/ / Medals for children: the role of encouragement in the upbringing of your child

Medals for children: the role of encouragement in the upbringing of your child

Parenting a child is not so straightforwardprocess, as it seems at first glance. Manipulating prohibitions and punishment as instruments of influence, parents achieve temporary obedience, because negative emotions accumulate and lead to rebellion. Interacting with the child requires a fine line of behavior, combining constructive dialogue and soft criticism with motivation for good behavior in the form of small incentives.

An excellent tool for stimulatingcreative, sports and other successes are diplomas, diplomas, letters of appreciation, medals for children. These attributes of the holiday are irreplaceable for educators in preschool institutions and teachers of lower grades.

Medals in kindergarten

For morning performances and celebrations, comic songs are usedmedals for children, decorated with funny little animals and suitable inscriptions. Each such prize must have distinctive qualities to distinguish the kid among others and to emphasize his personality. Such praises can be "The most smiling!", "The most polite!", "Best friend!", "The most active!", "The most mobile!" Or just "Good!". Praise is necessary for the child, because everyone has some talent that seeks after the promotion.

medals for children

Medals for schoolchildren

Medals for children of primary school age -an excellent opportunity to award the winners of olympiads and class competitions in a solemn atmosphere, as well as highlight the most diligent and attentive, diligent and active participants. Initiative teachers conduct contests, gaming battles, and sports festivals, which include incentives in the form of diplomas, certificates, sweets, and souvenirs.

Medals for children as a reward are good becausethat for a long time they keep in memory of the child his successes and achievements, and the demonstration to others will increase the self-esteem of the child. In addition, letters of appreciation and medals will be useful in the future when drawing up a portfolio for continuing education after graduation.

These things are made of cardboard, fabrics,gypsum and foil. To encourage a preschooler or student of lower grades, you can buy colorful medals made of cardboard on a bright cord. Rewarding older guys requires a more serious approach. Sports medals for winning children can be made independently from salt dough.

comic medals for children

Making a medal of dough: a recipe

Mix half a glass of flour and half a glass of salt. Add a spoonful of starch to make the dough white and elastic. The resulting mass is diluted with water, gradually pouring it with a spoon and stirring.

sports medals for children
Roll out the dough on a table, with a glass or a lid on the container and form circles of dough, leaving a small strip on top. In the strip with a knife make a hole for the tape.
oven-dried medals

Красивый узор на детали можно сделать при помощи cap from a felt-tip pen, figured macaroni, a thin knife or toothpicks. With a cap we apply a pattern containing Olympic symbols. Prepared medals must be dried in the oven on the smallest fire for 3 hours.

spray gold paint on a medal

Подсушенные медали для детей можно раскрасить acrylic paints or gouache without adding water. It is even easier to spray paint a golden hue from a can, then cover with transparent acrylic to give durability.

The purple ribbon beautifully sets off our "Olympic gold".