/ / Tooth powder: harm and benefits, reviews, recommendations of dentists

Tooth powder: harm and benefit, reviews, recommendations of dentists

Many people who care about their health,Recently, modern toothpastes, stuffed with harmful "chemistry", are being thrown away. Fluorine, glycerin and other ingredients are far from beneficial to enamel and gum. To replace the pastes came long-forgotten tooth powders.

What it is?

Powder is a certain combinationnatural ingredients, thanks to which you can achieve excellent results when brushing your teeth. Someone thinks powder is much more effective than paste. With its help, it is possible to whiten enamel even to heavy smokers and coffee lovers.

tooth powder harm and benefit

Brushing your teeth with powder and pastehas differences. In the first case, it is very important to choose the right brush. It should be with soft, not stiff bristles. This will help prevent damage to the enamel. To prevent dental cleaning powder from falling off the brush, it must be wetted. To do this, a small amount of funds should be added a few drops of water. You need to brush your teeth for at least three minutes. Then it is important to rinse your mouth thoroughly several times.


A natural tooth powder sold in pharmacies is more harmless in composition than the familiar paste. As a rule, its main ingredients include:

  1. Chemically precipitated chalk containing carbonates of calcium, magnesium and other mineral compounds.
  2. Baking soda, or sodium bicarbonate, -is a natural antiseptic, kills harmful bacteria, prevents the occurrence of caries and makes the teeth white. It is precisely because of this component that whitening tooth powder appeared.
  3. Sea salt - enriches the teeth with minerals, promotes salivation and eliminates bad breath. Thanks to iodine and manganese, it has a strong bactericidal effect and strengthens the gums.
  4. Powdered dry peppermint, cinnamon and other dry natural ingredients.
  5. Refreshing fragrance.

tooth whitening powder
Tooth powder, depending on the ingredients added to its composition, is not only white, but also pink, brown, blue.

Toothpaste "Lakalut": effect

Despite the fact that the powder includesfamiliar to all substances, and, it would seem, it can be prepared independently at home, not everything is so simple. Chalk and soda are the strongest abrasives. If it is wrong to calculate the amount of substance added to the tooth powder, the harm and benefit in its ratio can change significantly.

Among modern powders, dentistsrecommended product brand "Lakalut". Its composition is balanced enough not to harm the teeth. Nevertheless, it is advisable to use the powder no more than twice a week, and use paste at other times.

 Lactate toothpaste
Toothpaste "Lakalut" refers totherapeutic and preventive means of oral hygiene. It whitens and strengthens tooth enamel, reduces its sensitivity, helps to reduce bleeding gums. In total, over 20 types of pasta of this brand are produced, including the children's series, which makes it possible to choose the right tool for each family member.

Tooth powder: the harm and benefits to the teeth

Tooth powder has certain advantages and disadvantages. Its benefits for enamel, gums and the oral cavity as a whole are certain characteristics. Among them are the following:

  • whitening tooth powder effectively removes the yellowness of enamel, which is typical for people who abuse smoking, strong tea and coffee;
  • removes tartar from enamel due to its natural abrasive property;
  • gently polishes the teeth, making them smooth and beautiful;
  • removes food debris much more efficiently than a paste, thereby reducing the risk of caries;
  • normalizes acid-base balance in the mouth;
  • acts as an anti-inflammatory agent for irritated gums;
  • heals wounds in the mouth and gums.

tooth cleaning powder
Tooth powder, the harm and benefits of which remain the subject of controversial disputes between users and dentists, has several disadvantages:

  • large abrasive particles in the powder gradually destroy tooth enamel;
  • with careless use, you can mechanically injure sore gums;
  • After tooth powder, it is important to rinse your mouth thoroughly to remove the abrasive particles remaining after cleaning;
  • uncomfortable and inefficient packaging.

To significantly improve the condition of the teeth and to avoid all the negative effects of using the powder can be, if you follow the simple recommendations of professional dentists.

Customer Reviews

No matter what price categoryapplies acquired toothbrushing, customer reviews of this product are mostly positive. Tooth powder, whose price ranges from 20 rubles for 140 ml (Russian-made Avanta) to 160 rubles for 40 grams (Lakalut), is popular with users.

tooth powder Price
Among the positive reviews include:

  • noticeable result in bleaching;
  • reduction of the enamel sensitivity;
  • economical spending;
  • natural composition;
  • well freshens breath;
  • allows you to remove tartar.

Those who did not like the powder, noted that it does not foam well and scratches the gums. But It is worth noting that there are significantly more positive reviews compared to negative ones.


Most dentists believe thatThe presented powder can be used exclusively for brushing your teeth. A stone that forms on enamel cannot be removed, because it requires professional tools and procedures. And those who decide to replace toothpaste with powder are not advised to do this. Dentists are of the opinion that this tool has long been obsolete, and it has been replaced by more modern methods of whitening and treatment of enamel, gums and the entire oral cavity.

Still, people who prefer to usetooth powder, the harm and benefits of which have long been known, experts recommend replacing an ordinary brush with an electric model. But you should not have illusions about fast and perfect results.