/ / Eyelash extension "Lovely". Eyelashes "Lovely" and their features

Eyelash extension "Lovely". Eyelashes "Lovely" and their features

Thousands of women sighed with relief upon learning ofeyelash extension procedure. She has many advantages: saving time in the morning, no loose mascara during the day and dark circles under her eyes during make-up remover. Add to this should be another plus - the presence of black, long eyelashes with a luxurious bend and the necessary volume. Of course, the result depends on the skill of the Leshmaker, but the materials play an important role. Low quality glue can cause an allergic reaction (itching and redness of the eyes) or create an insufficient link between the artificial and native hair. In this case, the client will enjoy the lush eyelashes for a very short time. Product quality also plays an important role. Eyelashes should be soft and elastic, have a rich color and the same bend.

lavli eyelashes

Little bit about lovely

Oriental girls have always wanted to increase theirnatural eye shape in all possible ways. As a result, the procedure was invented - eyelash extensions. In just a couple of hours, you can adjust the hanging eyelid, make the look more open, and the eyes visually enlarge. That is why the equipment for eyelash extensions came to us from Eastern countries.

Lovely is a brand of quality materials foreyelash extensions. Manufacturing country - South Korea. Her product was one of the first to enter the market of the lash-industry and continues to hold the brand, surpassing competitors. “Lovely” products - eyelashes of different curves, thickness and color, glue for extension, having different coupling speed, lamination set, consumables, and tools for work.

lava glue for eyelash extensions

Types of eyelashes

Produced by the brand "Lovely" eyelashes are soldonly in pallets on tapes. The company does not produce products in bulk in banks. Grab the cilia from the tape is very convenient: no need to touch them with your hands. They are easily peeled off, so the ends do not wring from the tweezers during removal. Lovely has eyelashes in three series:

  1. Siliconone. The surface of the cilia of this line is satin, has a light glossy glow. The material is flexible and resistant to deformation.
  2. Deluxe from Lovely. Eyelashes are very soft, light, but elastic. Have a rich black color. Maximum similar to natural.
  3. Royallashes. Luxury line of cilia. The material is expensive and high quality. Eyelashes have a glossy shine and charcoal black.

The brand also produces colored eyelashes for decoration and fantasy extensions:

  • Monophonic or with color tips. Have bright saturated color. The palette is very wide. You can choose a shade that emphasizes the color of the eyes, or a contrast for a creative extravagant image.
  • Glitter-eyelashes, covered with sparkles, and with rhinestones. Effectively shimmer in the sun and under the lights. Ideal for holiday or catwalk.

Length, thickness, bend

For a different cut and the size of the eyes you need your own,perfect eyelashes. Therefore, the range of sizes is very extensive. The thickness of the material is selected depending on the structure of the client's natural eyelashes and the desired result. For example, for 3D building use the thinnest and lightest hairs, as three artificial ones are glued to each natural one. This volume should be weightless, do not give a load to your eyelashes and not be felt while wearing. For this type of building "Lovely" has ultra-thin products: from 0.05 to 0.10 mm. For a natural effect, the following thickness is suitable - from 0.15 to 0.20 mm. For strong thick natural cilia, you can use products 0.23 or even 0.25 mm.

lavli eyelash extensions

Какая длина представлена в палетках «Лавли»?Eyelash extension provides several options for one client. The shortest ones are glued to the inner corner of the eye, the middle ones are centered on the eyelid, and the longer ones are in the outer zone. This either repeats the natural growth, or creates the desired effect: “pulls” or enlarges the eye. Lovely has all the necessary sizes for any kind of building: from 5 to 18 mm.

Bends also perform their function.They give beautiful outlines to the eyelashes, correct the shape of the eyes. The most common curves are C and D. They look natural and at the same time spectacular. CC bending is used for a “puppet” effect or for correcting a small eye. L and L + are ideal for an impending century or an Asian incision. Lovely also has bends B and I.

