/ / Rockefeller Foundation: the history of creation, features, priorities

Rockefeller Foundation: history of creation, features, priorities

The Western rich are people with a special mind andextraordinary views on life. It is thanks to this combination that, strictly speaking, they became wealthy persons. At the same time, in addition to the colossal wealth, many of these wealthy men were also well-known benefactors, they deducted part of their funds for the development of various social and other projects. This article will discuss the structure called "The Rockefeller Charitable Foundation", its features and areas of work.


The man who gave impetus to the development of the wholedynasty, is John Davison Rockefeller Sr. (later his son was born with the same name), who was born in the town of Richford, New York. It happened in 1839. The parents of the future tycoon were Protestants, and there were many children in the family, of whom John was the second. His father was the owner of a small capital, but very often traveled to sell various elixirs. At the same time, the mother of the family was forced to greatly save on everything.

rockefeller foundation

Business training

The Rockefeller Foundation would not have been created if itsSince early childhood, the creator has not learned to be thrifty and to use his material means rationally. For example, John bought for himself a pound of sweets, after which he divided them into several piles and eventually resold them to his sisters, but at a higher price. At the age of seven, the boy worked from his neighbors to grow potatoes and turkeys. John was also trained to keep records of all his finances, registered them in a booklet, and also put aside a portion of his earnings in the piggy bank.

At the age of thirteen, the young man issued a loan to his friend in the amount of fifty dollars at 7.5% per annum.

Rockefeller Family Foundation

Beginning of the path to wealth

В 1857 году Джону стало известно, что один из England's entrepreneurs are looking for a partner with a $ 2000 fortune to do business together. At that time, Rockefeller had only $ 800, but was inspired by the idea and therefore borrowed money from his father, which allowed him to take the post of junior co-founder at Clark and Rochester, which was selling grain, meat, hay and other goods. After a while, the company needed a loan, and it was John, who managed to convince the manager to give the money, to negotiate the loan.

В 1870 году Джон Дэвисон, которые через несколько years he founded the Rockefeller Foundation, has already opened his own company engaged in oil. Being engaged in this business, the American introduced a truly unique system of rewarding all his employees: he did not pay his usual salary, but paid off people with company shares, whose quotes continuously went up and allowed to receive decent dividends. Thus, a brilliant businessman was able to interest his subordinates to work actively for the good of the company, because each of them understood that his personal financial success would depend on the quality of the work done.

Rockefeller Foundation in Russia


The Rockefeller Foundation is a charitable organization that was established in 1913 and is based directly in New York.

In general, since his youth, John regularly expelled10% of their income in the Baptist church. In total, for his life, he gave in it over 100 million dollars. In addition, the 80 million rich man gave the University of Chicago, he also helped the New York Institute of Medical Research.

Nowadays, this structure is governed by a former head.University of Pennsylvania, Dr. Judith Rodin, who became the first woman in this post, replacing her predecessor named Gordon Conway in 2005.

The main activities to which the Rockefeller Family Foundation has devoted themselves are:

  • medical research;
  • education;
  • the allocation of grants and scholarships in agriculture, the public sphere, as well as to study various problems related to global environmental protection;
  • financing building a democratic society, raising cultural level and development.

rockefeller charity foundation

Refusal to finance hydrocarbon production

In the spring of 2016, the Rockefeller Foundation decided to withdrawassets from all companies that are involved in oil and coal development. In particular, this affected a giant called ExxonMobil. According to representatives of the charitable organization, today there is no need to continue to invest money in these areas due to the fact that the world community is trying to abandon the use of fossil fuels. In addition, the Rockefellers also said that some of the already explored reserves must be kept underground in order to give hope to future generations of people for survival and to preserve an intact ecosystem.

In connection with all the above, now the FundRockefeller will have only about 1% of its assets in the oil and coal business (of its entire investment portfolio). Although, given the scale of investments of this charitable structure, in the end, the amount will still be impressive.

Rockefeller fund decided to withdraw assets

All this also makes it possible to understand that such a decision by the Americans will lead to the fact that now the Rockefeller Foundation in Russia will be much less active than it was before.


It is worth noting another noteworthy fact.In 2012, the Rockefeller and Rothschild families announced the creation of an international trust. Now it becomes finally clear that no serious event in the world takes place without the influence of these powerful families.