Road safety isOne of the main tasks, on the solution of which the state system has been working for several years in a row. According to statistics, in May 2017 there were about 12,000 incidents, which is undoubtedly a large number. Many of the measures taken are already in place, some are still at the draft stage. One of the latest trends in this area was the introduction of the ERA-GLONASS system. What is it and where does it apply? This will be discussed in our article.
Security system "ERA-GLONASS"
By analogy, which served as a working example, you canconsider eCall introduced in 2001 in Europe. As part of this project, special equipment is installed on each vehicle, which allows the rescue services to be promptly notified of the incident. This significantly reduced the mortality rate due to such incidents by providing timely assistance.
Domestic implementation received the name "ERA-GLONASS". The abbreviation stands for emergency response in case of accidents. The second part is the Global Navigation Satellite System.
Its main task, like that of its European counterpart,- quick notification of specialized services about the accident or accident in automatic mode. According to domestic experts, this will allow to slightly reduce the number of victims of road accidents.
How does ERA-GLONASS work?
The main component of the system can be consideredspecial equipment installed on the vehicle. It has functions of the navigator and data transfer. In the event of an accident, the system automatically assesses the severity of the accident and sends information to a common server. It is also possible to call for help directly by the driver by pressing a special button.
With this approach, a lot of falseoperations, which in practice have to weed out. To do this, a single center is organized that can process incoming information and only then send general data to the competent services. This will reduce the burden on employees 112 and more effectively assist those who need it.
History of implementation
The first steps towards the implementation of the program were made in2009 Then the development began. Then the project was transferred under the management of the partnership "GLONASS". A trial introduction was conducted in early 2013 in several regions of the country. Then the coverage increased, and already 63 subjects were included in the testing. And by the end of 2013, full service for all regions was already implemented.
According to the rules of equipping cars, from 1January 2015, all the technical equipment that passes its first compliance with the regulations should receive the equipment. Then, from January 1, 2016, all vehicles transporting people and goods must be equipped. And since the beginning of 2017 already all vehicles.
Lada Vesta became the first production vehicles equipped with the ERA-GLONASS system from the factory. Its owners have probably already noticed a special SOS button on the top control panel.
The provisions on implementation are regulated by the federal law “On the State Information System" ERA-GLONASS "of December 28, 2013.
Первое, что нужно упомянуть, говоря об devices, this is a navigation module. It is he who receives signals from GLONASS satellites and in case of trouble sends the coordinates along with a request for assistance. The communication module uses data transmission via GSM or UMTS technology. Naturally, the bundle should have an identification device - an integrated SIM chip. The modem and antenna are responsible for direct data transmission.
For the analysis of the condition of the car, i.e.calculation of the fact of an accident also corresponds to a separate module. For the operation of the entire system is used operational and permanent memory. And in order that the ERA-GLONASS equipment could function without interruption, there is a backup power source.
Physically, a complex is a set of various modules and boxes connected to each other. A separate button with indicators for a manual emergency call is displayed on the control panel.
Depending on the configuration of the car, the list of equipment may be slightly modified.
A number of both domestic and foreign manufacturers are engaged in the development of devices and modules.
Step-by-step consideration of the system in case of an accident
Security system "ERA-GLONASS" in case of an accidentimmediately begins collecting data on what happened. Location information, VIN-code, detailed technical information about the accident and time are read. Including the research package includes the type of fuel and the color of the car.
All sensors are used for this purpose.measuring mechanisms. Then, through communication devices, these data are transmitted to the central server "ERA-GLONASS". Here is the processing of information, the establishment of the fact of the urgency and relevance of the accident.
The company declares that from the terminal "ERA-GLONASS"before the database data passes for 20 seconds. If there are additional communication channels in the car, it is also possible to transfer information through them. For example, via SMS.
After the fact of the accident is established on the basis of "ERA-GLONASS", the obtained data are processed and, depending on the severity, the necessary services are notified - Emergency Control Ministry, ambulance and traffic police.
