/ / How to open a travel agency

How to open a travel agency

How to open a travel agency?This question is increasingly being asked by people who want to have their own business and earn good money. The tourism industry is attractive to many. And small businesses, as a rule, bring an excellent income. So why not look for an answer to the question of how to open your travel agency?

First of all, you will have todetailed and competent business plan for all the rules. If you can not do it, then it's better to seek professional help. Just do not need to order a business plan on questionable sites on the network. In this case, there is no need to guarantee any quality. It is better to contact a firm with a proven track record.

The business plan always contains detailed informationon what are the possible risks and shortcomings of such activities, and also reports on the merits that speak in favor of the opening of such an agency. Let's go into more detail. The disadvantages can be safely attributed to the high competition. Yes, unfortunately, it's just huge. And to find your niche, you will have to do the impossible. To the risks specialists usually include the probability that one of the managers dismissed for some reason will take with them and their clients. And so that this does not happen, give maximum attention to solving issues related to the provision of normal working conditions for staff. And what are the advantages of such an undertaking? Of course, these are not too big investments. In addition, you will not need to buy or rent a large room. It will be enough and consisting of two rooms.

How to open a travel agency without a concept?Of course, this is impossible. You must decide what kind of activities you will be engaged in: exclusively travel agency (you are an intermediary who sells tickets to the end user, that is, a tourist) or, so to speak, tour operator (you provide the whole range of services to customers). These two cases are completely different. In the first you will need to find customers and sell them their services, for which you will then receive a commission. You will need to choose a specific tour operator and cooperate with it. Most likely, you will receive approximately 12 percent of the profits from each sold voucher. Therefore, the more people you are interested in, the higher your income will be. In the second case, you have to spend much more. The whole range of services includes the organization of transfers, food for tourists, obtaining visas, negotiations with hotels and hotels, excursion bureaus, various sanatoria, work with carriers and so on.

In order to decide how to open a travel agency, it is necessary in advanceKnow what range of services you offer customers. It can be various kinds of rest: extreme, cruises, treatment, children's tours, youth and others.

Before you start collecting all the documents,which you need to register a company, take the trouble to find an office space. Of course, the best option - that it was in a convenient place for both car owners and those who use public transport. Do at least a cosmetic repair. Your office should be presentable enough so that people believe that you are providing really good services.

Another nuance:except a landline phone, you need to have a firm and mobile numbers. And will there be a lot of relocation while expanding the business? And then you can lose the landline number. People who are interested in the answer to the question of how to open a travel agency often do not know whether such activities are subject to licensing. Fortunately for you - no. Because it will be enough just to register an emergency or an LLC.

In the state you will need to hire a courier, an accountant, a cleaner and several managers. And do not forget about the advertising campaign. On this expense item, saving is highly discouraged.

So, if you are worried about how to open a travel agency in Russia, then stop. In this country, in this field, too, really make progress. The wider the geography, the more chances and opportunities.