Eyelash Features Lovely

Feature of the brand "Lovely" not only in highquality of products, but also in respect for their clients - master-lashmeykerov. Eyelashes are placed in convenient boxes and are very densely located to each other. Because of this, their number is much more than that of other manufacturers. In one palette can be from 4,000 to 13,000 cilia.

Packages can be filled as hairs of onelengths, and collected in mixes: from 5 to 8, from 8 to 15, from 15 to 18 mm. This is very convenient for beginners who do not yet know which cilia will be spent the most. Another advantage is the presence of pallets containing only six lines. So you can try this or that bend, another thickness, without buying a large package.

lava lamination lashes

Clay Lovely

Good build-up is impossible without high-quality professional glue. Lovely offer products for craftsmen with different work experience:

  1. For masters with little experience - LovelyJunior. Coupling speed is 3-4 seconds. During this time, the novice specialist will be able to correctly position the eyelash, check its direction and indent from the eyelid.
  2. For more experienced craftsmen - Lovely Power. Hitch time - 2 seconds. Sufficient fast, but there is an opportunity to correct the eyelash.
  3. For masters with extensive experience - Neo, UltraSuper, Dream, Double Power, Perfect. The hitch of each adhesive is less than 1 second.

There is also a glue for eyelashes "Lovely",suitable for allergy sufferers and people with sensitive eyes. This is Safety, its coupling is 3-4 seconds (which is suitable for masters with no work experience). The product is characterized by the complete absence of fumes. Creating a fantasy or festive image, it is better to use the glue "Lovely" for eyelash extensions called Clear. It is transparent. Therefore, leave a clean shade of colored eyelashes and rhinestones. The royal series is represented by two types of premium segment glue: Cleopatra and Victoria. They are inherent in an instant snatch. Term socks - up to 8 weeks. These products are hypoallergenic, no vapors. Their color is rich black.

glue for eyelashes lavli

Lovely Products

The product range of "Lovely" is very wide. In addition to glue for building, the brand offers:

  • Degreaser. It cleans the surface of the cilia.
  • Primer. Prepares surfaces for adhesion with glue.
  • Removers: liquid, gel and cream. They allow you to carefully remove the eyelashes without damaging the natural.
  • Fixers. Extend the period of wearing the hair extensions, strengthen natural.
  • Lamination products for eyelashes.This is a procedure consisting of perm and permanent dyeing. After a month, natural eyelashes look voluminous, long and rich black. Lavli lamination of eyelashes consists of three drugs: Soften (softening), Fixer (volume and fixation), Conditioner (nutrition and hydration). This is a good alternative to building for those who do not decide on this procedure.

All these products have pleasant fruit aromas, do not cause irritation and do an excellent job with their work.

eyelashes lavli reviews

Lovely accessories

Materials for eyelash extension "Lovely":

  1. Paper and plastic tapes to protect the lower eyelashes.
  2. Hydrogel and collagen pads, thin patches on the lower eyelid. Moisturize the skin under the eyes. They are very soft and easy to remove.
  3. Rings for glue.
  4. Nephroic stone.
  5. Brush. Designed for craftsmen and their clients.
  6. Microbrashes. Save liquid preparations due to the small area of ​​the brush.
  7. Mini fans for glue drying: with or without backlight.
  8. Tablets.
  9. Lashboxes for storage.
  10. Stands and covers for tweezers.

There are other accessories. They simplify the work of masters and make the process of building up for customers even more comfortable.

materials for eyelash eyelash extension

What do professionals and consumers say?

Lash makers in our country love eyelashes"Lovely." Reviews - confirmation. The main advantage is the high quality of materials, the presence of small amounts of glue and small palettes "Lovely". Eyelashes can be tested without buying large volumes. This is very important, because the choice of materials is very large, so I want to try all kinds of products. As for the women who tried on the product, they praise its high quality. A small disadvantage is the relatively high price of products.