Problems of teenagers

Adolescence, as many adults saypeople are very difficult period for children who have not yet become adults. In our country it is considered that if a child has entered a transition period, then expect trouble. Taking this information seriously, and the adolescents themselves believe that they are supposed to lead an unruly life at this age, argue with their parents and do everything as he pleases. No one thinks that the problems of adolescents directly depend on us - adults who, in theory, should help children overcome this period of life with the greatest benefit to the health and intelligence of the adolescent. However, many parents and teachers in schools believe that only bans can bring up the correct behavior of a teenager, but this is far from the case. Hence, many social problems of children and adolescents appear: smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction, computer addiction, etc.

To date, smoking is hugethreat to health and development of the future generation. As a result of the early start of the smoker's service (from 10-11 years) to the end of the secondary school, 20% of the children become heavy smokers who are addicted and smoke 10 to 40 cigarettes a day. And this applies to both boys and girls. At sociological interrogation of schoolboys for the eighth class begin to smoke already about 40% of pupils, and many of them, in particular girls, do not consider smoking 1-2 cigarettes a day.

Alcoholism, alcohol dependence is a scourgeour society! The culture of the society is so low that alcoholic campaigns conducted by firms by producers are becoming increasingly stronger, with each year their profits grow, and the health of young people is deteriorating. In recent years, cases of incidence of bronchial asthma, gastritis, cirrhosis, etc. have increased. All this is due to the early dependence on alcohol and smoking.

And who will solve the problems of our teenagers?society? Unformed mentality and social uncertainty of adolescents do not allow them to independently understand the issues of a healthy lifestyle and social adaptation.

Recently, to all of the aboveproblems of the younger generation have also been joined by the problem of teenagers' entanglement with virtual communication. This all-consuming social network, which keeps the teenager's mind in voluntary captivity. Many parents are happy that their child "does not mess around with anyone," and "does not drink vodka with a compass," but sits quietly at home near the computer and looks endlessly at the monitor screen. But, as physicians and psychologists point out, the influence of the electronic "friend" is no less detrimental than alcohol or drug dependence. As computer addiction develops, health deteriorates, posture, vision deteriorates, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract develop, but the worst thing is that the child's personality changes. He becomes withdrawn, ceases to communicate with peers, and in the end generally loses his communication skills. Such adolescents become socially unadapted, in adulthood they can not create a family, have children, take responsibility for their actions, etc. This is a huge problem of the younger generation, the problems of adolescents at the state level, as the number of able-bodied population decreases every year, the percentage of disability increases, the birth rate falls.

The problems of adolescents are the problems of oursociety! We should show our children how to develop physically and intellectually, grow in professional activity, and build interpersonal relationships. All this needs to be explained in an accessible language and visually displayed, rather than turning away and waving. Because this is our future.