/ / Izhevsk Motorcycle Plant: products, photos, contacts

Izhevsk Motorcycle Plant: products, photos, contacts

Motorcycle's birthday is August 29th.On this day in 1885, an inventive German and an engineer by profession, Gottlieb Dimer, conducted a test of his own gasoline engine. The design, on which the prototype of the engine was installed, was two-wheeled and moved briskly. So the motorcycle was invented.

In Russia, the era of motorcycles began later.Izhevsk Motorcycle Factory was the leader in its industry. The legendary models of motorcycles and today can be found in every city and village in the country. Large model range, the ability to repair literally "on the knee" in any garage, high performance, low cost - lovers of motorcycles brand IL, nostalgically list the benefits and find new reasons for the revival of production.

First samples

Attempts to create your own motorcycle in Russiabegan before the revolution, in 1913-14. It was planned to assemble light models from Swiss parts on the basis of the Dux plant (Moscow). Plans destroyed the First World War, and after the 1917 revolution. The next attempt, more successful, was undertaken in 1924 by the design bureau under the direction of P.N. Lvov. Engineers were able to design and produce in 1925, a model of a lightweight motorcycle, called it "Union."

He had a progressive, at that time design,The main advantages were the engine volume of 500 cubic meters and spring suspension on the rear wheel. Mass production was not followed, the prototype passed some tests and this was the end, since the profile of the Dux factory was changed. It was possible to design and launch production of motorcycles of domestic brands in 1928. The base for the installation of power became Izhstalzavod. Developed the first motorcycle in a specially created bureau of motorcycle, the chief engineer and leader of which was the legendary designer Peter Mozharov.

Izhevsk motorcycle factory

Start on the top five

P.Mozharov was in love with motorcycles and, in his native Izhevsk, moved on a German specimen of motorcycles. From its submission to Izhstalzavod, a workshop was opened, and in just one year 5 trial IL motorcycles were created. All of them were tested and prepared for the run of All-Union value. The very first Soviet motorcycle IL-1 saw the world on September 17 in 1929, weighed 300 kilograms. Model happy and characteristics of the first motorcycles:

  • IL-1 and IL-2.Were created for passing on the difficult roads of the countryside. The equipment includes an in-line engine with two cylinders, a steel frame of increased reliability, a manual gearbox, an external single-bar frame was made of extruded parts, a bright light and some other innovations were a big plus. The IL-2 model is an upgraded IL-1. But in the end, the first motorcycle had another advantage, important for a country where it was problematic with personal transport. On the IL-1 could ride four passengers, two on a motorcycle and two in a wheelchair.
  • IL-3.The main advantage of this model was the engine brand "Vanderer" in which the crankshaft is located transversely. Drive movement of the rear wheel (chain) was placed in a sealed casing filled with oil.
  • IL-4. It was equipped with a two-stroke engine with a single cylinder brand "Rod", the rear wheel was driven by a shaft. This model was the easiest in the top five.
  • IL-5, or "Composition". The design used the units of the motorcycle brand "Neander", additionally the front fork was developed, the frame of the prototype was changed.

Izhevsk motorcycle factory

Tests on the track

The presentation of motorcycles occurred at the All-UnionMotocross in 1929. The competition was held for the second time in its history. Motorcycles IL successfully crossed the road to 3300 kilometers, and were able to drive from Izhevsk to Moscow. According to the results of the competition, the IL-4 model was recommended for mass production. But, "Izhstalzavod" because of the workload could not proceed to serial production. Mozharov together with a group of designers moved to Leningrad, where work began on the design of a lightweight motorcycle brand L-300.

Izhevsk motorcycle plant products

Prewar serial release

Until the thirties of mass productionthere were no motorcycles in the USSR, but the question of laying the enterprise was considered. For serial production of motorcycles, not just assembly shops were required, but a factory where all parts and tools are manufactured, where there are personnel capable of coping with tasks at all levels. The decision was made in favor of Izhevsk, where the Berezin rifle factory was located; it then became the basis for the new enterprise. Izhevsk Motorcycle Factory was originally called the Experimental Motorcycle Factory.

Originally planned to release "NATI -A-750 "(heavy modification). Its characteristics included a V-twin engine with two cylinders, engine capacity 747 cubes, the estimated power was 15 hp. The first four samples of this model were made for the May Day holiday of 1933. In parallel with the heavy model of the motorcycle produced several lightweight samples IL-7. As a result, the motorcycle of the light model was allowed for serial production, but with significant changes that were required in the struggle for "reducing labor intensity". The final version of the model IL-7 lost trunk, guards, throttle stick was replaced with a swivel cuff, and other simplifications were made.

In 1933, Izhevsk Motorcycle Factory produced111 cars. The pace of production increased, at the same time there was a work of the design bureau, where new models were developed and existing ones were modernized. In 1938, the production of the IZH-8 motorcycle began, with an engine for 300 cubic meters. Engine power increased to 8 horsepower.

In 1940, Izhevsk Production PlantMotorcycle has launched a model IL-9. The working capacity of the machine was already 9 horsepower. In parallel, work began on the introduction of the IL-12 model, which was based on the L-8 model developed at the Leningrad Design Bureau. It was planned to start mass production in 1941, but war broke out.

Postwar breakthrough

During the period of hostilities Izhevsk motorcycleThe plant was focused on the release of machine guns, small arms. The revival of the motorcycle industry began almost immediately after the Victory, in 1946. According to the law on reparations, drawings and equipment of German plants were delivered from Izhevsk to Germany, which gave a powerful impetus to development. A new design office was created at the enterprise, and preparations began for the production of a new IZH-350 motorcycle model; the German model DKW-350 was the basis for the design.

