/ / How to iron things without iron? Housewives Secrets

How to iron things without ironing? Secrets of housewives

Today, every home has a modern iron -easy, convenient, with the function of steam and other "chips". However, there are situations in our life when it is unavailable: for example, you are on a trip, well, or banally turned off the light. What to do in this case, how to iron things without an iron? Just apply one of these tricks. And we recall that any problem, as a rule, is easier to prevent than to solve. Therefore, first let us discuss how to make things so that they do not hurt very much.

Choosing the right clothes

The easiest advice is to choose clothes that are nothesitates. These are, as a rule, synthetic fabrics or those in which a large percentage of synthetic threads. Such clothes also dry quickly and do not need ironing.

Modern textile industry came up withand unique processing technology of cotton, which does not allow it to be creased, but it is called Non Iron. Clothes made of such cotton hung on hangers are cracked under their own weight.

However, walking only in synthetics or searchingspecial fabrics are not very comfortable, so the advice is more suitable for those traveling light, without household appliances. If the clothes still have the property to be washed, you should know how to iron things without an iron.

how to iron things without iron

Correctly erase

If you wash in the washing machine, choosemode with a maximum speed of rotation of its centrifuge. This contributes to the fact that the fabric is less crushed, but its wear will be more, so often do not resort to this trick.

Carefully study the menu of your car, perhaps it has a “less folds” mode - some modern models have this.

how to iron clothes without iron

And if you are washing by hand, try not to squeeze things too much - this is what contributes to the appearance of creases.

Properly dry

Proper drying will not even worry abouthow to iron clothes without iron. As already mentioned, do not squeeze the wet things, but hang them on the hangers, smooth out all the folds with your hands and let the water drain. If you still need to press, do it carefully and after a good shake the thing.

Also deal with towels and bedding - hang it up evenly for drying, straighten all the folds, and it will not require ironing.

If you wash, knowing that there is no iron, in no wayIf you don’t hang your clothes on a rope or the strings of a dryer, especially if you don’t use clothespins, this is a direct path to hard-to-wear creases. Dry clothes only on a flat surface.

how to iron trousers without iron

Properly store

Having collected dry clothes from the dryer, you once againrisk to rumple it, if you hide everything in the closet. T-shirts, knitwear and wool sweaters, pullovers neatly spread out on a flat surface, wrap the sleeves back, straighten the collar and fold the thing in half, then in neat piles send everything on the shelf. Trousers and shirts hang on special hangers.

If you are going on a trip, exactly the sameneatly fold things into a suitcase. It is equally important to fold the shirts correctly, this is especially true if you are in for a business trip, and you don’t know how to stroke a shirt without an iron. How to do this is shown in the photo.

how to iron a shirt without an iron

Things are simpler and with fewer parts, you can just roll up into neat rolls, so they will have less opportunity to get crumpled in a suitcase.

If everything is folded neatly, ironing upon arrival is not necessary.

We are looking for a replacement iron

If, however, the clothes are wickedly worn,there is still no electrical appliance, you will have to look for a replacement for it and figure out how to iron your clothes without an iron. Take, for example, an iron mug or a ladle and type boiling water in them - the principle of work here is almost the same as that of a home assistant, which means this method will help smooth out strong creases. This method was used before the invention of the irons, and in those times when they were still an inaccessible luxury.

how to iron a shirt without an iron

Hands moistened with a slight bruisein hot water. And if you need to urgently pat something small, such as a tie, swipe it over a hot light bulb, but first from the inside out to check the fabric's reaction.

How to iron things without iron using steam

Best of all, instead of an iron, steam will work, whichperfectly removes creases on the fabric, because steamers work on this principle. You can hang clothes on hangers in the bathroom, put hot water and close the door - steam from the water will do its job. It will turn out faster if you draw water into the bath by plugging the drain hole. By the way, so many “iron” magnificent wedding dresses, because it is extremely difficult to iron the meters of fine, capricious fabric with an iron. Excellent way for men on a business trip who do not know how to iron a shirt without an iron.

And if the thing is small and there is little wrinkle, simply boil the kettle and hold it over the spout. Just keep in mind that you will not be able to get dressed right away - she will be wet. Wait a bit or help hair dryer.

By the way, and household steam cleaners, steam mopsand steam wipers successfully cope with the task. How to iron without iron quickly and easily? Elementary! A powerful steam jet will straighten even the roughest creases.

how to stroke without iron quickly

This method, by the way, is most preferable forironing than even the usual iron. Steam does not leave shiny traces on clothes, it is impossible for them to burn through fabric, it is suitable for all materials without exception and kills germs as a pleasant bonus. Therefore, we recommend to buy a small hand otparivatel for travel or unforeseen situations.

Other ways to stroke things without an iron: moisture, pressure and tension

Excellent help in smoothing clothescomposition: take a means to soften the laundry (it is usually added during washing, often called a softener), vinegar and plain water. Mix everything in equal proportions and splash onto clothing from a spray bottle. Do not be afraid, there will be no stains, as well as wrinkles. By the way, if a thing is wrinkled only slightly, moisten it from a spray bottle with plain water and dry it with a hairdryer. Moisture will help to smooth and capricious wool things. They should be treated carefully, so wet a terry towel with hot water and put clothes on top of it, smooth everything out with your hands and wait - the folds will be straightened.

It is also possible to put crumpled things under the evening.the mattress and go to sleep on top - under the weight of the body, they will finish. Do you know how to stroke pants without an iron, and even with arrows? Similar. Yes Yes! You need to gently fold the trousers along the arrows and place them under the mattress - in the morning they will be perfectly smooth, and you will no longer puzzle over an unsolvable, seemingly task. You can do the same with your hands - slightly moisten the fabric and smooth it out, stretching it to the sides. Yes, it is not perfect, and you will not “cut yourself” about the arrows, but it is still better than crumpled things, isn't it?

And finally, it is worth noting that there are itemswardrobe, which in principle do not need ironing. These are jeans and denim or chambray clothes, as well as free-style linen. Make light bruising a relaxed look!