/ / "Faringosept" during pregnancy: indications, instructions for use, reviews

"Pharyngosept" during pregnancy: indications, instructions for use, reviews

During childbirth the woman's bodybecomes vulnerable to all sorts of diseases. Indeed, during this period a lot of energy is spent on the growth and development of the baby. A woman can catch a cold at this time very easily. At the same time, pregnant women are very limited in the choice of drugs. After all, taking during the carrying of the fetus can only those drugs that are guaranteed not to harm the child.

One of the cold remedies allowed touse during pregnancy, is "Faringosept." The remedy is relatively safe. But taking "Faringosept" during pregnancy, of course, should be strictly in accordance with the instructions for use.


Form of issue and composition

This modern efficient is produceddrug known Romanian company Terapia Ranbaxy SA. This company was founded back in 1920 and for the entire time of its existence it has produced just a huge amount of the highest-quality products that deserved great popularity among consumers.

Поставляется от производителя это средство в виде tablets for sucking packed in blisters and cardboard boxes. The main active ingredient of "Faringosept" is amazone monohydrate. Also included in this medication are:

  • sucrose;
  • cocoa;
  • lactose monohydrate;
  • polyvidone K30;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • vanillin;
  • gum arabic.

This medicine is released in pharmacies without a prescription.the doctor. If desired, a pregnant woman can buy the usual pill "Faringosept" or with lemon flavor. This drug is very inexpensive. For 10 tablets of the remedy, depending on the supplier, the patient will need to pay only about 100-150 rubles.


Classic and lemon versions of the drug compositionhave exactly the same. The difference between these two drugs is only in the form used in the manufacture of flavoring. In the first case, vanillin powder is used, in the second, respectively, lemon. The shelf life of this drug is 4 years. It is recommended to store it in a dark cool place.

Indications for use

Faringosept can be used during pregnancy, including, for the treatment of the following diseases:

  • inflammation of the larynx (pharyngitis);
  • chronic tonsil inflammation;
  • bacterial lesions of the tissues of the throat.

Doctors often prescribe this remedy andinflammation of the gums. In case of problems such as stomatitis, it will also be useful to take Faringosept during pregnancy. The indication for the use of this tool is, among other things, and inflammation of the vocal cords.

Also, this drug may be prescribed forprevention of complications after various dental procedures. Use this tool is allowed not only in the period of gestation. Do not prohibit the use of the drug and breast-feeding a child.

How the medicine works

When resorption tablets "Faringosept"have a local antimicrobial effect. This drug is effective from a very large spectrum of gram-negative and gram-positive pathogens.

Cold treatment

This medicine does not belong to the group of antibiotics. And consequently, it has no overwhelming effect on the beneficial microflora in the human body.

Instructions for use of "Faringosept" during pregnancy: what are the contraindications

On the market, this drug appeared a long time ago -more than 25 years ago. And for all the time of its use for the treatment of colds, he managed to establish himself as quite safe, including for women carrying a child, a remedy. Take "Faringosept" during pregnancy is allowed at all stages of fetal development.

But of course, like any other medicine, this drug also has some contraindications. You can not treat throat or dental disease with its use:

  • if you are allergic to any components of the product;
  • with hypersensitivity to the ingredients in the composition of the drug.

How to use it correctly

So, the answer to the question of whether to take"Faringosept" during pregnancy, there is an affirmative. But of course, this drug should be used for treatment in strict accordance with the recommendations provided in the instructions. Increasing the dose does not lead to an increase in the therapeutic effect of the use of this drug.

Dissolve tablets "Faringosept" reliesafter about 15-30 minutes after eating or drinking. Any substances that improve the state of the intestinal microflora, at the same time as this medicine is not necessary to drink. As it has already been mentioned, this means does not have a negative effect on beneficial bacteria.

To seize something with tablets "Faringosept" oryou can not drink them with water. This may lead to a decrease in therapeutic effect. Eating and drinking after the use of the drug is not recommended for about 3 hours. This is the way to take "Faringosept" during pregnancy in the first trimester, the second and the third.

