/ / How can I find traffic on "Tele2" myself?

How to learn traffic on "Tele2" yourself?

Modern mobile operators offer theircustomers a wide range of tariff plans. Among them, you can choose options for all tastes: for long negotiations (tariff plans with a low cost of a minute of talk or with the inclusion of a certain number of minutes in a monthly fee), for those who do not represent their life without the Internet (with traffic included in monthly payments) for fans of SMS-correspondence, etc. In addition, users can independently connect additional options to reduce the price of services or packages with the included volume of minutes / megabytes / sms. One of the popular mobile operators "Tele2" is no exception. In the list of tariffs and services on the official site, you can find a lot of interesting and profitable offers, learn how to check traffic on "Tele2", etc.

Find traffic on the phone2

Methods for determining the remainder of traffic

The "Internet" service, which has become firmly establishedpeople, is for many not only a means of communication, entertainment, but also a tool for work. The possibility of using it on mobile phones attracts many users of the operator "Tele2": they actively use megabytes included in the tariff plans, connect additional packages of services, etc. When it comes to frequent visits to Internet pages (e-mail, social networks, various portals), it becomes necessary to check traffic on "Tele2". Tariff "Black", for example, provides 500 MB for an affordable price - 120 rubles. In addition, it also includes free minutes for communication. To learn the traffic on "Tele2", after which the speed of access will be reduced, you can use several options:

  • contact the operator's contact center;
  • dial the command to view the number of remaining megabytes on the phone screen # 155 * 0 #.

How to check traffic on the phone2

other methods

You can also find out for yourself the traffic on "Tele2" through your personal account on the mobile operator's website. It is enough to indicate your phone number andEnter the verification code. The rest of the traffic on "Tele2" is available for viewing to all users who have tariffs and packages with included minutes. By the way, the command given earlier can be successfully used and for specification the quantity of megabytes under other tariffs which mean presence of the predetermined volume.

If on a tariff plan that does not havethe included number of megabytes for using the Internet, additional options are connected, then the commands for managing them may be slightly different. The list of possible unlimited Internet packages for "Tele2" operator is given below.

Remainder of traffic on the tele2

Packages available for connection

For those who plan to visit rarelyweb space, the "Internet Package" is suitable. Users can use the command # 155 * 19 # to learn the traffic on "Tele2" when it is activated. Information about the remaining megabytes will be displayed on the smartphone's display.

  1. The package "Internet from the phone" means morethe amount of traffic compared to the previous version. This option is suitable for more active users. If there is a question about how to check the traffic on "Tele2" in this case, then we give the command to output the data: # 155 * 15 #. If you apply this USSD combination, then you can use other options for specifying the data, namely: contact the contact center (the specialist will tell you how many megabytes are left by the client), visit your personal account on the official website of Tele2, contact the nearest branch of the organization.
  2. Options "Briefcase" and "Suitcase" will give an opportunitythe implementation of Internet surfing at maximum speed for a longer time, due to more data. To learn traffic on "Tele2" when they are activated, you can add values ​​of 20 or 21 to the combination # 155 * (depending on the package).

How to add traffic to your phone2

Possibilities for traffic extension

Какой бы объем ни содержал тарифный план или package, it can end. If you do not want to wait until the web page loads and a logical question emerges about how to add traffic to "Tele2", you should visit the official website of the operator or call the contact center and specify how it can be done. In most cases, the universal command: # 155 * 181 #. However, depending on the options used, the combination may change. Also it should be considered whether it is a tariff plan or an optional package (or option). Since the concept of speed extension can vary significantly.

Features of the tariff "Black"

For example, the tariff plan "Black" is impossiblejust enter the command after the amount of included megabytes is exhausted. You need to activate additional packages, which allow you to enjoy the maximum speed of 500 megabytes.

Traffic on TV2 tariff black

Подключение каждой такой опции подразумевает writing off the customer's account fifty rubles. In a month, only five such packages are possible. As soon as the threshold is exceeded the possibility of using the Internet will be unavailable. For most of the additional options that the mobile operator offers us, the principle of using the service at high speed within the included volume of megabytes operates. After the traffic has been exhausted the possibility of visiting the web space will be preserved, but at a lower speed (up to 64 MB).


Thus, it is possible to connect the mostoptimal and profitable tariffs and services, selecting more suitable conditions for themselves. It is important to remember that at any time you can change the tariff plan, connect or reject the additional options and services used, find out the rest of the traffic on "Tele2".