Industrial ecology

Environmental science is divided into industrial and natural ecology.

Industrial ecology is the science of a complex set of complex systems that include industrial enterprises, as well as other economic objects and all organisms living on a given territory.

Natural ecology is an independent science that studies how industry affects the biosphere, its evolution into the technosphere and further into the noosphere in the least painful way for man.

Modern civilization is actively building a consumer society. To meet their growing needs, people conduct economic activities, and its basis is production.

Different social systems are pursued by differentthe goals of its development, but whatever they were, between nature and man, between natural ecosystems and production, different kinds of contradictions inevitably arise. The industrial ecology deals with the solution of this conflict.

Its tasks include minimizing harm,industrial environment. And this is not so simple, after all, mankind takes from the environment many billions of tons of natural substances, such as ore and coal, gas and oil, building materials, water and food, oxygen and wood and much, much more.

The ecological situation on the planet is deterioratingmuch more rapidly than industrial ecology has time to deal with. But the most harmful effect is not in the selection of matter from ecosystems, but, on the contrary, in giving humanity back, polluting nature. In some parts of the world, this pollution reached a level that threatened the life of the creatures that gave birth to it, people. Poisoning the atmosphere, mankind also destroys forests, which are the "lungs" of the planet and restore the atmosphere itself. As a result, a vicious circle results, which can result in a reduction in the amount of oxygen to such a level that people will simply have nothing to breathe.

In addition, due to pollution, they are reducedpopulations of many species of flora and fauna or their complete extinction, the crop of crops decreases, fish productivity of reservoirs falls, health of people worsens.

Ecology and life safetyindividuals is under the same threat because of the criminal and irresponsible attitude of many leaders of states to their most important duties - to preserve and increase the nations they manage.

Before it's too late, you can still start gentlyrefers to nature and tougher to those people who destroy it. Each ecological system has its own threshold of resistance against various negative impacts, and their excess leads to a critical degradation of biogeocenosis and, ultimately, to the death of all living beings of the planet.

The negative influence of production is due toits irrational structure and technology imperfection, because from the whole volume of the substance that people extract from nature, only one and a half to two percent is converted to the final product, and the rest become household and industrial waste.

Industrial ecology tries to rationalizethe process of nature management, to breathe the mind into it. Ecology in the enterprise, in agrofirms should be put under the strictest control, the punishment for the destruction of natural resources should be adequate to the harm that is not only to the living people, but also to subsequent generations - up to the highest measure of social protection, only in this way we can protect its planet and civilization from self-destruction. Jokes with leaders who destroy nature must end. Fines and persuasions proved ineffective.