/ / Car alarm Pandora DXL 5000 NEW: reviews, installation instructions, review

Car alarm Pandora DXL 5000 NEW: reviews, installation manual, overview

Complex alarm Pandora DXL 5000demonstrated an example of a multi-level approach to the provision of automotive security functions. The NEW modification generally retained the concept of high-tech protection with a basic set of tools to regulate access to the car, but also acquired new options and increased the existing potential in some parameters. Anyway, before the final choice it is worthwhile to become more familiar with the possibilities and nuances of operating the Pandora DXL 5000 NEW system. An overview of the alarm system, installation technique and user feedback will also help to create an objective impression of this product.

Features of the model

alarm pandora dxl 5000 new

Новый комплекс базируется на старой security and telemetry platform. Actually, the technical and functional basis remains the same. Innovations have affected minor construction data. For example, in the NEW modification, a VALET button appeared for entering the security unlock code. It existed in the standard version, but in a less pronounced form. An antenna for wireless communications has also been upgraded. A separate connector was provided for it, and the organization of the interaction of the central unit with the transmitter now lends itself to certain settings - however, this is more about ergonomics, and not functionality. Plus, it is worth adding the introduction of new sensors and communication channels. As for the first, the Pandora DXL 5000 NEW alarm system is supplied with several temperature sensors with extended wires. Communication channels are implemented through a GPS receiver with a radio signal. The emphasis on radio modules and navigational aids is also a fundamental innovation of this complex.

Other versions

Improvement of the base device could go in differentdirections, and the NEW system shows the most attractive direction from the point of view of the consumer. It focuses on convenience, functionality and versatility. But there is also a version of Pro, which can be viewed as a continuation of NEW. In this case, the developers have placed greater emphasis on the stability of the main transmitters with an increased frequency of 868 MHz. GPS and GLONASS navigation modules are preserved, but where they are not needed, the system works more efficiently on the main radio module. For comparison, the Pandora DXL 5000 NEW car alarm has standard protection against third-party jamming, while the Pro version implements a rather narrow frequency corridor that minimizes the risks of the influence of third-party interference. In addition, filtering can be adjusted manually depending on the operating conditions of the system.


pandora dxl 5000 new installation

The main component set remains the same ifDo not take into account the design and external cosmetic nuances. Each device is contained in a separate box. The smallest box stores a keychain with a liquid crystal display. The kit also includes several RFID tags, an auxiliary keyring without an LCD display, antennas and modular devices. The keychain is powered by an AAA battery, and its range has increased by 30–40% on average - this figure depends on the presence of interference in the radius of activity. Separately, GPS and GLONASS receivers are included in the package, and in new versions with reduced hot and cold start times. Equipped with alarm Pandora DXL 5000 NEW and an accelerometer. This device is used to fix emergency situations. That is, if sensitive sensors do not detect signs of anxiety, but at the same time certain functions of the complex have been violated, the accelerometer automatically triggers, sending the user the appropriate signals on the basis of an alarm alert.

The principle of the alarm

car alarm pandora dxl 5000 new

The communication process is implemented byRFID tags. In general, the technique of unlocking the car occurs on the classic principle Handsfree. The owner comes to the car, after which the alarm automatically picks up the tag signal and removes the security function. Another thing is that there may be different approaches to the organization of interaction between the user and the system. Like the previous versions, the Pandora DXL 5000 NEW alarm system is focused on the most progressive method of using the remote control at a distance. But as an alternative and for greater reliability, you can configure the system to control the button. That is, not using a wireless connection, but due to direct contact through a key chain and a tag.

