/ How to choose a threading machine? Models and reviews

How to choose a threading machine? Models and reviews

Threading machine is used in various spheresproduction. The model range of these products is quite wide: from domestic models to foreign analogues. What characteristics of the product to pay attention to when choosing? Let's also consider the features of some models of machine tools.

What is a threading machine and where is it used?

Threading Machine

In order to create a special thread on the studsor bolts, metal or non-metallic products, as well as pipes of different diameters, use a threading machine. The type of thread on the small parts depends on the speed of the electric motor in the device. The speed of rotation depends on the spindle, which directly affects the duration of thread cutting.

The scope of these instruments is sufficientwide. They can be used in industry, mechanical engineering, machine-tool construction, repair or plumbing work and in many other industries where small parts with unique and unique cut carving are required. Due to the fact that there are many types of machines, differing in both the nature of the work and the price, they are quite popular both in large industrial enterprises and in firms involved in small-scale production.

Main characteristics

Modifications of machine tools

To choose the right drill-threadmachine, you need to know the conditions of its operation and productivity, that is, how many details it can process for a certain time. All this depends on the technical parameters of the chosen model.

Basic properties of machine tools:

  • power (this directly affects the cutting speed of the thread, for small and serial production of parts it will be different);
  • speed of rotation of the spindle (in any machine there are several speeds of rotation from 27 to 500 rpm);
  • range of cutting parameters (often need to cut threads of different diameters, so the machines are initially programmed for a certain range of threads to be cut);
  • weight of the machine (this can be either a stationary heavy installation (up to 150 kg) or a compact version (only 50 kg), which can easily be transported if necessary).

Как правило, стационарные установки The thread-cutting machine is selected for series production, since they have a higher power, they can work for a long time and in intensive mode. In order for it to last longer, it is necessary to grease the device periodically with automatic lubrication.

Also, all thread cutting devices can be divided into internal (producing holes inside the product) and external (working only with the outer layer).

Features of choice

Universal model

Правильно выбранный резьбонарезной станок – это A device that satisfies its work with all the necessary production needs. In order to choose a really suitable model, it is necessary to determine in advance the possible scale of work.

So, there are fully automated machines,which work without the intervention of the employee, while doing their work more intensively. They are designed for mass production. In addition, such large stationary machines have additional options in the form of drilling, which greatly facilitates the process of creating blanks. But these devices are expensive and needed when it is planned to cut thousands of threads every day.

Portable types or table thread-cuttingmachines have a low weight (50-70 kg), so they can easily be transported, are inexpensive, but they are somewhat limited functions. Such devices are needed in order to cut the thread periodically and in small quantities. As a rule, such plants are used for repairs or plumbing work, replacement of pipes.

Models of domestic production

Stationary model

Domestic machines are of good quality, long service life and are designed for high-precision thread cutting.

  • MDMR-100.

Это компактный резьбонарезной станок российского production (weight without rigging only 22 kg), has additional protection against overload and a movable magnetic base. According to user feedback, this mobile device does a good job of carving, depending on the chosen diameter, but it is not intended for mass production.

  • ZIM449.

The table device with manual feed for tapping, weight - 80 kg, the spindle speed from 520 to 790 rpm.

  • IMS-2A.

The stationary machine, which is used forthreading on water or gas pipes. Its weight is 420 kg. Can be either standard sizes or custom-made. Used in batch production under heavy loads.

Among domestic thread-cutting machines forpipes, according to feedback from users, the JET and PROMA model line, which has its own specifics of working in semi-automatic mode, stands out even more prominently.

Models of foreign production

Model on legs

The price of foreign models of machines is slightly higherbut such models have good quality, advanced functionality, long service life and the ability to choose the appropriate option from a number of various modifications of devices.

  • Rems (Germany).

It is reliable, easy to operate, has several modifications, both stationary and mobile, among which users noted the "Magnum" model.

  • Ridgid (USA).

Depending on the size of the head forthreading machine, thread cutting diameter can be up to four inches. Regardless of the size and model, the machines of this brand have only positive feedback from users and are intended for both small production and serial production of parts.

  • Reed (USA).

Designed for cutting threads on pipes up to 50 mm, has a self-priming pump, designed for standard thread cutting.

  • Rothenberger (Germany).

It has a powerful engine, power up to 40 rpm, has a reduced oil consumption, and it is possible to transport on a special trolley.


When choosing a thread-cutting machine for pipes inThe first step is to take into account the scale of production. Depending on the required volume, the machine model is selected. Both domestic and foreign counterparts have good quality and are designed for different types of work.