Do you have a child in the family, was the baby born?So, home chores just increased. How can I manage everything: to manage the household, go to the store, etc., if you have a small child all the time? The output is offered by leading manufacturers of ergo-backpacks. Such accessories will be a real salvation for you.

Ergo backpacks are a unique and sophisticateddevice with which you can carry the child. The predecessors of such backpacks were children's kenguryats. The uniqueness lies in the fact that now the mother can freely do her own business, move around the city and at the same time constantly be in sight of her child. In many European countries, ergo backpacks have become indispensable attributes of active business women.

The main difference between the latter and the "kangaroo"consists in the fact that it has a number of constructive differences. For example, in "kangaroo" the child hangs, just dangling the legs, and in the backpack the baby is in a natural physiological position. In this ego ass is supported, and the back is correctly fixed. Ergo backpacks allow you to carry the child not only face to face, but also on your back. This allows mom or dad to constantly monitor the condition of the baby and have a close contact with him, which is important in his age.
Ergo backpacks can be used to carry a child,when he turns 4 months, then he already confidently holds the head, rises to the handles. The device is high-quality, can withstand the weight of even a 3-year-old baby. If the child falls asleep in a backpack, then you have the opportunity to fix the position of his head and back due to the presence of a special hood. To do this, you will not need additional help from outside, and you can manage on your own.
Correct arrangement of straps evenlydistributes the load of the child's weight on the whole body of the mother. This will help to avoid pain in the dorsal and lumbar spine. Each strap has foam inserts that will not allow them to bite into the shoulders.
The material from which the backpack is made is in full compliance with all sanitary standards established by the state. This will protect your child from allergic reactions, rash or redness.

The color spectrum offered by manufacturers,will allow you to purchase the liked ergo-backpack both for the girl, and for the boy. Bright, colorful or, on the contrary, single-color accessories are easy to wash and will last for a long time.
Ergo-backpack. Reviews mom
Before buying such a necessary thing asbackpack, once again make sure the correctness of the choice. Read reviews of moms who have already purchased this product, determine which firms deserve positive reviews.
Very popular is one company that has been producing an ergo backpack for more than 15 years. "Ergo-baby" - this family firm knows firsthand about the problems of women.
Feedback from moms who bought backpacks of thisproducer, they say that women are very happy with the purchase, they were able to unload their hands and completely forgot about the need to lift the stroller to the floors. Ergo-backpack is your faithful helper!