/ / Kaliningrad, Yantar Plant: history, production, products

Kaliningrad, Plant "Yantar": history, production, products

JSC "Yantar" - shipyard inKaliningrad, located in the ice-free harbor. The basis of its activities are the construction, maintenance and repair of warships. Orders for the manufacture of research, transport, rescue vessels, ferries, fishing trawlers, highly saturated hulls for third-party customers are also carried out. It is part of the sub-holding "Western Center of Mechanical Engineering."

Kaliningrad Yantar Plant

Historical reference

Kaliningrad plant "Yantar" leads its historyfrom the Prussian company Union Gizeray, founded in 1826. The company in those years carried out a wide range of metal assembly and metalworking works. Here they made ships, bridges, metal structures, steam locomotives, cranes, brewing equipment and so on.

After a century of successful work, the company went bankrupt due to the global economic crisis in 1929. Production facilities bought the German company "Schihau" and set up the assembly of warships.

After the capture of the Soviet troops KoenigsbergThe enterprise organized plant number 820, later renamed the Yantar plant. Kaliningrad, thus, became a major shipbuilding center in the Baltic.

Plant Amber Kaliningrad


Today the plant has a fairly stableposition. Contracts with the Russian Navy involve the assembly of 8 warships (6 frigates and 2 BDK), which allowed us to load capacity for several years ahead. The project for the construction and equipping of the unique oceanographic research vessel Yantar has been successfully completed.

The company employs 1,200 executives.workers, in general, the team has about 3,000 people (not counting contractors). The vacancies of the Yantar plant (Kaliningrad) are filled by graduates of the Kaliningrad Technical University and the Baltic Shipbuilding Technical School.

The production area is huge - 83 hectares.Only the extensional embankment stretches for 1.46 km. The water area of ​​the navigable canal with a depth of 8 m allows taking floating craft up to 200 m long and 35 m wide from the enterprise’s territory to the open sea.

Amber Shipyard Kaliningrad


The technological chain of manufacturing cases begins with the production of metal structures and consists of the following steps:

  • metal pretreatment;
  • manufacture of parts, blanks;
  • subsequent assembly and welding.

The material from which the ship hull is being built comes and unfolds in the open storage of the rolling section, then it goes to the production line of sheet shotblast, cleared and primed.

Then the metal is ready for processing asif necessary, it goes either to the gas cutting line or to a closed warehouse. At the gas cutting station, parts are made of it and sent either to the picking area or to bending (depending on the vessel design). Part of the parts is made on the cold sheet metal processing complex, the other in the cold processing section of the profile metal. All the details end up at the picking site, where they are sorted, laid out in sections and sent to the assembly. It is conducted by teams of installers at the section welding section and at the section for the assembly of foundations and small metal structures.


Implemented at the Yantar plant in Kaliningradthe program of technical re-equipment allowed replenishing the machine park of the enterprise. First of all, the equipment was purchased for machine building and pipe bending production. In workshop 41, 97 units of new machinery and equipment were put into operation. The park of machine-building production was replenished with 22 machines.

Acquired onboard KamAZ 5 carrying capacity and 515 tons, KamAZ dump truck with a loading capacity of 15 tons, KamAZ truck crane with a loading capacity of 25 tons, excavators, municipal equipment. Appeared in the arsenal of the plant and the Italian ship's trailer for transporting sections.

Yantar Plant Kaliningrad jobs


In recent years, the Yantar plant in Kaliningradcarries out orders for the construction of six "guard" project 11356 and two BDK (Large landing ships) p. 11711 for the Russian Navy. From 2006 to 2013, the guard ships n. 11356 were collected for Indian colleagues.

The pride of the plant is SKR "Fearless".On March 25, 1987, construction of the 11540 series began at Kaliningrad slipways. Over the years of service, Fearless has more than once been recognized as the best ship in the Baltic Fleet. Since 2008, his team has repeatedly fought with Somali pirates. In 2010 and 2015 the company carried out the overhaul of a combat ship. The specialists of the company replaced the afterburner engines, auxiliary diesel generators, repaired all the major Fearless systems: electric, fire, drainage, fuel, control systems and automation. Also upgraded weapons.

Civil shipbuilding

This is one of the promising areas.activities of the enterprise. Today, the plant has the opportunity to get the construction of a completely new project ferries. The Expert Council of Water Transport approved an icebreaking-type motor / rail / passenger ferry of an unlimited navigation area for the Vanino-Kholmsk route. This is a project of the CNF11CPD Marine Engineering Bureau.

By the way, the plant already has construction experience.similar ferries. For nearly twenty years, starting in 1973, the company built ten Sakhalin-type ferries just to open the Vanino-Kholmsk line. Three of them are still carrying cargo and passengers.