Remember how it was?Children, going to school, knew that they were waiting for a rich life. At first it is an honorary title of October! With what pride everyone wore this badge. Next, October, which was 10 years old, was replaced by a red star on a pioneer tie! This solemn event they waited with a sinking heart.

Of course, all these years the guys were preparing for the fact thatthey will receive this title not for beautiful eyes. It is not so easy to be a pioneer: one must study well, be an example for all, help the elders and instruct the younger. Pre-grown October was taught the oath and art, how to properly tie a pioneer tie. And this is a whole science! In any case, it seemed to us then.
The occasion for pride
The red tie was the pride of the students.And those who treated him inaccurately, waited for shame. In the crumpled handkerchief they did not admit to lessons. These are the rules that brought the pioneer tie of the USSR. Students of grades 4-5 suffered from these rules more often than others because of their unpreparedness and inexperience. But over the years they made up for everything lost, gained experience and shared it with the younger guys.
Years passed, and the pioneers, unfortunately, forgot,how valuable is the pioneer tie. How to tie it, knew not all. The opacity of the red kerchief was no longer the same. The guys often forgot to iron it, and some did not even wear it at all. The tradition was lost. Hard times of change have come. But many people left in their hearts pleasant memories of the past. Grandparents, mothers and fathers passed on their knowledge to the new generation.

If you delve into history, it becomes clear,that the pioneer tie appeared much earlier than the pioneer detachments. Back in 1919, during the May Day demonstration, along with the adults, there were guys with red kerchiefs on their chests.
How to tie a tie
How to properly tie a pioneer tie, came up in those years:
- the first thing to do is to arrange a kerchief on your shoulders;
- the ends should be wrapped around each other to make the first node;
- you need to place them vertically and point the upper end towards the bottom;
- it is necessary to pinch the center of the knot with your fingers;
- it is necessary to pass the upper end between the fingers and the knot.
Despite the fact that the red scarf is neverwas considered an element of clothing, he carried the special value of Soviet culture to society. Each schoolboy was proud of the fact that he wears a pioneer tie. How to tie it, showed the older comrades. This was a special procedure, which every pioneer had to learn. Together with tradition, the history and value of this attribute was passed from mouth to mouth. At the same time, it was always said that it was a great honor to be a pioneer!

Как правильно завязывать пионерский галстук?This was one of the most frequently asked questions of recruits. Entering the ranks of the fighters for happiness, it was necessary to carefully study the structure and procedures of the pioneer organization. There were also their difficulties, especially in organizational moments. But the decency, honesty, accuracy and many other qualities that were developed by the youth, blocked all difficult situations.
So, how to tie a pioneer tie step by step?Initially, everyone used a special clamp, on which was depicted a bonfire and a solemn inscription. The manufacture of clamps is a rather complicated process, so in the future such elements have been replaced by knots. Even the children could make a beautiful knot on a tie. Shawls were produced from different tissues of red shades. The most popular was the release of acetate silk material of red-orange color. The yellow frame on the tie distinguished the chairmen of the squads.
Fees, rulers, marches, speeches, solemn oaths - all this takes us to the distant past, in Soviet times. Then, how correctly to tie a pioneer tie, all schoolchildren should know.

The ends of the red kerchief were inserted into the opening betweenclamp. The latch was opened beforehand by pressing with the thumb. With one hand held the ends of a handkerchief, and the second tightened the clamp by moving up to the level of the neck. After this, the fixator was released. At some point, both clamps and pioneer icons began to be used at the same time.
Times Change Fashion
Over time pioneer attributesimproved, the icon began to be used more and more often. As a result, the clamps ceased to be used at all. The main reason for the mass refusals of such details was the symbolism that was hostile at the time. But after a thorough investigation it turned out that this is a fictitious reason, there were no fascist swastikas at the time and in sight. But by that time everyone was used to wearing a pioneer tie in a different way. How to tie a red neck scarf, we already found out.
Scarlet attribute was worn daily, it was included instandard school kit pioneer. How beautiful it was! Snow-white shirt, shoulder straps, badge of blue color on trousers of boys and girls' skirts. There was some kind of solemnity in this form, every pupil went to school to study. Even the form testified that all children are equal and have the same rights in the school.
Self-service sewing
For a long time already sunk into oblivion pioneer tie.How to tie neck scarves, today, almost all fashionists and fashionistas know. However, such clothing elements no longer have any symbolism. Sometimes for school plays that show the life of pioneers, red ties are needed. How to sew such an attribute yourself?

First of all you will need silk, satina cloth of bright red color measuring 60 by 60 cm, as well as a red thread, a needle and scissors. Pioneer tie will be of standard size. The pattern is similar to a triangle with equal sides and a right angle. The fabric should be ironed and laid out on a flat plane. Then fold it in half along the diagonal line, cut into two parts, equal to each other. In this case, one of the angles should be equal to 90 degrees, and the rest - to 45. Cut the edges with a zigzag with a sewing machine.
Well, your product is ready. You can wear a red tie with pleasure!
Traditions are still alive
Despite the fact that the pioneer organizations are no longerThere are, many continue to honor this tradition privately. About the old days, it reminds us of the pioneer tie. How to tie a scarf, many organizers of modern parties know that often use Soviet attributes. If today they remember the old customs, then this makes sense.