/ / Egg shells for garden or garden as fertilizer

Eggshell for garden or garden as a fertilizer

Recently, people who have country housesplots or gardens began to think about what it is necessary to feed grown crops, so that they are environmentally friendly and bring benefits when they are eaten. If you set a goal, you can make a large list of such fertilizers.

Не последнее место в этом списке будет отведено eggshell as a fertilizer for a vegetable garden that can improve the state of humus by neutralizing excess acidity. The composition of the eggshell includes all the trace elements necessary for the growth and fruiting of the plant, such as easily absorbed calcium (93%), magnesium (0.55%), phosphorus (0.12%), potassium (0.08%), and small quantities of sulfur and iron.

What shell is suitable for fertilizer

It is usually recommended to obtain fertilizer.take the eggshells of domestic chickens. Crested chickens feed on natural food, and the list of elements in the shell of their eggs is more substantial than in the shell of incubator eggs. But you should not create a problem, you can use the shell and store, which is also rich in easily digestible calcium. It is best to start collecting the shells in the winter.

egg shell application in the garden
During this period, it is much denser, which meansits calcium content is much higher. Poultry farmers noticed that the shell of brown eggs is thicker than the shell of whites, that is, it has more calcium. To get high-quality fertilizer from eggshell for the garden, it is taken from raw eggs. During cooking, the nutrients are destroyed by high temperatures.

How to make fertilizer from the shell

There are certain rules of preparationmaterial for further processing it into fertilizer. The eggshell must be washed from the egg white and dried thoroughly. To do this, it is laid out on paper in a well-ventilated place or in a paper bag. It takes about five days to dry.

Then knead it with a rolling pin to get smallpieces, and then with the help of a coffee grinder, mortar or meat grinder break into flour. Of course, in a coffee grinder this can be done quickly, and it copes with the grinding of eggshell into powder. But the type of grinding method depends on where and for what purpose the eggshell will be used. If you leave large pieces, it will not benefit the soil, as it will decompose for a long time and slowly. Store the flour from the shell in a tightly closed container, without access of moisture.

eggshell as a vegetable garden fertilizer

The use of egg shells in the garden

Яичная скорлупа используется для ощелачивания soil. In addition, it improves the structure of heavy soil, making the soil loose, which contributes to better air delivery to the roots. Thus, the flour from the shell increases the fertility of the soil.

What good is this feeding the land?The shell turned into flour decomposes perfectly in the ground, which means it is completely absorbed by plants. Such a soil upon drying does not form a dense crust. Introduced as a baking powder, crushed eggshell maintains the condition of the soil in this form for several years.

The benefits of eggshell for the vegetable garden is thatIt goes well with mineral fertilizers. Flour from it reduces the acidity of the soil, and many mineral fertilizers increase it. Acting in a complex, the shell neutralizes the action of chemicals, while retaining the beneficial properties of mineral fertilizers.

Pest and disease protection

There is another option, how to use the eggshell in the garden. It is used in the fight against garden pests, such as the Colorado potato beetle or the bear, which adore potatoes. In this case, the ground egg shells are mixed with sunflower oil for smell and added dropwise in the aisle. Medvedka, having tried this "treat", dies.

Cooked chopped egg shell powder sprinkled beetles and their larvae. They do not die immediately, but the effect of the powder gradually negates the presence of these insects on the beds.

egg shell application in the garden
Есть еще один любитель корней растений – крот.It is known that they, bumping into sharp objects underground, go to other places. Therefore, gardeners contribute to the soil crushed eggshells, which discourage a mole from hunting to come to these places.

Fighting Slugs and Snails

Slugs and snails can be realproblem for gardeners and gardeners. The use of egg shells for a vegetable garden or garden is the best solution for combating these land gastropods.

Dwelling in the garden, slugs eats huge holes incabbage leaves, sometimes getting to the head of cabbage. Under favorable weather conditions, the snails do not disdain the young tender leaves of fruit trees and shrubs, which damage the garden.