Car alarms working bywireless communication tools are not unusual for a long time. But in this case, it is assumed not only the giving of commands at a distance, but the possibility of building a dialogue with the exchange of complex signals. Interactive radio communication is carried out between three components - a radio tag, a key fob and a microprocessor Pandora DXL 5000 NEW. The instruction notes that the conversational code is fully protected by an encryption algorithm that the user can customize. This means that a cipher is sent with the command each time, which is processed by the processor. Therefore, it is impossible to hack the system with a similar RFID key, even if they are compatible in principle.


car alarm pandora dxl 5000 new

Software is provided by the Pandora Info platform,managed by clients for Androrid and iOS. The developers left the same set of software, not trying to expand it with functional additions, which in principle do not change the service complex for the better. An interesting feature was the endowment of one of the hardware buttons of the central control unit with multi-functionality. It can assign any task from the protection spectrum or assign activation of preheating. However, not only on the hardware buttons calculated Pandora DXL 5000 NEW car alarm. The instruction indicates that all functionality can be controlled via the iPhone. Moreover, it is the smartphone applications that best reflect the tracking capabilities of the alarm. Branded programs Pandora Info provide an opportunity to determine the location of the machine through Google maps without a car navigation system, create routes, record data in archives, etc.

Installation of alarm components

car alarm pandora dxl 5000 new installation

Basic assembly operations are performed withcentral control unit, antennas and RF module. The microprocessor unit is installed in a place isolated from external influences. It is desirable that the case be removed from sources of elevated temperature. Fixation is carried out by means of mounting hardware included in the kit. After this, the antennas are mounted for navigation and providing a radio signal. Usually receivers are mounted on the windshield or in the contour of its interface with the car body. Special attention should be paid to the installation of a blocking radio relay, which is also included in the Pandora DXL 5000 NEW complex. The installation of this component is carried out with the integrated accelerometer not in the cabin, but directly in the engine compartment. Rigid and reliable fastening of hardware to the body should be ensured, since this zone is subjected to high vibration loads during movement.

Wiring installation

During the installation work, special attention is paid tocable lines. In particular, the CAN bus is laid only after the power supply to the central control unit is turned off and, if possible, with the inclusion of thermal insulation. Signaling wiring at the junctions can be paired with either twisting or lead-tin soldering. But in both cases, when connecting, it is important to attach importance to the materials of the switched cables, as well as to their section. A win-win is to use only the complete wiring Pandora DXL 5000 NEW. The installation of lines in the cabin is carried out with complete accessories, fasteners, insulators and auxiliary accessories. The places of laying are chosen with the expectation of minimum moisture and electrochemical destruction.


car alarm pandora dxl 5000 new instruction

Initially the system is programmed by severaldirections of operation. First of all, the user must configure the safe and emergency modes. Further functions of a charm are configured, including tasks of universal buttons are assigned. After that, you can go to the modes of operation in the state of protection. In this part it is necessary to determine through which channels the keyfobs and the Pandora DXL 5000 NEW car alarm will communicate. Installing GPS antennas, for example, allows for virtually unlimited communication. But for quick control without delays, it is recommended to configure the radio base tags with labels.

Positive reviews

The system is one of the best.multifunctional alarms presented on the domestic market. According to the owners, the developers managed to offer a high-tech, modern, easy-to-use and reliable tool to ensure safety for the car. Separately, users highlight both the advantages of wireless communications and the electrical stability of the Pandora DXL 5000 NEW components. Reviews also highlight the implementation of wireless services. Special attention is given to the software shell and the possibility of interaction between the security complex and the smartphone.

Negative feedback

Criticism is mainly the complexity of the system.Although the creators have done a lot to simplify the process of managing alarms, the initial setup for convenient use is difficult for many. Many also note the high cost at which the Pandora DXL 5000 NEW car alarm is implemented. Reviews say that for the same 35-40 thousand rubles. the machine can be provided with a combination of mechanical and electronic protective devices.


pandora dxl 5000 new instruction

New modification of the alarm complex ofPandora line, of course, deserves the attention of motorists who care about the safety of their property. Among security devices, which also widely offer ergonomic and technological protection tools, only a few are accessible to a mass audience. In turn, the Pandora DXL 5000 NEW alarm system is a universal set of components that can be seamlessly integrated into almost any car. Moreover, with even basic electrical installation experience, the system can be installed independently. This complexity is usually associated with the extensive capabilities of device configuration and programming. And this tool can also be used to organize a more efficient way of operating the system.