Equipment installation procedure
After the vehicle has entered notthe territory of the Russian Federation, it must be subjected to the installation of the ERA-GLONASS system. For public service, there are accredited centers that perform this procedure and test equipment. It should be noted that the mandatory installation of "ERA-GLONASS" applies to only arrived cars and released from the factory. But every car owner can, on his own initiative, become the owner of this system. True, there is one small difference - in a used car can only be installed a simplified version. This means that in the event of an accident to report it will have to manually, through a special button.
The installation procedure of the ERA-GLONASS system does not take much time. Specialists will mount the equipment, test it and register it in the database.
The current stage of the project
According to the law, "ERA-GLONASS" must stand onall imported and passing technical compliance cars. Because of this, there was a small collapse in the Far East. The fact is that the number of incoming vehicles is growing, but manufacturers do not have time to create the necessary equipment. Thus, in the Russian Federation there is a car, but it is impossible to move on it, since it does not comply with the technical regulations.
This has already managed to cash in on individual representatives of repurchasing organizations. They purchase equipment and install it on cars, which are then sold at inflated prices.
In general, until the ERA-GLONASS device market is saturated and does not begin to meet the needs of car owners, the installation procedure will remain just a headache.
How much is?
According to the company, the cost of "ERA-GLONASS"will be in the range of 18 to 25 thousand rubles. But in practice, due to the lack of necessary equipment in some regions, the price can jump up to 80 thousand rubles. Also, much depends on the manufacturers and the total cost of the modules and devices.
User Reviews
"ЭРА-ГЛОНАСС" — новая попытка властей привести the current road safety situation to perfection. However, the implementation is still lame. The lack of equipment greatly affected the advancement of the ERA-GLONASS system. What did this entail? First, the emergence of speculative schemes in which vehicles were sold many times more expensive. Secondly, the small running and testing of the system led to the fact that not all the nuances and technical details were taken into account. Car owners say that the emergency call button is not always working properly. But in practice, this means that someone from the victims may be left without help.
The quality of the equipment is also not alwayscorresponds to reality, and in some situations failures occur, when the location data is transmitted incorrectly, information about the severity of the damage is not read, or the time specified is trivial.
Many car owners mistakenly believe thatthe system constantly monitors their movement. Therefore, from time to time the question arises: "How to disable the ERA-GLONASS?" It is not necessary to do this, since it is nevertheless aimed at obtaining operational assistance in various emergency situations on the road.
К тому же спецификация устройств, предоставленная the company-developer, makes it clear that the triggering occurs only when an accident or pressing the "ERA-GLONASS" button. What is this about? The system begins to read data only when the vehicle's characteristics change. For example, a sharp decrease in speed. Additional sensors provide a complete picture of what is eventually sent to the base for subsequent analysis.
On the official GLONASS website you can seeinteresting statistics. Thus, more than half a million vehicles are already registered in the system. They received a little more than 200 thousand calls. At the same time, only 1,300 of them were recognized as valid, that is, really in need of assistance. This is the very same data processing, when emergency services are not distracted by false alarms and provide support to those who really need it.
Any innovation in Russia is a stretch andcreak. Especially if neither the people nor the organizers are properly prepared. As a result, there are overlays on all fronts of the project. The same happened with "ERA-GLONASS". What could it be if the product was tested on a larger scale? Or would manufacturers start making devices long before signing a decree on compulsory equipment with the system? There would be no queues for registration of imported cars, winding prices and speculation on this. In addition, it was possible to extract experience from the European counterpart of the system in order to foresee errors and put the project into practice.
Against this, protest movements, pickets and rallies arose. Many believe that this introduction is just a new type of tax.
But, as promised by GLONASS, the problem with the deficitwill be solved in a short time. And work on improving the equipment goes on constantly. Therefore, car owners can only hope that the implementation procedure will soon become more accessible and simple.