Flu Cure for Pregnant Women


Usually this drug to achieve the desiredeffect take 4-5 tab. in a day. In this case, the duration of the course of treatment with Faringosept, including pregnancy, in most cases is 4 days.

Women carrying a child while taking thismedications should closely monitor their condition. With the appearance of reddening of the skin and itching, the use of the drug should be abandoned, after which you should consult a doctor. The same should be done if the remedy for the problem does not help. Perhaps in this case, the doctor will prescribe a stronger drug.

What side effects may occur

Contraindications at "Faringosept", atincluding pregnancy, practically not available. In most cases, it does not give any side effects. At the moment, this medicine is one of the first places in medical practice among other antiseptics, including those for pregnant women.

Since the medicine is very old, differentA lot of research has been done by doctors to identify possible negative effects on the patient’s body. And today it is safe to say that in most cases this medicine does not provide side effects. But, of course, it will be safe to take this drug only if the woman exactly complies with the instructions for using Faringosept during pregnancy.

The only problem that may arisein patients using this remedy for treatment, allergic itching and redness occur. Thus, the body of some people reacts to the main substance of the drug - amazona monohydrate.


Take Faringosept during pregnancy in 1Trimester, second or third, like any other drugs, is, of course, with caution. This drug is practically safe. However, drinking Faringosept, especially pregnant women, of course, should be strictly in the prescribed dosage. Too much medication doesn’t improve the patient’s condition. An overdose of this remedy, although outwardly it usually does not manifest itself in any way, can be very harmful. When taking too much of this drug, doctors recommend that the victim should induce vomiting and gastric lavage is desirable.


Drug analogues

Take tablets "Faringosept" withpregnancy because they are safe, many women have a cold. This drug is inexpensive and very popular. In pharmacies, you can almost always find it. But if you wish, of course, it is allowed to change this medicine to some qualitative analogs. This is the case, for example, if the patient is allergic to amazon.

Synonyms for this drug, as such, are notattaching. That is, to find other lozenges on the basis of amazon in pharmacies is simply impossible. In this case, analogues of "Faringosept" during pregnancy are also allowed for use, for example:

  • Tantum Verde;
  • Lizobact;
  • "Cameton."

Can also be used to treat throat instead"Faringosept" and "Miramistin". Medicines "Lizobakt" and "Tantum Verde" are supplied in pharmacies in the form of lozenges. These two products are considered the safest substitutes for Faringosept. Side effects they usually do not give. Moreover, there are not too many contraindications. They take these drugs in the same way as Faringosept.

The drug "Kameton" is produced pharmacologicalcompanies in the form of a spray, and "Miramistin" - in the form of a solution. These drugs are not as safe as those described above, so pregnant women should preferably take them under the supervision of a physician.

Use of "Faringosept" during pregnancy: reviews

The advantages of this medication are women carrying a child, in addition to safety:

  • good taste;
  • usability;
  • low cost.

При желании эти таблетки беременной женщине можно Always carry in your purse and take it immediately after a sore throat. After all, it is not necessary to drink "Faringosept" with water, according to the instructions for use.

How to treat a cold for pregnant women

Standard tablets of this medication havecoffee taste and very popular with many consumers. The lemon version of Faringosept also earned good reviews from patients. To drink such a drug, according to consumers, is quite nice.

In terms of the effectiveness of action about this tool inNetworks also have mostly positive reviews. However, as many people have noted, this medicine is good for colds, mainly only in the initial stages of the disease. If the infection is already deeply “rooted” in the body, most patients recommend using some other, more effective and powerful drug instead of “Faringosept”. In this case, a pregnant woman should definitely contact the doctor in charge and get recommendations on choosing the right medicine from him.

"Faringosept" for children

Women carrying a child can take thisthe drug is safe. You can treat "Faringoseptom" and children aged 3 years. Such patients are usually prescribed 3 tablets per day. In this case, the treatment of children from 3 to 7 years with this tool lasts 3-4 days in most cases.