/ / Tomato "Mystery of Nature": characteristic and description of the variety, reviews with photos

Tomato "Riddle of nature": characteristics and description of the variety, reviews from photos

Today there is a huge amount ofdifferent varieties of tomatoes, which differ in the type of growth, weight and color of fruits, resistance to diseases and other qualities. Breeders are constantly creating new varieties, forms and hybrids, designed for certain growing conditions. In this article, we propose to get acquainted with the tomato Mystery of Nature, the peculiarities of its cultivation and reviews of gardeners.

tomato riddle of nature variety description

Tomato Mystery of nature: characteristics and description of the variety

The variety was bred by breeders and patented inSiberia (Novosibirsk) in 2008. Since this region is characterized by a very changeable, capricious climate, tomato, the Riddle of Nature (described in this article), tolerates adverse weather conditions: frequent rains, summer drought, temperature changes, due to which successfully grown in any climate zone.

According to the degree of ripening, the variety is mid-ripening, the fruits ripen in 108-110 days.

A distinctive feature of tomatoes - high yield. So, from 1 square. m. you can collect more than 16-17 kg.

Despite the fact that the variety is resistant to various weather conditions, it should be grown in greenhouses or under film.

tomato riddle nature photo review

Tomato Mystery of nature: characteristics and description of the variety

A type


Height of a plant

up to 200 cm


slightly ribbed, flat-rounded, pink with yellow, weight up to 500 grams.




medium early, 105-115 days

Disease resistance

no evidence of sustainability

Main stem height

up to 2 m

Variety The riddle of nature is indeterminate, medium branchy, tall - the height of a bush can reach 2 meters (therefore a garter is necessary). Leaves are light green in color.

tomato riddle nature photo

Characteristics of fruits

Considering the theme "Tomato Riddle of Nature:characteristic and description of the variety ", let's dwell more on the fruits. The shape of the tomatoes is flat-round, the color is yellow, with a pink hat at the base. The skin is tender and thin. The fruits are large and heavy.The average weight of tomatoes is 300-500 grams, but experts say that gardeners managed to grow fruits that weighed more than 750 grams.

Like most pink tomatoes, tomatoThe riddle of nature, the characteristic of which is considered in this article, has a very sweet, sugary taste, but due to the low content of purine acids, it has dietary properties.

The variety has a salad destination.It is in its raw form that all tastes of fruits are best manifested. Also, tomatoes are used for making delicious sauces, pasta, juice, etc. Since the fruits are large enough in size, they cannot be preserved whole. The variety is very delicate, so you need to transport it over long distances carefully.

tomato mystery of nature characteristic and description of the variety

Planting and care

Planting seeds for seedlings is carried out in about55-60 days before landing on the garden bed (mid-March - mid-April). Before sowing, they must be disinfected in a solution of potassium permanganate. After this procedure, they can be planted in the soil.

After germination and then every 2 weeks, seedlings are recommended to be fertilized, because the variety loves feeding and growth stimulants.

Since tomato is the riddle of nature (photoattached) - a tall plant, on 1 square. m. can be placed no more than 3 bushes. As it grows, it is necessary to tie the main stem and the hands with the fruits, as the branches may break off under the weight of large fruits.

Watering tomato varieties should behold once or twice a week. Top dressings are also carried out with various mineral and organic fertilizers, treatments with drugs for pests and diseases, the stepchildren are removed from the shrubs as they appear, nipping inflorescences are made.

Since the fruits are very large and the skin is thin, it is advisable to use a knife or clippers when harvesting in order not to damage ripe tomatoes.

Diseases and pests

Tomato Mystery of Nature (characteristic and descriptionvarieties are described in this article) are prone to many diseases and suffer from various insect pests that can seriously harm the plant. Most often gardeners are faced with such diseases of tomatoes as:

  • late blight;
  • mold on the leaves;
  • fruit rot;
  • mosaic;
  • cracks in the fruit.

In addition to diseases, tomatoes are attacked.insect pests. The roots of plants are very fond of larvae of beetles and Medvedka, and the leaves - aphid, caterpillars and whitefly. To combat them use special drugs.

Late blight

With this plant disease, fruits and leavesacquire a brown color. The cause of the occurrence is a large temperature drop and excessive humidity. To cope with this ailment can help spraying bushes with copper-containing preparations, as well as the creation of more favorable conditions of existence.


The disease appears on the fruits and manifests itself inthe form of dark spots on the still immature tomatoes. The main causes of the disease is the lack of potassium and moisture. Regular watering and the use of fertilizer with nitrate will significantly improve the situation.

Leaf mold

The disease is manifested by the appearance of brown-brown spots, covered with gray bloom. Treatment of the bushes with a solution of copper oxychloride and the use of bacterial preparations can help cope with the disease.


This is a very unpleasant plant disease,a distinctive feature of which is the appearance of colored spots on the fruits and leaves. Unfortunately, the sick plant can not be helped. Affected bushes burn. As a preventive measure, the seeds are washed in a one percent solution of potassium permanganate.

Cracking fruit

The reason is abundant watering.With a large amount of water entering the stem and fruit, the delicate skin does not withstand much pressure and, as a result, cracks. Cope with the disease is easy, most importantly, in time to notice it.

Tomato Mystery of Nature: reviews, photos

Reviews gardeners about this variety is verycontradictory. Not everyone can get a good harvest. Also, some are unhappy that the bushes are large and occupy a lot of space in the greenhouse, and quite a bit of fruit is tied up. In addition, gardeners note that the variety is highly susceptible to various diseases and pests.

tomato mystery of nature characteristic

The taste of tomatoes is rated as good. According to reviews of gardeners, the plant is resistant to adverse weather conditions.