One of the attributes of female beauty andattractiveness is, undoubtedly, long and fluffy eyelashes. They emphasize the look, make it sexy and expressive. Not every girl can boast of the natural dignity of her fluffy and long eyelashes. To remedy this situation, there is a folk remedy for eyelash growth, it is effective and safe.
For the growth of eyelashes at home, various methods are used.
These include eyelash extensions anduse of special linings. These methods are effective, but they can not be used every day, and the time for these procedures is not always available in women's stores. For the natural growth of eyelashes use the folk method of applying castor or burdock oil.
How to grow eyelashes at home, using masks of castor oil?
Any modern pharmacy sells castor orburdock oil in small bubbles. You need to buy it, carefully wash the brush from the old carcass and use it to apply oil to the tips of your eyelashes. You must do this with extreme caution, so that it does not get into your eyes and eyelids. The oil is very fatty, and if it gets on the skin of the eyelids, it is difficult to remove it from there.
To grow your eyebrows you can use a cottondisc when applied. It is desirable to leave such an oil mask for the eyebrows at night. After you apply the oil on the eyelashes, you need to wipe them with a dry cloth or cotton swab in 15 minutes.
Such a folk remedy for the growth of eyelashes is veryeffectively and in a few weeks you will already notice the first results. The main thing is not to forget to do this procedure every day. You can also use sea buckthorn and olive oil. They also have useful properties and promote hair growth.
Есть еще народное средство для роста ресниц на cornflower broth and chamomile. It is necessary to boil 1 tablespoon of flowers with boiling water and strain the infusion through the day. This solution should be applied to eyelashes and eyelids with the help of a cotton disc for 10-15 minutes. Also this composition eliminates the symptoms of eye fatigue.
Very important and useful massage eyelashes for the growth of eyelashesand eyebrows. It improves blood circulation and stimulates their growth. For massage, use aloe juice mixed with vegetable oil, with the addition of a small amount of parsley juice. This tool needs to be rubbed into the skin along the line of eyelash growth.
Also for the mask, you can mix aloe juice, vitamin Aand 1 tablespoon of castor oil. These components must be combined and applied to the eyelashes 2-3 hours before bedtime. After a while, remove the mask with a cotton swab.
These simple procedures do not take you muchtime and labor, but as a result you will get thicker, more voluminous and fluffy eyelashes, not using harmful chemicals, and will also do without harm to your health. And an expressive look will not leave your fans indifferent.
In folk medicine, there are many similarrecipes, however, you can use the ready castor oil, this folk remedy for the growth of eyelashes, without impurities and additives, it is sold in cosmetic shops in special tubes with a convenient brush for application.
Для того, чтобы ресницы меньше выпадали, take care that you have high-quality expensive cosmetics. Never wear the same make-up for a long time, if you went to work with painted eyelashes, at the end of the day or on your return home you need to wash off the makeup and give your skin, eyebrows and eyelashes the necessary rest, and the best thing to do immediately nourishing face and eyelash masks.
Look after your eyelashes, then they will remain beautiful and dense for a long time.