/ / When to set aside rabbits from a rabbit? Rabbit Cultivation

When to take off the rabbit from the rabbit? Cultivation of rabbits

One of the features of the breeding businessrabbits is a rapid increase in livestock. These animals breed under the condition of proper care and high-quality feeding just instantly. But, of course, in order to get good results in terms of replenishing the herd and, consequently, in increasing the profitability of the farm, the breeder needs to know when to set down the rabbits from the rabbit how to properly care for animals during this period of their life.

Condom and pregnancy

Contain rabbits of different sexes on farms inmost cases separately. During mating, the female is brought to the crawl. After a few minutes, she is removed back into her cage. You can find out whether the rabbit has a pregnancy, if you put her to the male again in two weeks. If she does not accept the advances of the "gentleman", snaps and runs away, then everything is in order, and the number of rabbits on the farm will soon increase.

when to set aside the rabbits from the rabbit

Actually, the pregnancy itself in these animals lasts about 30 days. The more embryos the uterus carries, the faster it will get around.

What you need to know about childbirth

Just before the circus, the female begins to activelypluck fluff on his chest and build a nest. Of course, by the time of birth in a cell, there must already be a special box called the mother liquor. The bunny rabbit will bring hay into it, make a convenient shelter for newborns and put it down in rest. In addition, in the cage of the female should be full drinking bowl. In the absence of water in the uterus, lactation may not begin, and she will simply eat her young.

Новорожденный кролик появляется на свет completely naked and blind. The young of these animals cannot, of course, survive without a womb. Rabbits feed their babies only twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. This is due to the fact that the milk in the queens is very fatty and caloric. For two times rabbits get the full range of the nutrients, vitamins and microelements they need.

After delivery, the farmer should checknest for the presence of stillborn babies. To carry out this procedure is as neat as possible, in the absence of the rabbit. All dead cubs found should be removed.

 at what age do rabbits roll out from the rabbit

What if the uterus throws newborns out of the nest

Rabbits are pretty smart animals.Uterus usually intuitively guess how many babies they can feed. In the opinion of the female, each extra newborn rabbit will be thrown out of the nest. And to put the kids back is completely useless. The uterus will still get rid of them. However, to save the cubs in this case is still possible. To do this, they are removed from the mother and enclose another nursing high-milk female. Of course, the rabbit may not accept other people's babies. Therefore, before laying cubs, the female should be removed from the cage. Rabbits themselves must be thoroughly cleaned of their mother's fluff, put into a new nest and rubbed with a down receiving female. After that, the receiving female can be returned to the cage. Since there will be no foreign smell in the queen cell, she most likely will not suspect anything and feed the other young with her.

What to do if the little bunnies are left without a mother

Sometimes it happens that after giving birth to a rabbitdying from the disease or even for some reason. In this case, orphaned babies usually also enclose the other female. If there is no such possibility, you can try to feed the rabbits artificially. A pacifier for orphaned babies is very easy to make from an empty rod from a ballpoint pen and nipple. The nutritional mixture itself is prepared from whole cow's milk (3/4) and condensed milk (¼). They feed the rabbits the way the female herself would do, that is, twice a day.

newborn rabbit

When to drop rabbits from a rabbit into a separate enclosure

Most farmers believe that transfer calves from the mother is as late as possible. The fact is that the longer they stay with the female, the better they gain weight and develop in the future.

There is independently from feeding rabbitsbegin at the age of 17-20 days. By 24 days, their need for mother's milk is halved, and by 35 days - by 92-95%. That is, if the age of the little rabbits is three and a few weeks after it has been cleared, they can, in principle, be set aside. However, in practice, farmers do this quite rarely. Even with a compacted breeding pattern (pregnancy at the same time as lactation), the young are kept with their mother almost to its most new genera. Rabbits are removed from the female's cage two days before the rabbit. That is, at 25-28 days of age. Keep them with their mother longer can not. Before giving birth, the female should at least get some rest.

Sometimes farmers in farms use andsemi-compacted breeding scheme. In this case, the mating is carried out on the 10-20 day after okrol. The answer to the question about the age at which the rabbits are set aside from the rabbit, in this case, 35-40 days after birth. In the usual breeding pattern, rabbits are kept with their mother up to the age of one and a half months. When broiler breeding, the young are cleaned in a separate enclosure on the 70th day after the birth.

age of baby rabbits

How to drop off

So we figured out when to plantrabbits from the rabbit. Next, let's see how to do it correctly. Remove the rabbit from the uterus in several ways. Most often, the largest cubs are deposited first. After two or three days, the remaining rabbits are removed from the uterus cage. You can also deposit all youngsters at once. In this case, the rabbit is taken to the cubs once a day or two days a few more times. This contributes to the rapid adaptation of young animals to new conditions. But, of course, such a jigging scheme can be used only with conventional, uncompacted dilution technology.

rabbits without rabbit

Uterus Feeding

So, at what age do rabbits fall fromlittle rabbits, of course. But in order to further grow healthy young, the farmer needs to know about how to properly feed the uterus during pregnancy. During this period, as well as during lactation, the bunny should receive all the nutrients, trace elements and vitamins she needs. Otherwise, healthy offspring will not succeed. A little rabbit that was lost during pregnancy will have little milk. And consequently, she throws out of the nest, or zagryzet part of the litter. If the feed is not enough during lactation, the rabbit's milk will not be so fat. As a result, the young will not gain weight and develop.

During pregnancy, rabbits give moreconcentrated feed. It is best to pour crushed barley into the feeders. You can replace it with oats. Wheat rabbits do not give. Also in the cage must always be hay or dried fresh grass.

what to feed baby rabbits

To increase the amount of milk in the periodLactation rabbit should receive such green feed, such as dill and tops of legumes. Of course, during pregnancy, and when feeding babies, the female should be given root vegetables. Carrots, beets and potatoes will be very useful. You can also gradually give dried white bread.

Feeding baby rabbits after jigging

The youngstock transferred to a separate cage should also receive proteins, vitamins and trace elements in the right amount. Rabbits without rabbit eat three times a day:

  • at 8 o'clock in the morning the youngsters are given concentrates and hay;

  • at 12 o'clock - root vegetables;

  • at 17 o'clock - again concentrates and hay.

little rabbits

In the summer, hay is replaced with a dried green mass.In this case, the question of how to feed the rabbits comes down to the correct selection of herbs. Many varieties growing in gardens and in the fields, these animals may be contraindicated. You can not give the rabbits, for example, celandine, nightshade, tomato tops, spurge. And in the cold and in the warm season it is useful to feed the youngsters brooms from birch, taly or karagach branches.

Well, we hope we are quite expandedanswered the main question of the article - when to set aside the rabbits from the rabbit. This is usually done a month and a half after the birth of the cubs, if the farm uses the usual animal breeding scheme. In any case, the depositing should be done correctly, and the animals themselves should provide good care during this period.