The prototype of the German industry wasadapted to the Soviet requirements and the possibility of related industries. Assembling motorcycle IL began in the arms factory. Since then, the Izhevsk Motorcycle Plant has become the leader in the production of motorcycles in the Soviet Union.

hunting rifles produced at the Izhevsk motorcycle plant

Available and high quality

Until the end of the 60s, the volumes increasedproduction, the main emphasis was placed on the design and production of sports models of technology, the tone was set by the Izhevsk motorcycle factory. Products that came off the assembly line were in demand both domestically and abroad. In 1946, the company upgraded the first post-war model of a motorcycle. The modernized model lost its outdated parallelogram plug, instead it was designed telescopic. Engine power has increased to 14 horsepower, the suspension has undergone significant changes. Its new design gave a softer stroke and cushioning when moving.

За период пятидесятых годов в серийное production came out four new motorcycle models. The first in the series was a motorcycle IL-49. The model was equipped with a single-cylinder engine with a cooling system and double blowing, upgraded rear wheel suspension, telescopic fork. Gearbox speeds had three positions. Motorcycle is ideal for conquering off-road in the countryside. Also IL-50, 54 and 55 were released. The power of motorcycles increased to 18-19 horsepower.

Izhevsk motorcycle factory photo

The heyday of the period of stagnation

Since 1966, at the Motozavod in Izhevsk steelto release new models of road motorcycles. In addition to new features, new equipment has appeared, which have now become legendary: “IL Planet” and “IL Jupiter”. Motorcycle "IL Planet" was produced on the basis of the model IL-56. For the new family of motorcycles, the gas tank was modernized, the saddle design, shields (front, rear), muffler were changed.

«ИЖ-Юпитер» также создавался на основе мотоцикла IL-56. For the new series, a fundamentally new two-cylinder engine, two-stroke with two-jet blowing of the air cooling system, was designed. The working mixture of the engine was prepared in the carburetor, ignited by an electric spark in the cylinder. There was also a large number of innovations.

С 1971 по 1975 годы с конвейера предприятия вышли motorcycles road models "IL Planet-3", "IL Jupiter-3", "IL Planet Sport", "IL Jupiter-3K". By this time, the equipment of production was at a high level and the capabilities of the enterprise increased significantly. In the design office work on new models, the improvement of the traditional "izhey" occurred rapidly, affected the experience and capabilities of a large plant. Some models of motorcycles were awarded the Quality Mark, which the Izhevsk Motorcycle Factory was proud of. Spare parts for all models of technology can be purchased throughout the country.

Мотоцикл «ИЖ Юпитер» имел пять моделей с разным a set of qualities, the greatest number of modifications received motorcycle "IL Ipiter - 5", there were 22 names. Model "IL Planet" had five options, the most popular model was the motorcycle "IL Planet Sport."

Izhevsk Motorcycle Plant contacts

Until the 2000s

By the beginning of the 80s the company was launched inBuild a new highly automated production complex. Its estimated output capacity was 450 thousand motorcycles per year. During 1981-82 the plant produced motorcycle models “IL Iupiter - 4” and “IL Planet-4”. In 1985, the IL Ipiter - 5 model was launched into production, and in 1987 the Planet IZH - 5 motorcycle was released. For this model, a redesign of the appearance was developed and the engine capacity of 22nd l. with. Soon, the modern appearance was already on all produced motorcycles IL.

Until the early 90s in the design officedesigned new models of motorcycles, the basis of the development was the Japanese XT-550 engine. The technique was named Orion, Marathon, Sprinter, the models were distinguished by advanced technical characteristics, stylish design and promised great promise in the implementation of projects.

From 1992 to 1996 at the Izhevsk Motorcycle Factorymake a unique development - cargo module IL 9.604 GR and side IL 11.204 trailer. Additional modules were designed to be installed on any model of motorcycles "Jupiter" and "Planet". To install the cargo module, it was necessary to remove the rear wheel of the motorcycle and fix the additional compartment, thus, a three-wheeled motorcycle of a cargo destination was obtained.

В течение трех лет (1995-1998 гг.) The plant developed new engines and self-priming centrifugal pump. In 1997, a motorcycle was developed for transporting fire-fighting equipment IZH 6.92001, as well as a cargo model IZH 6.920 GR. By the year 2000, the company announced the development of a new design of the motorcycle in the chopper style (Izh 6.113-05), the working title - "Junker".

LLC Izhevsk Motorcycle Factory Izhevsk


За время своего существования Ижевский мотозавод in addition to the production of motorcycles, he was engaged in the production of military products and until 1988 the enterprise was classified as a secret. Hunting rifles, produced at the Izhevsk motorcycle factory, have been known since 1948, they started mass production after the end of the war. Perestroika greatly influenced the production profile, since 1992 the enterprise was renamed into Aksion Joint-Stock Company.

Plant IZhmoto, engaged in the release of motorcycleswent bankrupt in 2008 and was officially mothballed indefinitely. Recently, in the media began to appear publications about the interest of Chinese entrepreneurs to revive the Izhevsk motorcycle factory. Photos of developments that have not received mass production, the historical models of the first cars still make a great impression today.


Today, the shop, where previously produced motorcycles,are empty. According to the people who managed to inspect the production base, only the enclosed territory, where the Izhevsk motorcycle factory once was, remained from the enterprise. Contacts are as follows: Udmurd Republic, Izhevsk, ul. Telegina, building 30.

According to official information, Izhevsk LLCmotorcycle factory (Izhevsk) is engaged in the production of motorcycles, mopeds, motorcycle strollers and bicycles. In 2014, there were publications about the possible reincarnation of motorcycles IL. The project became interested in China, there were speculations that the Chinese side would place its own production of motorcycles in Udmurtia and the possibility of producing a motorcycle IL-7 series was discussed, but how things are today is unknown.