/ / The range is an integral part of the trade. What it is?

The assortment is an integral part of the trade. What it is?

Generally speaking, anythe assortment is a large number of goods collected together. There are various signs by which they can be classified. For example, goods can be combined by manufacturer, raw material or their purpose. Actually, for such groups there are several varieties: an enlarged, developed, mixed, combined, complex, simple, commercial and industrial range of the store.

assortment is

More about each of the groups.

If the goods are manufactured by a separate companyor a separate industry, we are talking about an assortment of industrial type. It is a trade when a certain aggregate of goods is created that are sold through a particular chain of stores. The combination of all trade enterprises that sell products is called such a trading network. Products of both foreign and domestic production can be part of a group such as a shopping assortment - this is a common situation.

About the assortment and related policies

Assortment policy in any store iswhat goals and objectives are pursued by the management of the organization, engaged in the formation of such a component of the business as the assortment. This is a fairly important part of the work of any trade organization. The main goal is usually the formation of a set of goods, which can be predictable or real.

Company strategy: about the assortment

store assortment

In fact, the assortment itself impliesa different approach to issues related to its reduction or expansion. Here, a whole complex of certain conditions that can take shape in certain situations can play a role. But it is possible to formulate general rules and requirements, having carried out only a general analysis of both whole market segments and its individual areas.

Why is assortment policy so important?

Assortment policy is important toany firm, especially in terms of marketing. This trend is becoming particularly relevant, given that competition in the modern market is constantly growing, and the quality of the product is increasingly stringent. We are talking not only about specialists, but also about ordinary buyers themselves. Only the most competent person can win high positions in his field, realizing that the range is not just a collection of products of one group.

Shops and their range in the modern world

assortment characteristic

Nowadays it is also constantly becoming more complicated.the very essence of the work, which is associated with the formation of the range in the stores. Characteristics of the range of goods or products necessary for successful trading, the requirements for it are constantly updated and supplemented. Only the qualifications of workers at a particular point can determine the breadth and depth of the range. Employees must necessarily possess information that concerns not only the normal consumer demand for products, but also the possible source of goods, and the situation that is relative to prices.