Experienced gardeners use egg shells toscaring of these pests. It is slightly crushed and scattered around the trunks of trees and shrubs. Crushed egg shells have sharp edges, and if slugs crawl over them, they get cuts on their bellies and die. But they are smart enough to somehow inform their relatives not to visit these places, and stay away from the eggshell themselves.

eggshell for the garden for which plants

For which plants to use eggshells

Egg shell powder is not a panacea amonga large number of non-chemical fertilizers. Therefore, it will be correct to get acquainted with the preferences of garden crops growing on the land plot. Having an idea of ​​the needs of plants for various fertilizers, one can determine whether an eggshell is needed for a vegetable garden. For which plants it is necessary and they will respond well to this feeding, and for which they are not needed and it is better not to use it?

From crops planted on the site, fertilizer fromeggshell appreciate cabbage. Peppers, tomatoes and eggplants will feel good on alkaline soil. All types of onions, lettuce, broccoli, beets and melons will also give a good harvest, growing on the ground, fertilized with egg shells. For a vegetable garden where beans, peas, cucumbers, zucchini and strawberries will grow, this fertilizer is not suitable.

egg shell for garden

Acceleration of seed germination

The eggshell on 9/10 its weight consists ofcalcium carbonate. Therefore, gardeners often use it to improve seed germination. Thanks to calcium, the proteins contained in the seeds are activated, and the seeds of these seeds appear faster. They are stronger than those that appear during normal germination.

How does this process occur? Seeds are sprinkled with substrate and on top with powdered eggshell powder. This dressing quickly penetrates the seeds, accelerating their germination.

Egg Shell Use

Яичная скорлупа - для огорода просто находка.Many gardeners, gardeners began to use it as a form for germination of seedlings. The idea is just original. After breaking an egg in half, a hole is made in the lower part of the halves for drainage and filled with a small amount of earth. The seed of the cultivated crop is sown in this container. For at least a month of growing seedlings, it has the ability to be fed by microdoses of hydrogen sulfide minerals in the shell. After a time, grown seedlings require transplantation. Gardeners use two options for landing in the ground. You can simply chop the container from the shell and transplant seedlings.

use of eggshell in the garden
Some prefer to transplant youngseedlings in place in the garden right in the eggshell. For the garden, this option is good because the roots themselves will destroy the shell, and she, being in the ground, will continue to feed the plant.

If tomatoes are sprouted, and they are planted insoil without shell, you can before planting seedlings in the hole pour a teaspoon of egg shell flour. This will help the planted plant to develop its resistance to a disease like rot, which occurs due to calcium imbalance in the soil. But you can not overdo it too. Everything is good in moderation!

Potted flowers and eggshell

Not only in the garden and in the garden using eggShells benefit vegetables, shrubs and trees. She found application in the cultivation of indoor flowers. It is used by growers as a drainage, laid out at the bottom of the pot with a layer of at least 2-3 cm. Thanks to it, the root ventilation is improved, stagnation of water in the tank is prevented, and as water is watered, the nutrients from the shell are transferred to the soil from which the plant receives them.

From it prepares an infusion for fertilizing flowers.There is no difficulty in its manufacture. On a three-liter jar of warm water is enough to use the shell of 4-5 eggs. The jar is not covered tightly, you can saucer or lid. Keep this jar in the shade.

how to use egg shells in the garden
3-4 days are enough to start the infusionSmell and dimmed. At this time, part of the necessary plant matter from the shell was transferred to the water infusion. About his readiness says the smell of hydrogen sulfide, formed in the process of swelling. That hydrogen sulfide is useful infusion. Its concentration is insignificant to cause harm, but there is a benefit, it accelerates the growth of plants.

When using this infusion significantlyless need chemical fertilizers. There is no smell after watering the plants. They need to be watered as needed, adding shells and adding water. Such plant nutrition is incomparable. All flowers grow like yeast. Especially love this watering Zamiokulkas and Dieffenbachia.

Florists use in the fight against aphids flour from egg shells, sprinkling it with insects.