Sugar with breastfeeding

After giving birth, all moms feedbreast think about your diet, so as not to harm your baby. But life without sweet for most girls is simply unreal. The mood, the mood for self-feeding can deteriorate, and even depression can begin. How to be?

Do not rush to give up whatgives you pleasure. Of course, especially in the postpartum conditions, you need to limit sugar in order not to cause allergies in the child and to restore your figure if necessary.

Sugar and breastfeeding

Sugar, or sucrose, is created in a combination of threeelements - fructose, lactose and glucose. For the normal operation of any organism you need all of this. So, lactose protects children from dysbiosis, due to the sufficient presence in breast milk.

But sugar helps to assimilate to other substances - essential calcium, iron, and B-group vitamins. The lactose derivative, galactose, is important for the development of baby’s brain tissue.

But sugar has its downsides.So, crystalline must go through several stages of processing, as a result of losing important carbohydrates. And for its processing the body will have to spend a lot of effort. This can disrupt your immune system and endocrine system.

But, nevertheless, when breastfeeding costsbeware of many sweets, for example, bananas, grapes, any buns, as well as cakes, pies and even curd cheeses. Their ability to cause unnecessary fermentation in your intestines will have an unpleasant effect on your baby.

However, all this is individual, evenChocolate does not react to every child. Of course, if you do not have it in kilograms. Do not despair, you can cook the cake yourself and afford one banana a week. Homemade sweets are much better shop.

But absolutely not without it, because sugar is the sourceenergy and activator processes in the brain. Therefore, it is better to eat vegetables and fruits that contain glucose and fructose. You can afford the marshmallow, marshmallows, drying and savory biscuits. An alternative may also be brown (cane) sugar. It contains many minerals and vitamins.

Sugar substitutes

Women with breastfeeding canuse sweeteners. In moderation, they cannot harm your health. But you need to buy only natural, not chemical. For example:

• Aspartame can be converted into a toxic substance and increase the chance of even developing cancer in the bladder.

• Acesulfame can cause heart or vessel trouble.

• Consuming large amounts of xylitol will bring you disorders of the digestive tract.

• Saccharin is harmful to the gastrointestinal tract, can accumulate in the body of a baby, and therefore has been banned in some countries.

• Sorbitol can cause diarrhea.

• Fructose, like sugar, leads to changes in blood glucose levels. The possibility of gaining excess weight also remains.

• Cyclamate is dangerous for the kidneys, and therefore prohibited during pregnancy. Not sold in almost all European countries.

Favorite sweets

When breastfeeding to abandon loved oneshabitual sweets very hard. But sugar in them is found in large quantities. Keep in mind that in the food industry products often use artificial sweeteners, harmful and mom, and the child who is breastfed. Do you have to endure a whole year, or even two?


Most varieties are made from white flour andSahara. In addition, there are aromatic seasonings, glazes, jam and other additives. Moreover, flour products when breastfeeding can cause constipation in a child.

Do not worry, you can buy oatmeal or rye cookies. They contain a large number of nutrients and less likely to contribute to the appearance of negative reactions in children.


The existing opinion that halva improves lactation is not unreasonable. This can occur due to the content of seeds and nuts in it. At the same time, they can cause severe allergic reactions.


Unfortunately, this is a well-known strong allergen.Usually, after its use in babies, diathesis and other reactions appear. It contains many artificial substitutes, preservatives and flavors.

It should be excluded from food for at least several months. If you can not resist - buy high-quality bitter chocolate.

Ice cream

We hurry to please - ice cream, in general, does not apply to prohibited foods when breastfeeding. If the baby is not allergic to milk protein. But you need to choose it carefully:

1. Choose ice cream without additives. It is better to put it in your home if you want raisins or jams.

2. See that it has a minimum content of chocolate and milk fat. Most of the last will be in the ice cream, and less - in milk ice cream.

3. Pay attention to the expiration date, as well as the condition of the briquette. Do not take uneven or deformed.

4. Choose varieties where sugar is contained in a minimum quantity. For example, fruit.

All sweet should be introduced into the diet gradually, starting with small pieces. If the baby has no reaction, then next time you can try to eat more.

Do not deprive yourself of the hormone of happiness, easyobtained by eating sweet. Each mother during breastfeeding through trial and error will be able to find something useful and tasty. And the more young Mommy sugar energy comes in handy.

Site will tell you more about breastfeeding, lactation and nutrition of the nursing mother.

Listen to your child and everything will be fine!