/ / Wintering bees in the wild: under the snow, without insulation

Wintering bees in the wild: under the snow, without insulation

An important and crucial period in beekeeping iskeeping their pets in the "fighting force" in the cold seasons. It is imperative to choose the right way for the bees to live at this time, since there are many interesting and economical options now.

What is bee wintering

Successful stay of these heat-loving insects incold, it can be said, is one of the most difficult tasks in beekeeping, because imagine - for a long time (from 2 to 5 months, depending on the climatic characteristics of the region) pets are in the least mobile state than ever.

wintering bees in the wild

At the same time, it is necessary to take care not only of their comfortable stay, but also of stocks, which should be enough for the winter period. There are several types of bees stay in the cold season:

  • wintering bees in the wild (we'll talk more about this in this article);
  • hibernation of bees in omshanik (this can be either a specially created winter house, or an ordinary basement of a private house).

На протяжении всей холодной поры немаловажно monitor the state of the bees - it is enough to do it once a month, listening to their movements inside, using a specially created tube. With the help of noise a number of problems can be identified: if the sound is strong enough, then this indicates a deterioration in the health of the inhabitants, which is caused by several factors.

Cold issues

One of the main difficulties in bee hibernationlies in the temperature mismatch. The fact is that older insects and those that were bred according to the species of the northern regions tolerate cold better than younger and southerners. Therefore, it is desirable to have bees of the same breed.

wintering bees in the wild under snow

An important problem is also the fact thatThe organism of these insects is arranged in such a way: from excess moisture or, conversely, from overdried air, the bees can start having health problems, since they need to stay constantly and year-round in as close to natural conditions as possible. There is always an alternative to this factor - the wintering of bees in the wild without insulation is naturally similar to the natural habitat of insects.

Do not forget about the accumulation in the intestineswaste that remains from the latest processing of honey. Unfortunately, the body of bees is designed so that they can defecate only during the spring flight, therefore, sometimes such phenomena become the cause of death.

What is necessary for a successful wintering

Для начала следует определиться с тем, как будут to carry cold insects - in the wild or in omshanik after all. It depends on the financial capabilities of the beekeeper, and on the breed of insects. The wintering of bees in the wild eliminates any painstaking preparation of the room, in contrast to the second option, so if you choose a winter house as a place, it should be carefully adapted.

But with any method chosen, it is imperativepay special attention to an adequate supply of feed. They should not be enough to insects do not starve, but you can not overfeed them, leaving excessive stocks.

wintering bees in the wild in Siberia

Particular attention should be paid to the composition of the bee family - among them must be young from the latest brood, as well as reproductive uterus.

And most importantly - before wintering, it is necessary to carry out maintenance work in accordance with sanitary standards. In the cold period, bees should not be disturbed by pests that spread various infections.

Wintering bees without uterus

It is known that nameless families are doomeddeath, because the bees do not have the possibility of further fertilization. But it should not be forgotten that some families with their presence are also at great risk, since certain individuals are simply incapable of reproduction.

wintering bees in the wild in western Siberia

What to do if wintering bees in the wildstay without a uterus in the family? Do not panic - you can fix everything in the fall. To do this, you need to pay attention to the state of the family - if it is obese, then it should be knocked out, but if it is thinned out, then it is better to leave this family to wax. Then it is necessary to choose the rejected one from the available ones, and to take out the uterus from there, which should be moved to the motherless family.

But this is not enough for a successful wintering. To secure that the bee will stand in someone else's brood, you need to add a few old bees from other hives for breeding.

Но если безматочное семейство обнаружилось за a week before wintering, it is better not to take risks and not to deal with the amendment - all the same, in this matter and with such time limits, success is too small. Since there are no guarantees that a young, newly settled queen will not lose in pairing with a drone. Therefore, under these circumstances, it remains only to hope for success.

What is the wintering of bees in the wild

Freestyle wintering is good because the first flight aroundbees begin a month earlier than those who spend the winter in basements and omshanik. Therefore, by the time when families are released from rooms with the first sunny spring days, insects in free conditions already have up to four brood frames.

With the free habitat throughoutduring the cold period, special attention should be paid to the condition of the hives, since their walls tend to be damp, which favors mold reproduction directly in the comb.

Therefore, it is desirable to wrap them in the fallthick black paper and cover it with dry foliage on top - this will help the winter home to keep warm and dry for as long as possible. You can also further insulate them with either an industrial film or tolim.

Do not forget that in cold times the bees may lack ventilation, so you should listen to them and, if necessary, carefully add fresh air.

Winter under the snow

Another way to keep the family coldthe period is the wintering of bees in the wild under the snow. This method includes the above, but at the same time beehives are covered with snow, without any exceptions and allotments. Snow breaks through in the spring or during the thaw period, when crusts form from above. In addition, each hive before the cold is necessary to wrap some material that can isolate heat fluxes.

wintering bees in the wild in Bashkiria

This type of wintering is good because the bees are ready forthe first fly-by is already with early spring thawing, but it also has its drawbacks. For example, if the winter is snowless, then the hives remain without reliable protection, which worsens their condition. To do this, it is recommended to put a thin wooden planks to the house, which act as an additional protection against frost. In general, they can be left after the snow has fallen, and until spring comes, in this case the wood plays the role of additional protection of bees from birds.

Wintering bees in the wild in Siberia

It is known that in cold regions, for example, inSiberia, bee families are stronger, therefore they are able to endure frosts even in the open air. Therefore, often in such places these insects winter in the wild.

wintering bees in the wild without insulation

As mentioned above, the most important thing to protecthives from drafts, since the wintering of bees in the wild in Western Siberia is primarily a serious test for insects, because the winds in these places during the cold period are strong and very cold.

Therefore, it is imperative to protect homes fromdestructive external factors, but not only from weather conditions, but also from rodents and birds. Do not forget that the hives of southern breeds of insects should be warmed more strongly than the central Russian ones, since they are less resistant to the Siberian cold weather. Since there is more than enough snow in this region for successful wintering, it is recommended to throw them qualitatively from the very beginning of winter and not to bother them anymore.

Cold season in the Moscow region

The region is rather raw.the climate in the cold season, despite a sufficient average amount of snow (about half a meter, sometimes more). Therefore, the wintering of bees in the wild in the Moscow region should begin with high-quality preparation and insulation of hives.

wintering of bees in the open in the Moscow region

To prevent mold from forming insidedue to the peculiarities of the local climate, it is necessary to artificially increase the space under the frame, due to which a special pillow is formed from the air, which adds dryness and warmth to the winter home.

In addition, to preserve the heat of the family, it is desirable to place tightly to each other.

Однако несомненным преимуществом климата в The Moscow region is the fact that here the temperature fluctuates over a small amplitude during the day, so there are no significant differences, and the bees tolerate wintering in the wild.

Wintering in Bashkiria

Благодаря довольно мягкому климату в этих местах, the wintering of bees in the wild in Bashkiria proceeds calmly. Moreover, beehives do not need special warming as, for example, in Siberia. And the climate here is less humid than in the Moscow region in the surrounding areas.

For the local temperate continental climate, it is enough to adhere to those tips that were described above regarding the free stay of bees in the cold season.