/ / A tanning bed with breastfeeding - is it harmful?

A sunbed when breastfeeding - is it harmful?

As you know, the solarium uses rays,which practically do not differ from solar ones. Their effect on our skin leads to the development of a special pigment, which gives it such a welcome golden hue. Is it worth to visit a tanning bed during breastfeeding?

To answer this question, you need, first of all, to understand the principle of the solarium. The fact is that there are three types of rays - A, B, C. Of these, C is the most dangerous. Percentage

tanning bed with breastfeeding
The wearing of the other two species is characterized simplydifferent methods of radiation - soft and hard. With hard radiation, sunbathing can only be done under the supervision of specialists, while it will be better if nursing mothers generally refuse it. The danger is concealed in themselves and ultraviolet lamps. If they have expired, they can not be used. Care must be taken and new lamps. It is advisable, while they are new, to shorten the time of the session. These rules apply to all lovers of this type of sunburn in general, and to those who decided to visit the tanning bed during breastfeeding in particular. The latter should be especially cautious due to certain circumstances.

Solarium with breastfeeding

lactating mothers
Let's try to deal with this issue in detail.All experts say that ultraviolet does not influence milk production in any way. But there is one nuance. Everyone knows that during the session in the solarium from the body takes a lot of fluid, and this can just decrease the amount of milk from a young mother. Therefore, if you still choose a tanning bed for breastfeeding, be sure to reimburse the lost liquid. Drink juices, mineral water - all this will restore the water balance. In addition, we should not forget that during the lactation secretion of growth hormones is activated. It is impossible to foresee how the growing cells will react to ultraviolet radiation. If everything ends up with the appearance of new moles or an increase in the size of the old ones, it does not matter. But we must be ready for anything. It has long been known that ultraviolet rays can provoke the growth of tumors: both benign and malignant. Therefore, to take artificial tan should be with all caution.

Autosunburn and breastfeeding

In addition to visiting the solarium, tanning can be obtained with the help of special creams, which are called autosunburn. Experts say that the area of ​​the cream is limited

in the solarium
upper, dead, layers of skin, so itsThe application can not cause harm. But all the same, in order to avoid accidents, it is better not to apply self-tanning on the chest area. And more: before using the cream, it is necessary to pass the test for an allergic reaction, since the hormonal background during this period is subject to changes. At the same time, if the cream is rather safe, then self-tanning in the form of a spray during breastfeeding should not be used in any case. Because there is always the chance of getting its particles inside during the inhalation. How the child reacts to this is not known.

In general, none of the doctors say that artificial sunburn is harmful in breastfeeding, but certain precautions do not interfere.