/ / “Armata” - tank of dreams of the Russian ground forces

"Armata" - the tank of the dream of Russian land forces

According to experts, very soon the Russian tankthe next generation of “Armata” will replenish the arsenal of the country's land forces. Warriors of the late twentieth century already knew about the ongoing development of a unique object, which was named by the author “Priority”, and dreamed about it. But political events did not allow to implement this project. Now comes the scene a new hero. This is the Russian tank "Armata". This machine has no analogues in the world, either in composition or in firepower. It is capable of hitting any of the tanks that are in service with NATO in its arsenal.

Integration, mobility and speed

 Armata tank

According to the developers, “Armata” is a tank,developing in motion a speed that is in no way inferior to transport on a wheel track, which is a valid reason for pride. The mobility of these combat vehicles is high - they are adapted for transportation both by air and by rail. All machines will be managed on the basis of a single automated system of the Russian Federation. Thus, “Armata” is a tank integrated into a single combat system, therefore it should be considered not only as a powerful independent combat unit, but also as an element of an integral state defense and strategic system. In this regard, today in the Russian army there is an intensive training of personnel, modern infrastructure facilities are being created.

Russian tank Armata

Technical features

For the crew of the tank provided hitherto unseenprotection. First, it is an armored capsule in which the crew can feel completely safe. Secondly, the guns themselves are raised to a considerable height, so it can be argued that the Armata is a tank with an uninhabited tower. Indeed, its layout, which has no analogues in the world, has an unexpected solution. There is an assumption that at this base no less than 30 different complexes will be created, including infantry fighting vehicles, anti-aircraft guns and rocket launchers. It should be emphasized that the Armata is a tank in which, depending on the task set by the command, you can change the location of the engine (transfer it from the front compartment to the rear and vice versa). And the change of the engine, as well as any spare part, is produced in a matter of minutes, as if the machine is being dismantled.

More powerful, easier and easier

The engine capacity of the tank "Armata" is inwithin one and a half thousand horsepower. Working on diesel fuel, at the expense of the transmission, it will generate the current necessary for the operation of the electric motors that rotate the tracks of the tank. It is also much easier to operate a smooth-bore weapon - the crew monitors the battlefield in isolation, using the latest optical instruments.

Russian tank next generation Armata

Currently, the Ural teamtank builders completed the testing of a new tank; specialists are conducting final arrangements for the finalization of certain components and the fitting of mechanisms. This means that already in half a year the mass production of the Armata tank will begin, which is designed to occupy a decent position among the world's best units of military equipment.