Virtually every ruraltake some kind of pet for cultivation. Broiler chickens in this respect are quite a profitable species. They are obtained as a result of crossing the lines of chicken Pervomaisky, Pantsirevsky, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, etc. The work on the creation of a certain breed is costly and time-consuming, therefore new varieties are mainly engaged in large poultry farms, which later sell chickens. A distinctive feature of this type of bird is that subsequent generations received from broilers themselves do not possess the necessary useful qualities, ie, another round of breeding activity is required.
What kind of breed should be taken for cultivation?Broiler chickens of such crosses as ROSS-78, COBB-500, ROSS-308, are considered very promising, but it is necessary to take into account the conditions of a particular farm. The ROSS-78 line has a high early maturity, that is, a carcass weighing about 2.6-3.0 kg can be obtained on the 35-40th day (with obligatory observance of the norms of fattening and maintenance). ROSS-308 has stable performance, at the age of 7-8 weeks the bird gives a mass of one and a half to two kilograms. COBB-500 has an optimal slaughter period on the 40th-43rd day, when the mass of carcasses reaches 2.4 kg. The bird of this breed has a large brisket, strong legs, high taste qualities of meat.
Under what conditions can a successfulgrowing? Broiler chickens are usually purchased in a factory at the age of one to ten days. The older the young, the more expensive it is; the probability of mortality decreases. In the first two weeks, chickens need to provide a large cage with daily cleaning and temperature of 30 aboutC. The quality of food, water and conditions of detention depends on the likelihood of disease and death, so efforts at this stage need to spend a lot.
In the third week of development, broiler chickens, which can already be grown in a special paddock, are kept at temperatures from 25 to 28 aboutC, and closer to the month of age - at 21-22 aboutC. The intensity of lighting during this period should not be less than 2 W per square meter of the nursery, but the chicks should also have a shaded place where they can sleep.
What else does quality cultivation depend on?Broiler chickens in the first five days of life should receive pre-feed, which contain corn, barley, wheat, milk powder (fat-free). Industrial food options are highly soluble in water, which enables young animals to quickly digest food. At the age of 5-30 days, broilers are fed with special compounds, including fish and herbal flour, yeast, calcium, fodder fat, sunflower meal, and pre-start feed substances.
Feeding broiler chickens in the second month(45%) and sunflower meal (17%), wheat and barley (13% and 8%, respectively). In addition, the use of food wastes such as broken shells, potato peelings, dry bread, etc. is allowed. When the recommended masses are reached by broilers, it is advisable to slaughter them, since further feeding does not lead to an increase in the weight of the bird.