixture (ask your mother). Everything is bought at the pharmacy, with the exception of things.

How to meet the wife from the hospital:by car or public transport - this is not even a question at all. Only by car. If its not, you can ask friends or hire a taxi. Cooking is necessary, but carefully. Young mothers who breastfeed, many products can not be used categorically.

nice to meet my wife

To meet your wife beautifully, you need to remember a few moments:

  1. Diapers, vests, caps, etc. - should be ironed and folded in a pile.
  2. The bed is made up.
  3. Stroller collected.
  4. The first dinner together after separation for childbirth is cooked.
  5. The house is cleaned.

Moms after discharge do not want to dohousekeeping on the very first day. If you are not ready for such a feat on your own, connect your parents (and yours, and your wife). Every loving husband and dad should know how to meet his wife from the maternity hospital. After all, you always want to make a nice lady, especially after such a significant event in life.